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                                         Year 820 | Month 3 | Day 22

“So it’s settled then?” I hear the leader of the visitors declare, making my focus lie solely on him. “Assuming we can clear the Fallen Island, we can settle there?”

King Valtar nods his head in agreement, and I can’t help but raise a brow at this final outcome.

From the history I learned a while back, the Fallen Island is one of the few islands in the world, and it is a place filled to the brim with miasma and undead. To the point that no one could ever clear it and settle there, unlike the other four or five known islands that are currently owned by royalty. And one random sacred beast.

Now, if it had one of the World Tree Ichor locations on it, then I’d be against this. But I already know it doesn’t. Because that spot is located in the Arctic Glaciers on the bottom of the continent, which happens to be full of ice drakes, frost salamanders, frigid bears, and other cold related monsters.

It’s also my next destination after this. Even if it’s just to get a look at it.

Because if I don’t have to deal with getting past the border into the invader controlled territory, then I would rather avoid it. Even if it does mean not going to the place I’m used to just yet.

Of course, I will be going back to the Dark Forest at some point in the future. After all, Thrix 2 is still there!

I watch as the king and the visitor leader both shake hands before a loud cheer rises from both armies on either side of us. Then the king simply waves his hand once, and the visitor leader raises his own but with his hand balled up in a fist.

Not so surprisingly, the visitor leader turns to me and bows before stating, “We hope to work with you in the future, Wrath.” Then he turns around and heads back to his army.

I turn to look at the king to find him already watching me with his familiar emotionless face, making me wonder if he will ask about my talk with Hephaestus. But all he ends up doing is nodding and saying, “Whatever you do, be back at my palace by the day before our departure.”

My eyebrows rise slightly, only for me to nod my head back without saying anything in response.

Then he begins to walk away. But he surprises me once more by pausing and glancing over his shoulder as he says with a single nod, “Wrath,” before turning around again and continuing.

I blink in surprise as I watch him walk away.

Seriously? Now he’s calling me Wrath too?

And to make matters worse, his sons both address me the same way before leaving.

After watching them walk away for several seconds, I let out a sigh and mutter to myself, “Maybe I should just change my hunter and adventurer titles to Wrath instead…” Then I follow after them.

Might as well go spend a night at his palace before I head out to check out the Arctic Glaciers. After all, I haven’t really spent much time in any place really considered comfortable for quite some time. And it will be a nice change of pace, even if only for a day.


                                          Year 820 | Month 3 | Day 23

After spending a nice, but also infuriating stay at the king’s palace, I immediately head towards the hunter’s hall situated at the capital city of Aulta. Because if the servants and even the soldiers at the hall are just going to call me Wrath, then what’s the point in having my title be Scarlet?

There might be some reason to keep it as such in Liathtria, considering that the invaders are still there, but there aren’t any invaders here. Not to mention that it’s rather obvious at this point who I am. There aren’t many people of my power that have red and black eyes after all.

Plus I have my mask.

I might keep my adventurer title Scarlet on Liathtria for a while though.

The process doesn’t even take very long to do. I just get in there, show them the badge that I was given when I became a hunter, and then request a change for my title.

In fact, the only annoying thing about it was having to take my mask off since she was having trouble linking me with my hunter badge somehow thanks to it. Which then set off a few hunters who recognized me from the battle and the negotiations with the visitors. But that didn’t last long either, since I was able to sneak out not long after she changed my title.

I let out a sigh as I walk through the large city streets of the capital city of Aulta, which also happens to be called Aulta.

Rather on the nose if you ask me, but no one ever did. So who cares.

That aside, the capital city is nowhere near as crowded as the capital of Liathtria. But at the same time, it’s much larger. Like, much, much larger.

Whereas Liathtria’s capital is somewhere around a few hundred kilometers in length, Aulta’s capital is around seven or so hundred kilometers in length. Just that the streets are much larger in Aulta’s capital, and the homes are too. In fact, I’m not sure where the poor district even is in this city. Or if it even has one, considering how difficult it is to move into this city in the first place if what I remember from my studies is correct.

I personally find it a waste of space just, but to each their own I guess. All of the jarls and grand jarls have a cabin somewhere in the city, and the majority of the city’s population is made up of hunters. Which is also why there were so many more hunters in that hunter’s hall than in the other halls I’ve been to.

My thoughts come to a halt as I find one of the princes talking to some rather large guy in front of what looks like a store.

Wonder what’s up over there?


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“Whereas Liathtria’s capital is somewhere around a few thousand kilometers in length, Aulta’s capital is around seven or so thousand kilometers in length.“ —— I may just be sleep deprived from reading this at 2 am, but that doesn’t sound right.