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                                                                               Year 820 | Month 3 | Day 18

Whatever I am, my neck seems to be rather long, since I can turn it around to look at my body. And after doing just that, I end up seeing that I’m now some sort of enormous lizard.

The first thing that comes to mind is a dragon, which is the strongest of the sacred beasts. One who has a very different role than the other sacred beasts acting as a direct guardian for Yggdrasil, and who can’t speak. But since I don’t have wings, that possibility is out. Unless I’m a wingless dragon?

Either way, I’m larger than the damned hill I was standing on before now, and I have pitch black scales with hints of a crimson glow leaking out beneath them. Which looks rather intimidating, especially with my size added in.

Anyways, I turn my focus back to the note at the center of my vision.

Due to your use of the skill The Calling of Wrath’s first effect, the following changes have been made to your status:
All stats while transformed will be doubled.
All attacks will disturb the Wrath energy within whatever is hit, causing it to run rampant in their body, sending very minimal amounts of true damage to various parts of them.
The Temporary Skill ‘Call of Wrath’ has been given to you to use once. This skill will release all of the Wrath built up within your body at once in a single breath attack. However, the longer you have been in beast form, the weaker the breath attack will be.
These changes will last either till one hour has passed, or you use the Call of Wrath skill.
Note: Whether you use the skill or not, it will vanish once you revert back.

I mentally clear out the note before stepping forward in the direction of the army of golems, who are all staring at me. The golems each have wooden bodies, with an equally wooden core glowing with a bright gold light.

In all honesty, they look just like wooden humans. Except without any gender or clothing. Or facial expressions. Which is creepy.

Generally, these creatures are only ever found in the old ruins in Ardene. But I guess the invaders are able to make them without much trouble. Or at least the master of these particular golems is.

My steps literally shake the ground as I slowly move on all four legs to the golems before eventually reaching them and raising a leg to stomp on them, turning hundreds of the things to splinters in but an instant. I then proceed to stomp around, killing them all with relative ease before feeling a tickling sensation from the back of my throat. The sensation only continues to grow worse and worse until I open my enormous maw to cough, just for a bolt of red and black lightning to come shooting out of it at the golems.

I watch in awe as the enormous bolt of lightning splits apart and moves from one golem to the next, creating an enormous chain of red and black that’s nearly blinding to the eyes. And soon enough, I find almost all of the golems in this particular area completely wiped out, leaving me a little startled at how quickly this happened.

My surprise doesn’t last long though, as just a few seconds later, a loud shout echoes through the area.

“What the fuckin’ hell are you, and why are ya here messing with us?!”

I turn to look at the source of the voice to find a large, blue man spanning three meters in height standing at the top of the hill on the other side of the valley that served as the border where the golems were at. He has two tusks, with long pointed ears, and crystal blue eyes with stark white hair, and he’s wearing some sort of robe that really does not mesh well with his brutelike appearance. Meanwhile he has a long, metal staff in his right hand with some sort of wooden core at the top.

Seeing as I can’t actually talk out loud right now, I use my aura to spell out words in black and red misty lettering in front of him.

‘I’m someone here to kick you out of Midgard.’

Then, without giving the guy a chance to respond, I immediately begin to move over in his direction while opening my mouth in the hopes that I can fire another massive bolt of Wrath lightning at him. But I end up realizing that my massive size kind of works against me in the speed department, and I also don’t know how to create another bolt of Wrath lightning that size.

So as I’m moving towards him, he continues to shout, “In that case…” before falling silent and raising his staff, which begins to glow a bright golden glow. One that immediately begins to spread out to all of the golems around us, along with various other golems across the border if the random bright lights shooting into the sky are anything to guess.

The massive eyelids over my equally massive, vertical eyes narrow and I quickly begin to feel that itch build back up in my throat again. So I open my mouth wider right as the golden light all begins to coalesce into one large ball and a large golem whose size equals my own appears between us. I then watch as my bolt of Wrath lightning shoots straight at the still incomplete golem before striking it and causing currents of red and black lightning to run all across its body. But it only takes me a second to notice that something’s wrong.

That golem isn’t wooden as the others are. It’s metal.

The lightning manages to successfully turn parts of it to red ash, but it only succeeds in reducing the golem’s size by about a third, with the outer layer of the golem slowly shedding as if protecting the inner layers from the lightning.

Guess I’m going to have to get personal with this one.


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