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I start with Diane’s item, walking over to it and then quickly reading the description of it that appears above the ring.

Tier 8 Ring of Storage:
This ring grants the user a subspace spanning five cubic kilometers in size that can hold anything, both biological and non-biological, living and non-living.
Note: This ring will adjust itself to fit the wearer.

A… storage ring? That’s not what I was expecting.

Although the fact that it can store living creatures does catch my interest. Because wouldn’t that mean that I’d be able to make a house or something in the ring and live there?

I purse my lips for a second before taking off one of the useless rings I had to make room for this one.

Unexpected, but still useful. Not so useful for my current situation though.

Moving on, I walk up to the next item, which is also a ring. And this one is actually a defensive ring.

Tier 8 Miasma Block:
This ring grants the user a passive and an active effect.
The passive effect gives the user a 10% immunity to miasma.
The active effect can only be activated once a month and will protect the user from any Tier 8 or below miasma skill once.

Interesting. Although that would’ve been more helpful on the haunted floor theme rather than a dark magic focused one.

I close out of the menu and walk up to the next one while swapping out a crappy ring with this new one, just like I did with Diane’s. Which looks rather cool if I’m being honest.

Titania’s sword sponsorship has a pale blue blade that honestly seems to be glowing with a shade similar to my own eyes, with a slightly darker blue handle topped with a wolf’s head on the hilt and a werewolf engraving on the handle. It has a rather pointed cross guard which looks kind of like two scales stacked on top of each other pointed in two different directions. And the last thing that stands out about the sword is a snaking line of pale blue energy glowing with a very faint golden glow mixed in. One similar to the radiance element I saw before.

My mouth drops open the moment I see the description of the item. A description whose text is in golden font.

Tier 10 Sword of the Blue Moon:
This sword grants the wielder the passive effect Blue Moon Armaments when equipped.
This sword can only be equipped for ten minutes every week.
System’s Favor: asdv;alsndvoaish;efawepofnaso
Warning. Item created through Radiance and not of the System.

Holy fucking shit. Did the fae just give me a god tier item?!

And a personalized one at that! If the name and passive effect are anything to go by!

Although that note about it not being a part of the System… and the fact that I can’t see any details about it. So I don’t know if it has some sort of trap or anything.

But at the same time… do I have a choice? I can’t kill that hydra without something to help me, and a Tier 10 item would probably be enough…

I shake my head and put the sword into my inventory for now.

If none of the other sponsored items can help me, then I’ll use it. But for now, I’ll just put it in my inventory.

I close out of the cool looking golden menu and make my way to the next item, which is another ring.

This one I feel a touch apprehensive about. After all, it’s from that vampire. So…

My opinion takes a one eighty after I see the ring’s description.

Tier 8 Ring of White Oak:
This ring was forged from the ancient white oak tree found on the origin planet of the vampire virus. It will grant every attack made by the wearer elements of the white oak ash.
The elements of the white oak ash will increase damage done to a vampire by 50%.
System’s Favor: This ring was tampered with and will not work if used on the vampire known as Alastaraic Heath.

A vampire slaying ring? Now that might come in handy someday.

I put it in my new storage ring – which I feel I should start using instead of my inventory purely due to the fact that who knows if I’ll always have access to my inventory – before moving on to the last item on the counter. Which is the headphones.

Despite wanting to buy better headphones before, I never actually got around to it. Mostly due to my supply of System Points dwindling thanks to the System changing how many we get. So really anything Tier 8 or higher would be an improvement on my current headphones.

And as I thought, the moment I see the headphones’ description, a smile brightens my face.

Tier 8 Arcadian ECHO V2:
This pair of headphones is unbreakable by anyone below level 10000, and magically locks itself onto the head of the wearer until the wearer or someone above level 5000 removes them. They will also adjust to fit the wearer’s head comfortably no matter the form.
It has five functions including soundproof, call, hold, read, and mental block.
The soundproof function allows the wearer to adjust the headphones to allow only an adjustable level of sound to pass through to the wearer.
The call function allows the wearer to link a System Call to the headphones. This makes it so that all of the noise from the call will go through the headphones for only the wearer to hear. It also allows the wearer to adjust the volume of the call however they would like.
The hold function allows the wearer to set a System Call on hold and accept a second one at the same time.
The read function allows the wearer to read the mind of a single being once for one minute every month.
The mental block function is a passive function that grants the wearer a small mental attack resistance.

The instant I see the mental block function on the new headphones I take off my current ones, wincing slightly at the new sounds before putting the new one on and raising the soundproof setting to 90% while putting my old pair in my new storage ring.

That mental attack from before was a major problem, so mental attack resistance is probably even more important than fire resistance at this point. Maybe.

Not more important than sound resistance though, and this’ll also help against that. Since the durability has increased from not being breakable by anything below level 2500 to not being breakable by anything under level 10000. Which is a large increase for just a single Tier difference.

Anyways, seeing as I didn’t get anything that might help me fight the hydra outside of the sword…

Right as I’m beginning to teleport back to the floor, I draw the sword out of my inventory. Then – right when I appear on the pitch black floor with the hydra looking around in confusion – a bright pale blue and golden glow begins radiating out of both me and the sword.

My eyes widen in awe before a menu appears in front of me with the description of the effect.

Holy shit.


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