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                                                                                 Year 820 | Month 3 | Day 14

After our deal is made, we quickly settle into a war council meeting. Or to be more precise, we continue the meeting that they were having before I came in, except now with me included and them starting it over with a recap of the current status of the border.

“King Valtar has been holding off all of the golems along with Grand Jarl Aldi Bergström since we blocked them in, each alternating places in doing so,” Grand Jarl Arnbjórn Sverkirson immediately begins, concealing his accent with excellence that shows practice. “But so far, all we’ve seen of the invaders are their two Tier 3s, a single glimpse of the Guardian, and the weaker grunts walking around on the other side of the border. And only one of the Tier 3s has entered combat themselves. The other one merely uses his golems to hold the border.”

He pauses for a second as someone brings out a map of the region and places it on the table.

“They’re currently using the capital of the Bergstöm’s region as their main foothold in Aulta and have already either killed or enslaved every citizen in the region,” he says, making me frown at their cruelty.

The invaders attacking Liathtria have never done that before. All they’ve done is keep the people in line. Never enslaved them.

Looks like the invaders from the various planes are all different in more ways than just one.

“If we have your help, then we might be able to push them back and break through their border,” the man says with a glance between me and the king.

“I’m up for it,” I answer without any hesitation. After all, helping them out will probably get me a lot of EXP from killing those golems.

The king just nods his head, prompting the grand jarl to proceed, “Then we can begin planning from here.”


                                                                                  Year 820 | Month 3 | Day 18

I lie back against a tree with my hands behind my head as I watch the golems from the top of a hill near the border. Around me are several soldiers and hunters moving back and forth between the border and jarl Retford’s camp, but I ignore them all.

This plan will give me quite a bit of EXP. Not only for the golems I have to kill, but because of the mission that appeared the moment we finished discussing it.

Title: Engage and Distract.
Engage in combat with the golems and their master, distracting him from the rest of the border and allowing the Tier 3 forces on your side to break through their defense.
1. Reward for killing the golem’s master:
100,000 EXP and a Tier 3 [Random Item Draw]
1. Reward for distracting the golem’s master for long enough to allow the others through:
50,000 EXP and a Tier 3 [Random Item Draw]
2. Reward for killing 100 golems:
10,000 EXP
2. Reward for killing 1000 golems:
30,000 EXP and a Tier 3 [Random Item Draw]
2. Reward for killing 10000 golems:
80,000 EXP and a Tier 3 [Random Item Draw]
2. Reward for killing all of the golems belonging to the Tier 3 enemy:
100,000 EXP and a Tier 3 [Random Item Draw]

Just rereading through the mission rewards has me grinning in excitement as I laze back and watch the golems, waiting for my cue to begin the assault.

Unlike my initial expectations, my role ended up just being to distract or preferably kill the invader controlling the golems. I’m to go out onto the battlefield and begin wiping out the golems in mass until their master appears. Assuming he does.

The others said that in their past attempts, it took mere moments for him to appear in order to stop them from wiping out the golems. But he never appears unless someone above Tier 2 begins attacking. And the other Tier 3 only appears when the king attacked with the grand jarl.

Meaning that I’ll be left here alone to deal with the golem’s master, who should be around the same level as me, while the others attack together in a different location to get rid of the other Tier 3, while the golem’s master is too preoccupied to send reinforcements.

I let out a sigh of boredom as I sit here waiting.

It would’ve been nicer if the reward was a single Tier 4 item draw, since they’d be more useful than a Tier 3 item at this point. But I guess that’d be too much to ask for. The enemy is a Tier 3 after all. Not a Tier 4.

If I manage to get rid of all of the golems and kill the Tier 3 then it’ll be enough for me to level up at least once, just purely from the mission’s reward EXP. And the EXP from the golems and the Tier 3 themselves should be enough for a second level.

The wait for the attack ended up being four entire days though, strictly due to the availability of their king and the grand jarl. Since both of them had to be able to attack at once. And apparently the enemies have a pattern with their movements, meaning that the golem’s master should be somewhere nearby right about now.

I don’t really care all that much though. It’s made my job a lot easier, since The Calling of Wrath just finished its cooldown earlier today. And using that skill against the Tier 3 should make things much simpler.

Gonna have to stick to using the beast transformation in this though, since bringing out the Wrath in everyone would affect the soldiers and hunters as well, and using it for a single attack feels like a waste when I’ll be hunting thousands of golems.

My thoughts come to a halt when a loud horn blares throughout the area, coming from the direction of the camp behind me.

I immediately shoot to my feet before activating The Calling of Wrath, making Wrath burst out of me, startling all of the soldiers in the area. But they all quickly begin rushing back to the camp, albeit while still sending me glances occasionally.

As soon as the pain of the transformation fades away, I can’t help but notice a rather drastic size difference from prior to the transformation. Because now I’m tall enough to see all the way back to the camp, giving me a clear glimpse of the shocked looks of the soldiers and the hunters.

Okay, just what did I transform into this time?


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