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Hello everyone! Chapters for other stories besides Winter Wolf will start up again on Monday, whereas today is a single chapter day for Winter Wolf. At the same time, Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday will be daily chapters for Winter Wolf, along with one chapter for one of the other stories each day.

After that I'll be taking a short hiatus from Winter Wolf to edit book 4. But the other stories will all still be getting chapters in that time. Just that instead of writing for Winter Wolf, I'll be editing.

And up last is the stories exclusively on my Patreon. I've mentioned this before, but unless one of these stories just does really well on Royal Road, then I will not be keeping up a regular upload schedule for them. They will only be updated whenever I feel like it.

It's likely that the first of them will be moving over to Royal Road soon enough. One that many of you are possibly familiar with.

The Wolf of Calamity. A monster evolution LitRPG.



Talroth seems like he was expecting that question as he quickly answers it, “Harbingers are merely beings who were blessed by one of the progenitors. Their bodies adapted to the element of the progenitor while also given control of that progenitor’s true element.”

My eyes widen at that.

“So, the reason I’m a harbinger is because…” I pause here, too stunned to finish before Talroth finishes for me. “It’s because the Progenitor of Ice, Fenrir, blessed you the moment he found you thanks to the System.”

“The System?” I ask, putting aside the matter of the progenitor’s name being that of a bringer of Ragnarök from Norse mythology back on Earth.

“Yes,” Talroth nods his head. “His excellency allows all of the progenitors to see his universe and bless anyone within it. But most other universes don’t allow this. So when your galaxy became a part of his universe, you were quickly noticed by the esteemed Fenrir and blessed with the power of his eternal ice.”


I stare at the devourer as the discovery sets in before looking down at my hand and sensing the voided eternal ice running through my body.

Actually, now that I think about it, how does Fenrir feel about seeing me mixing his element with the void? Because that’s a rather scary thought.

That aside…

I raise my head again to ask, “You mentioned the progenitors’ true elements? I’m guessing it’s the variant element that harbingers get?”

The devourer nods his head and says, “Correct. Every progenitor has control of a true version of their element alongside of their element, and only they and the ones they bless can create and use that true version.”

Which means that The Reaper has his own as well. But what sort of true element would there be for the void?

Just the thought of that already incredibly dangerous element taking on some sort of effect like my eternal ice sends a shiver down my spine.

Then there’s Fenrir. The one that apparently blessed me, and is likely the only reason I’m still alive to this day.

I can’t help but feel like I owe him. Especially because I technically was given a choice to take the blessing or not. Considering the System class selection at the start of the Initialization.

At the same time though, I didn’t realize that I was accepting someone else’s help at the time. So do I really owe him a favor?

The thought has me frowning.

Oh, wait. I almost forgot.

I glance down at the invisible amulet on my chest before asking, “What about this?”

When I look up again, I find Talroth staring at it for a few seconds only to answer, “I don’t know.”

I blink in surprise.

“You don’t?” Diane asks for me.

The devourer nods his head with an actual look of regret on his face without taking his eyes off of the invisible amulet. “All I know is that it is a gift from his excellency, Lord Fenrir.”

That’s… annoying.

Also, I can’t help but notice that Talroth is being incredibly respectful towards the ice progenitor. Which is practically the opposite of how he treats the radiance progenitor.

“Have you ever met Fenrir?” I ask while focusing on the amulet on my chest.

“Yes, I have,” he answers, making me raise my head to look at him again. “The progenitor of ice is the most neutral amongst all of the progenitors, and often plays the role of a middle party. He sometimes acts alone, and sometimes as a messenger of sorts for the council. His excellency has my full respect as one of the few progenitors to stay out of the affairs of other progenitors unless it’s necessary for him to interfere.”

Neutral? Huh. That kind of reminds me of myself.

“As you might guess, a lot of the progenitors pick their harbinger or harbingers based off of two things.” Talroth continues, briefly glancing at Diane and then Sapphire as he speaks. “Affinity for their element, and personality.”

“Affinity?” I ask, understanding the term from video games but not having ever heard it in the System before.

The devourer nods before explaining, “Yes. A person’s affinity is what determines the element or elements that they are best able to work with.” He then waves his hand, making a rift to the void appear. “Affinity is what the System uses to determine what element someone will control with their soul-bound ability, if any, at the time of their initialization. It’s also what determines a person’s class.”

“Now, I believe I’ve explained enough for today,” he continues before giving me a nod of respect, “your highness,” and leaving through the rift without another word.

Diane, Sapphire, and I all stare at the spot where the rift was for several seconds without saying a word.

So… I guess it really wasn’t just some random luck or something like that that made me a harbinger after all. It was my affinity and personality, along with Fenrir choosing me?

I can’t help but wonder what that amulet does though. Just what is it?

Also, does that mean that I heard Fenrir’s voice after putting it on?

Considering the fact that he blessed me, I doubt the amulet is anything bad. Unless the progenitor of ice suddenly had a change of heart that is.

The memory of what the System mentioned before, about The Reaper possibly blessing me as a favor if I won comes to mind.

Is that even possible? Could I actually get blessed by more than one progenitor at once?

I kind of wish that I’d asked Talroth that before he left, but at the same time, I don’t know how Fenrir would feel if I did ask for that. After all, he’s apparently some godlike being, so I probably shouldn’t piss him off. Especially considering that he’s my benefactor in a way.

Actually, come to think of it…

“Diane, do you know how many ice harbingers there are in the universe?” I ask out of curiosity, breaking the silence between the three of us.

Diane looks surprised for a moment, but it doesn’t last long before she answers, “Just you.”

I blink in surprise. “Really?”

She nods her head in confirmation.


“It’s entirely possible that there could be more in this Ice Progenitor’s universe,” she adds almost as if as an afterthought.

Well, that’s true. It’s still surprising though to find that I’m the only one in this universe.


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