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                                                        Beta Stream

Mikaela stays silent as the millions of people spread out across the massive bleachers of the Beta Stream talk amongst themselves, raising the volume more and more as time goes on. The viewing room itself is different from all of the other viewing rooms, as this one is pitch black with the only lights being the ones coming from the massive stadium, which stands tall with a black and red color scheme.

The vampire looks around before glancing at the massive block floating several hundred meters above the ground, with the livestream of the Beta Dungeon showing on each side of the block.

On the screen, Wolf can be seen quietly searching through a bathroom. Yet despite the absolute silence that reigns in the beta dungeon itself, adding to its creepy factor, eerie music plays out in the Beta Stream.

‘Why am I even here?’ Mikaela thinks to himself as he floats several meters above the ground next to the screens. He then looks up to find one of the void creatures casually floating through the sky high above the stadium, just keeping an eye on everyone and observing. Not actually doing anything other than that.


                                                       Not too long ago

‘What the hell just happened…’ Mikaela thinks to himself as he stares at the spot that The Reaper had just vanished from, along with Titania.

Not too long after they vanished, the billions of viewers within the viewing room begin to panic. Screams echo throughout the room, mixed with shouts of anger, rage, regret, and pretty much every emotion across the board. Then people begin to leave the viewing rooms to check on the outside world and everyone currently not in the viewing room.

The vampire floats in place for several minutes out of shock before eventually focusing on the screen and trying to change it from a black screen to show The Winter Wolf. But nothing changes on the screen, leaving it as pitch black. Meanwhile Mikaela gets a message telling him that the Beta Stream is the only place that can stream the Beta Dungeon as it is located within the void, unlike the Administrator Dungeon.

“The void?” Mikaela mutters with a frown. ‘This could lead to problems with Arcadian Live.’

He continues staring at the black screen for a few more minutes, only for a rift to the void to open up right next to him, startling him for a moment before a void creature – one of the ones that had come with The Reaper earlier – passes through the void. It then grabs Mikaela by the neck and pulls him into the void.

Mikaela’s eyes widen in shock during the process and he reaches up to grapple at the hand holding him by the neck, but nothing he does manages to faze the void creature. And soon enough he finds himself being pulled into a place that’s completely pitch black with the lone exception being the enormous stadium with a large block screen high above the stadium.

The void creature looks around the place for a few seconds before raising Mikaela so that their faces are just a couple of feet apart. The creature has black draconic wings, with equally black eyes and a thin layer of black scales coating its body without a shred of clothing. And despite it holding him by the neck, it doesn’t appear to show even a single ounce of emotion.

“You have been selected to be the host for the Beta Stream, vampire,” the void creature says in a sinister tone of voice that sends shivers down the vampire’s spine. “Rejoice.”

The emotionless tone of voice the void creature uses when saying the last word only makes Mikaela feel even more afraid as he identifies the void creature, just to not get any response from the System.

A dinging sound echoes in Mikaela’s head, following which a notification appears in his interface.

System Message
You have been given Beta Host status.
You now have permission to change small parts of the setup for the Beta Stream.
You now gain a small portion of the SP profits earned by the Beta Stream.
You now have permission to hire secondary hosts for the Beta Stream.

Mikaela’s eyes widen even further as he reads through the notification. But his gaze is quickly refocused on the void creature as it says, “You will not be required to join the war effort. Good luck,” and tosses the vampire aside before vanishing into another rift.

Several minutes pass in absolute silence before the vampire shouts, “What the fuck just happened?!”

No one responds to his shout.


                                                           Beta Stream

‘It’s only been a few hours and there are already a few million people in here,’ Mikaela thinks to himself with a frown. ‘And that’s after the fact that most people are probably dealing with the aftermath of The Reaper’s declaration…’

The vampire stares at the stream for several seconds in silence before muttering, “What’s with the music anyways?”

Out of nowhere, a voice echoes in his head – one very familiar to him as the voice of the void creature who had tossed him in here before vanishing and then reappearing not too long ago, ‘We have learned that it adds to the suspense in certain situations for the dungeon stream. But the music is not heard within the dungeon itself so as to not mess up his highness’s focus.’

Mikaela’s eyes widen once again, and he focuses on the void creature high in the sky. But despite answering his question, the void creature doesn’t bother to look at the vampire. Instead, simply scanning over the people in the Beta Stream viewing room.

‘His highness?!’ Mikaela thinks in shock. ‘Do the void creatures really consider The Winter Wolf as void royalty?!’

The voice returns once again as the void creature reads his thoughts, ‘Yes. All reapers are considered royalty. But that doesn’t change how they’re treated, because The Reaper doesn’t wish for that.’

After answering him again void creature simply turns to look at Mikaela and says out loud, his voice sending shivers down the spines of any viewer capable of hearing him from several hundred meters away, “Shouldn’t you be commentating?”

So Mikaela immediately begins commentating over the live stream.


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Highness's => Highness' TY for the chapter.


enormous stadium with a large block screen high above the stadium. /// Block = Black


Nope. It's meant to be block screen. Since the screen is in the shape of a massive block.