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                                             Year 820 | Month 3 | Day 22

The first thing I see when I wake up is a rather luxurious room yet also barren room. One fitting the style of the Aultan nobility to a t.

There are various animal heads hung on the walls, with an array of wooden furniture, mostly made out of a darker, polished wood. And the bed I’m lying in is rather large, but despite that looks a little small when compared to the large, open room around it. It has what feels like fur blankets on it, along with a large array of pillows under my head and around it.


Memories of what happened at the end of the fight flash through my mind and I jerk to a sitting position, only to find myself in a night gown, with all of my equipment neatly piled up on a dresser at the foot of my bed.

I quickly get off of the bed before moving over to the window at the side of the room and looking out at the decently sized courtyard in front of what I’m assuming is an Aultan manor. There is a small fountain without any water running, and whose water that’s currently in it is frozen, along with several large-built people walking around in leather armor. And that sight alone makes me feel a bit better, since I doubt that the invaders – if they had captured me – would be having me in a luxurious room like this with Aultan guards stationed around the building.

My attention is quickly stolen by the sound of the door opening, making me turn to find a maid walking into the room. But she quickly stops once she notices the bed empty. The woman seems to be somewhere in her mid to late twenties and has long brown hair held in a braid. She’s wearing a simple maid outfit with black and white colors, the colors of the Kingdom of Aulta, and has gray eyes.

I quirk an eyebrow at the sight of her panicking for a moment before she calms down again when she sees me next to the window.

“Your highness,” she says with a curtsy, not even batting an eye at the sight of my eyes, or even my fangs which I just noticed are currently extended. “I’m glad to see you’ve woken up.”

I retract my fangs before nodding my head and asking with a frown, “Where am I?”

The maid walks over to my bed and begins making it while answering, “You were taken to the King’s manor in the capital after you defeated the Guardian four days ago and have been asleep ever since.” Once she finishes making the bed, she looks up and meets my gaze as she says, “Thanks to your help, we’ve pushed the invaders out of Midgard from Aulta.” She pauses here and bows rather low. “So thank you. From everyone in the Aultan Kingdom.”

My eyes widen slightly in surprise at the sincerity in her voice.

That’s right. I defeated a Guardian, even if he was drastically limited in power while on this plane.

I can’t help but chuckle at the memory of the guy’s absolute arrogance when facing me. Because it makes me wonder just how embarrassed he’s feeling right now.

The maid looks up to find me holding my mouth and chuckling. She then furrows her brows and asks, “My apologies, your highness. Did I say something amusing?”

“No,” I tell her moving my hand away and walking over to my stuff at the edge of the bed. “I was just thinking about how that Guardian must feel right now having been beaten by a Tier 3 local from Midgard.”

The maid – whose face has been stern since the moment she walked in, with the exception of her minor panic earlier – almost lets her façade break but barely manages to retain her polite smile as she curtsies again and says, “In that case, then let me congratulate you on your victory.” She raises from her curtsy again while pulling out a bell and placing it on the dresser next to my equipment. “I will make my leave now. If you need something, then feel free to call me by ringing this bell.”

I nod my head and answer, “Very well,” before watching her leave the room, closing the door behind her in the process.

It’s been a while since I last had a maid serving me. Not since before this whole System thing began.

I stare at the door for a few seconds before grabbing my equipment and changing into it, which takes a few minutes due to the armor. But after I get everything on, I finish by hooking my new mask on a hook on my hip. Simply because everyone here already knows who I am.


I grab my mask again and put it on before focusing on it and thinking about it not concealing my identity.

It would be useful if I could turn that effect off and on whenever I want.

Whether it works or not isn’t something I can tell right now, but it’ll become apparent rather quickly when I get out of this room.

That aside for now, it looks like none of my items were stolen. Not that I thought they would steal from someone who’s done them a major favor, much less who happens to be a princess, but it doesn’t hurt to be careful.

I place the nightgown on the dresser, trying not to think about whoever it was that changed my clothes as I walk over to the window and cross my arms while looking out at the soldiers standing guard. And at the men who are currently riding down a road towards them, one of which I recognize as the king.

This place really is foreign to me. No castles, no walls, not even any gates. Just this mansion in the middle of some sort of large forest surrounded by high walls.

I send my aura out to feel everything nearby for a few seconds before feeling the king turning his attention towards me, just like he did at the fortress before.

Guess he knows I’m awake now.


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