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Ranked and the Path of Nobility

For someone to progress on the Path of Nobility, they must absorb the natural elements of the world. The most common element they’ve absorbed in their life generally determines their elemental affinity later on, and they also affect which stats increase as they progress.

People automatically absorb the elements through simply breathing, but some people absorb it faster due to certain breathing techniques.
Others do it faster due to being in a location with larger quantities of the elements.

List of the ranks along the Path of Nobility

The bold words in the ranks’ descriptions are the benefits granted to someone for reaching that rank.

Monarch | Lord of Chaos | Elemental Ruler | There can only be one of each in existence, and it’s the strongest Prince that surpasses a certain level of strength in the plane they were born into. And being one grants an aura to them that can suppress the auras and domains of others of their own plane regardless of strength and grants them an additional 10% to all of their physical and magical capabilities.
The level of strength needed at minimum to become one is a stat total of 25000.

Princes/Princesses | A Low-Prince would have a minimum total of 5000 between PHYS and MAGIC combined. A Mid-Prince would have a minimum total of 7500 between PHYS and MAGIC combined. And a High-Prince would have a minimum total of 10000 between PHYS and MAGIC combined. Becoming a Prince grants the individual a domain that they can expand through their MAGIC stats. This domain will warp the laws within it depending on the Domain manifested by the individual.

Dukes/Duchesses | A Duke would have a minimum total of 4000 between PHYS and MAGIC combined. Becoming a Duke grants the individual the ability to strengthen their soul’s defenses and attack other people’s souls.

Marquis/Marquess | A Marquis would have a minimum total of 3000 between PHYS and MAGIC combined. Becoming a Marquis grants the individual a soul weapon that they can call out from within their soul. The weapon is entirely based on the individual.

Count/Countess | A Count would have a minimum total of 2000 between PHYS and MAGIC combined. Becoming a Count grants the individual the ability to enter their soul and to bring other objects into it to use as a storage space.

Noble | A Noble would have a minimum total of 1000 between PHYS and MAGIC combined. Becoming a Noble grants the individual an affinity that allows them to see one specific element and giving them a small boost in learning how to control and use it compared to the others that they can’t see, letting them learn to use magic.

Knight | A Knight would have a minimum total of 100 between the two. Becoming a Knight grants the individual an aura that can be used as a sort of sixth sense and to suppress other individuals.

System Statistics

All of the stats in the story are in comparison with the average stats for a direwolf.
This means that a stat of 3 in STR means that they are 3 times as strong as the average direwolf.

DEX stands for dexterity, and it is the measure of one’s speed, maneuverability, and overall agility.
STR stands for strength, and it is the measure of how much physical force one is able to apply.
CON stands for constitution, and it is the measure of how much damage one’s body can take without dying or getting injured, along with the measure of how fast one will heal when damaged.

PHYS stands for one’s physical capabilities, and it is the sum of all of the previously mentioned stats.

CTR stands for control, and it is the measure of one’s control over one’s magic, including the speed and efficiency that one can manipulate one’s magic.
PWR stands for power, and it is the measure of how powerful one’s magic is in both total possible output at once, and quality.
CAP stands for capacity, and it is the measure of how much magic power one can hold in one’s body at one time.

MAGIC stands for one’s magical capabilities, and it is the sum of all of the previously mentioned stats below the PHYS stat.


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