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The tour ends up being quite interesting, although I get the feeling that my tour guide ended up more confused by the end of it than I’ve ever seen another living being before. Why, I’m not sure. But who knows? Maybe all of my questions about the equipment people were wearing around us, the decorations on the buildings, the stalls, and, well, everything made him a little too spun around in his own head?

Either way, the tour doesn’t last for too long. Just about five or so hours. Which also makes me wonder why the tour guide looks so tired.

Putting that guy aside, the sun is beginning to go down, and the moon coming up. And for some reason, that makes me feel a little bit at ease.

When I asked if that was a common feeling, the tour guide just looked confused. So I’m guessing it’s not.

Maybe it has something to do with my avatar? Or Fenrir, who my avatar came from?

My forehead furrows slightly at that thought as we walk back to my dungeon.

It’s certainly possible that my avatar could be having affects on my actions. Whether that’s good or not is yet to be seen. But I could at least ask Dawn about it, since she’s been in who knows how many monster’s bodies by now.

Once we get close enough to my dungeon, I feel my connection to it growing stronger. Meanwhile, the Emperor Vampire appears out of nowhere again before bowing his head to me, completely ignoring the Human at my side.

“Welcome back, Dungeon Core Fenrir,” he says before raising his head again and continuing, “the ‘shipment’ has arrived.’

My eyes widen in pleasant surprise.

Now that’s good news.

The Human next to me looks surprised as well and mutters, “Shipment? Of what?”

Both the Vampire Emperor and I turn to stare at him, although the Vampire’s look is a lot less pleasant than my own. So the Human just coughs and says, “My apologies. I’ll leave you to your business.” Then leaves.

I watch him go for a few seconds before turning back to the Vampire and asking, “What’s yours and the Prince’s relationship to this city? if you don’t mind me asking.”

The Vampire looks surprised for a moment, only for it to vanish again within a second as he answers, “We made a deal with the City Lord in order to have an embassy placed within this city which will allow us legal access to your dungeon in order to maintain our trade for a prolonged period of time.”

Oh. So they aren’t sneaking in anymore, then?

That’s a little surprising.

I know at one point that Leon was made that the Vampires just kept ignoring the city and his land to enter my dungeon.

He even suspected them of Dawn’s thievery at one point. Only for him to have dropped that suspicion when he realized just how powerful they were compared to him.

Which makes me wonder if anyone will ever realize how many thefts Dawn has committed in this city?

I stare at my dungeon entrance for a few seconds.

Probably not. Pretty sure most of them don’t even know she exists.

“Thank you for answering,” I tell the Vampire Emperor, bowing my head slightly to show my respect to the being who can probably kill me with the flick of his finger but instead decides to pay his respects to me instead. “I’ll be reentering my dungeon now. Tell the messenger for me, if you would.”

He nods his head and vanishes, following which I walk up to the dungeon, ignoring the looks of the many people standing in line to enter my dungeon as I walk right past them and inside. Only to vanish just a step in and reappear in my core room a second later.

Dawn quickly appears by my side and just floats up onto the top of my head while glowing pink in her happiness as she shouts, “You’re back!!!”

“Yeah,” I respond, letting her roll around on my head for a few moments, briefly wondering how that works without my head being set on fire before I ask, “By the way, do you feel the bodies of the monsters you enter affecting your actions and thoughts any?”

Dawn doesn’t stop rolling around my head as she answers, “Yeah. The effects don’t last past that body though.”

My eyes widen slightly at that and I can’t help but tilt my head as if it were some sort of instinctual action, accidentally making her fall off in the process.

“Hey!” she shouts, but I can tell she’s not angry. So I ask, “Why do the monster’s bodies affect our actions and thoughts?”

Dawn doesn’t say anything for a few seconds before eventually going onto my back this time as she answers, “It’s because every living being has these things called instincts. And we tend to take those on when we ourselves take a physical form. Even if they can be annoying sometimes.”

Oh. Yeah, I guess that makes sense.

Anyways, I look through my dungeon for the carrier of my void orbs before finding them inside of my lab for some reason.

“So, do you know why the Vampire is in my lab?” I ask, my forehead once again furrowing in my confusion.

Dawn just stops moving for a second before continuing again as she answers, “Oh, that? They just wanted a private area away from the dungeon monsters.”

I blink in surprise at that.


I focus on the Vampire to find them seemingly cultivating in my lab.

Guess they started cultivating while they waited for me?

Either way, I teleport my avatar straight to my lab, immediately making the Vampire open his eyes before he smiles at the sight of me. And I can’t help but give a big wolfish grin – or at least I try to imitate one of those grins the intruders make as a wolf – at the sight of the void orb in his pocket. Or rather, the feeling of the void energy it’s giving off.


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I see howling at the void moon in his future. haha tftc