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I can’t help but choke up a little at those last three words, as mom never says anything affectionate. Not since she lost her memories.

Out of the corner of my eye, I see Sapphire reading the message herself before she grabs me and hugs me again. But this time she lets go much sooner as she reaches up and taps me on the nose for some reason.

I blink out of confusion at that, but she just shrugs and giggles.

Okay then. Not sure what that was about.

The notification disappears and I begin to write a response almost immediately.


Despite mom’s attempt to keep it brief, we end up messaging each other back and forth for an hour, making me wonder why we didn’t just do a call instead. It would’ve been cheaper and easier after all. But when I tried calling her, she didn’t respond. So there wasn’t anything I could do.

After we say our final goodbyes, I then begin talking with Katie. Who does accept a call.

“How’re ya doin?” she asks with a grin from the other side of the call, and I can’t help but grin at that greeting.

“I’m fine,” I tell her, just to grunt as Sapphire pushes her way into the call’s video feed and waves while saying, “Hiya aunty!”

I can’t help but burst out into laughter at the face Katie makes at that.

Which she clearly doesn’t like, seeing as she hangs up the call right afterwards. But she accepts another all a few tries after that.

Before she accepts though, I pat Sapphire on the head and whisper, “Nice job.”

Sapphire just tilts her head in confusion, unaware of what she had just done.


Katie and I continue our call for a couple of hours, with me automatically freezing any monster that gets within a hundred or so meters of me as I sit with Sapphire in the expanded system store house. But eventually she heads out as well, leaving me alone with Sapphire and my own thoughts.

From what they’ve explained, the fae are very much against the void and the denizens of the void. And if I had to guess, it’s probably the same way the void feels about them.

I kind of wish I could get The Reapers exact thoughts on the matter, but from what I can tell, that guy doesn’t care about me at all. At least, based on what he did with those illusions.

If he wanted to, he could’ve easily stopped them or even stopped them from being broadcast to the entirety of the fucking System. But nope. He just sat there and watched.

I scowl at the air for a few seconds before shaking my head.

Nothing I can do about that. At least not now.

Not until I finish the Administrator Dungeon that is.

I begin to get up from the couch in my living room, only to pause as a thought comes to mind.

Just what level in the System would The Reaper be if he were to be judged by level?

Never really thought about it before. He’s probably a hell of a lot stronger than the Administrators, which means I’ll likely not be able to fight him until long after I get out of the dungeon. Assuming I even want to fight him that is, since while he hasn’t necessarily helped me, outside of my awakening which he stopped the first time turning that favor null and void, he hasn’t hurt me directly either. I think.

So do I even need to fight him?

I stew on these thoughts for a few more minutes before shrugging.

Whether he’s my enemy or not is yet to be foreseen, and I have plenty of time to think about it.

“Alright Sapphi-” I cut off as I turn to find her staring at a certain chicken on the other couch. “Seriously?”

Why is that thing even in here?

Sapphire suddenly changes into her spider form before pouncing at the chicken, which ends up just as well as it always does. With her landing face first into the couch with a grunt.

Meanwhile the chick simply floats through the air and lands on my head with a little chick sigh. It then seems to fall asleep.

On my head.

I narrow my eyes at the added weight before reaching up to push it off, just for my hand to pass through it.

This is annoying. And I bet there are going to be threads all over the System Forums about this within the hour.

I let out a sigh at that thought before dispelling my expanded system store and continuing through the floor, ignoring Sapphire who manages to fall to the graveyard ground from the couch she was lying face first in.

“Hey!” I hear her shout as I walk, clearly having turned back into her bipedal form. But I proceed to ignore her.

The fiasco with the fae entering Aegis and taking away a lot of the humans originally from Earth isn’t likely to blow over for a long time. And it’ll also probably take the Administrators’ focus off of me for a while. Meaning I should be able to cruise through these next floors with ease.

Assuming I don’t end up on another special floor like that last one. But at least there aren’t any other traumatizing memories the dungeon can dig up. At least, none worse than it’s already done.

So there’s that.

I feel something hit my head, making me turn around to find Sapphire with her hand raised and a guilty expression on it that vanishes right when the chick jumps off of my head and begins to fly away.

“Sapphire.” I sternly state, not bothering to say anything else. She then looks between me and the chick for a few seconds before pouting and lowering her head while answering, “Fine.”

I let out a sigh and turn around again.

Just how long is that chick gonna follow us anyways?


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For those of you who can't view the image:

System   Notification

You have received a message from   player: Lucia Adler

“Hello, Wolf.   This will be the last time I’ll be able to contact you for a while, but I   know what you just had to go through and wanted to keep it brief.

I will be   entering the realm of the Fae with your sister, where my memories will be   restored.

Please stay   safe, and when you finish clearing the dungeon, come to the realm of the Fae   to find me and your sister.

I love you.”



Why is she an administrator?


She's not. It was like that because I copy pasted the system message notification before editing it and didn't notice that part.