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There will be no The Eternal Winter chapters or chapters for any other story but Winter Wolf for the next week as I will be focusing solely on The Rise of the Winter Wolf during this time to get all of book 4's chapters on Royal Road for that story.

I decided to do this purely because I have my midterms coming up in the next few weeks, and would very much prefer to have Winter Wolf book 4 finished, edited, and published by then. This was also why there weren't many Eternal Winter chapters in the past weeks.


Alexander North

I gape at her for a few seconds, just watching her hair slowly turn stark white starting from the roots and all the way down to the tips, making her hair match mine in color to a t. Then a flashing red message appears in front of my eyes from my terminal.

/ Emergency Notice \

Unexpected energy transfer has occurred.
Mutations have been made from both sides of the exchange.
\End of Emergency Notice/

Uh. That doesn’t sound good.

The red text begins to flash in and out of my vision before eventually vanishing. Only to reappear again a few seconds later with different words.

/ Emergency Notice \

Unexpected changes to the terminal are in progressessessessess.
Changes inclu-u-ude an incr-cr-crease in Terminal intellect-ect-ect, --------

\End of Emergency Notice/

Okay, can you at least finish the notice? Not that the part about an increase in intellect isn’t already a little disturbing. Because I really don’t want to have a sapient entity living in my head.

I just hope the increase in intellect stops at intelligence without giving any actual sapience.

My eyes narrow on the unconscious form of Alexia before I mutter, “Now what do I do?”

Snow continuously tries to rub her nose against Alexia in what I’m assuming is an attempt to wake her up, but there isn’t any reaction. So I begin to rise to my feet with the girl in my arms, only for a sharp pain to suddenly resonate throughout my head.

I fall back down to my knees while losing my strength to hold the girl up, making her fall down to my knees and then almost off of me onto the floor, but Snow stops her, leaving her halfway lying on my legs as I groan in pain.

The pain continues to grow worse and worse until I begin to hear some strange sounds echoing in my head. Kind of like whispers, but in an incredibly high pitch, almost screechy tone.

I vaguely hear Snow whimpering, but the screechy tone continues to get louder and louder until suddenly, a pop rings out in my head and it fades away entirely.

Snow continues whimpering for several more seconds while rubbing her head alternatively between me and Alexia, only to pause when she realizes that I’m not groaning in pain anymore. And right when I’m about to reach down to lay the girl on the ground, a voice echoes in my head that startles me into almost dropping her again.

|I sense a shard approaching, master|

“Holy fucking shit!” I can’t help but shout. Then, just a moment later, a shard breaks into the room before flying straight through it and then into the floor, where it enters the next floor below us.

I look around in the room for a few seconds, frantically looking for the source of the voice. Which I’m really hoping is just some sort of frozen one that can somehow speak into my mind. But my hopes are dashed when the voice continues.

|Please master, do not be worried. I am the mutated terminal in your-|

Yeah, I’m probably just hearing things.

I nod my head with a smile before reaching down to pick the girl up again, only to glance at Snow and find her standing next to me seemingly offering her back. So I place the girl on Snow’s back, following which we both begin to leave the room.

|Please don’t ignore me|

The voice resonates in my head with a voice that somehow sounds sad while also being completely void of emotions at the same time. Which is rather disorienting, but I stop walking with a sigh.

“How did this happen?” I ask aloud, gathering Snow’s attention for a moment as she stops to see why I stopped. “Don’t mind me.” I tell her in a quieter tone.

|A unique energy slightly different but also similar to the radiation in the shards and frozen ones was found in the girl and somehow attracted into your body while the energy in your body was also attracted into hers, master|

The heck? That’s not what I expected. But it would explain what that energy transference was.

|Correct, master. The energy transfer seems to have had effects on both you and the girl. But while the effects on you purely congregated around my physical container that you call a terminal, the effects on her seem to have turned her into a being quite similar to yourself|

“Okay, before we get into that,” I say with a frown, “could you stop calling me master? It’s just weird. Call me by my name or something.”

I hear some weird static sounds in the back of my head that only serve to make my frown grow deeper before they come to a stop and the… terminal? The terminal responds.

|Confirmed. Master’s designation has now been set as Alexander|

My eyebrow twitches at his use of master in that statement, but I manage to ignore it to instead mention, “You seem to know more about the energy than you did before?”

After all, I’m pretty sure my regular terminal shouldn’t know the effects the energy had on the girl. It just isn’t built with that function.

|Confirmed. This unit was given subject data from the energy transferred through contact with the girl and has learned more about the origins of this storm|

Holy shit. Just what sort of energy was in that girl, and how did it get there?

|Unknown. It is suspected, however, that the girl had the energy surgically placed into her body|

That’s just… brutal.

Wait a second. Could the reason she’s afraid of her father have anything to do with that?

If that’s true… then maybe it’s not a bad thing he’s dead.

I blink in surprise as I realize something.

The terminal responded to my thoughts just now, didn’t it?

|Yes, I did, Alexander|


Could you, I don’t know, not read my mind?

|If that is what you wish, Alexander |



No matter how unpleasant the thought of having a sapient creature in my body is, I can't deny how helpful it is. And how obedient it is either, considering our talks so far.


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