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Hello! Tomorrow's chapters are canceled on account of my wrist being in quite a bit of pain. So I'm taking the day off of writing. Meanwhile - as I've stated before in my discord channel - I do not write chapters on Thursdays anymore due to my classes being extra heavy on Thursdays.

Hopefully my wrist will be better by Friday. If you want to see my upload schedule, it's in my discord channel as always.


                                                  Outside of the System
Almost a week later

“What did you wish to talk about?” the Abyssal Ruler asks with a frown as he watches the undead lumber around the graveyard. Unlike his previous trips here, he is alone with only the undead and the Sovereign of the Devil Clans.

“There’s been a problem,” the goat-headed man answers, his eyes drilling into the Ruler’s back. “My diviner has found someone following us, but as soon as we spotted it, the detection faded away as if it weren’t there.”

The Ruler turns to look at the devil lord, his eyes narrowing before he shakes his head and says, “Looks like the wolf mutt and her walking corpse might have more capabilities than we were expecting. But it doesn’t matter.” He then turns around again and looks up at the moon high above and adds, “The plan’s already in motion, so there isn’t anything they can do to stop us.”

Dafid narrows his eyes on the demon before sighing and snapping his fingers, leaving only one sentence behind as he vanishes in a portal.

“Make sure you don’t drown in your own arrogance.”


          On the same planet as the two Administrators, except in the void realm

A void creature with pitch black eyes, black scales, and two draconic wings grins as he hears the devil lord’s last words to the Ruler before the devil disappears through a portal. He then snaps its fingers, causing a rift to appear in the void, following which several weaker void creatures leave and begin prostrating to it.

“Follow the devil,” the creature orders with a sinister voice that sends chills down the spines of the void creatures in front of him that have spines. They all immediately open different void rifts and begin following after the devil. But right when the last one is about to pass through the rift, the void creature subservient to The Reaper says, “And make sure to find that diviner. I would like to know what sort of mortal could discover my presence in the void when it wasn’t concealed.”

The creature bows its large head towards him before continuing through the rift.

Several seconds pass in silence as the draconic void creature watches the Ruler in silence before he opens a System screen in front of him showing Wolf as he carefully enters the 189thfloor.

“Continue spreading your wings, little one,” the creature eventually mutters into the silence of the void, “because you’ll need to be stronger to face the beta.”



“Sapphire, you’re staying with me on this floor,” I tell her in a stern voice as I carefully look around the area, ignoring the lighting striking the ground. After not finding any signs of any powerful monsters, I close my eyes and focus entirely on my life senses which span further than my eyes can see. But even then, I don’t manage to find the creature.

So I look at the Dungeon Map, just to find it lacking the creature as well.

“There should be an event boss somewhere on this floor, but I don’t see anything yet,” I quietly remind Sapphire after she enters my shadow in case she forgot before sprinting forward while saying, “we should rush to find an exit. I would rather not find the event boss.”

Every other event boss that we’ve fought has been a difficult battle that either of us could’ve or have died in. And the idea of going through another one of those battles for no reason, considering that the reward might end up being a skill that I can’t even get, is not a pleasant one.

I can’t help but scowl at the thought of Sapphire getting killed again.

Never again will I let that happen.

I continue flapping my wings and flying as quickly as I can through the floor, avoiding lightning bolt after lightning bolt until I eventually happen upon a large nest. And in the center of the nest is an equally large bird with azure feathers and bolts of lightning running between the feathers.

After identifying it, I let out a sigh of relief. Then I check my map again for any symbol marking the event boss’s location but fail to find any once again.

The moment I get close enough to the mini boss for it to notice me, I elemental shift into a large flurry of ice and snow, spreading out to envelop the entire nest. This action confuses the mini boss instantly, and it begins to look around in confusion – likely searching for me. But since I’m elemental shifted, it can’t sense me. So it’s just left confused instead, despite its higher level.

After disorienting the creature, I send spears of voided eternal ice at it from all angles, to which the majority of them hit, with only a few of them being knocked away by bolts of lightning. I then control the spears in its body to change form and envelop its wings in ice, freezing them to the ground in the process and immobilizing it.

The thunder bird – which happens to be its name – lets out a squawk of pain and shock, but I ignore it to instead reform myself high above the creature where I shift into my hunter form again with a grin.

Looks like I won’t have to worry about the event boss. Although I feel a little bit of pity for whoever reaches this floor after me, considering that it’ll be their first event boss as I’ve dealt with all of them before now alone. Except for the werewolf, which I dealt with alongside Crystal.

The creature down below me raises its head and begins to generate a ball of lighting in front of its mouth, but I just click my tongue at that and fall straight down with my hands held above my head together before bringing them both down straight into the ball of lightning while coated in ice. This slams the ball into the bird’s beak, following which I shatter the creature’s skull with my fists.

And without missing a beat, I flap my wings to get up into the air before turning to the chest, opening it and grabbing whatever’s inside without bothering to check what it is, and then rushing to the exit. I only allow myself to let out my breath after touching the door and ending up on the 190th floor.


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