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                                                                                          Executive Stream

Everyone focuses solely on the duchess after hearing Lucia’s question, but the duchess merely states, “I am not allowed to answer that.”

A dark silence fills the executive stream at that.

“Which means you’re using my memories as a way to bribe us into entering Fae.” Lucia says, a hard tone entering her voice.

“Meaning you do have some reason for gathering the denizens of Earth into Fae,” Diane adds while stepping forward with a dangerous look on her face and a faint amount of black mist leaking from her body. But Leo merely grabs her shoulder and shakes his head, stopping her from doing anything.

The duchess ignores the two Administrators and simply tilts her head as she asks, “Does your assumption change your decision?”

Her response surprises everyone in the room except for the two Administrators.

“You’re not going to deny it?” Katie asks, confusion evident in her tone.

Ariella turns to look at the girl and states, “I never agreed to it either.”

Lucia’s brows furrow and she shares a glance with Luke as she thinks, ‘Meaning she’s keeping quiet and neither agreeing nor disagreeing.’

No one says anything for several minutes before Lucia suddenly asks, “Do we all have to go to Fae for my memories to be restored?”

The fae duchess turns to face her again, her wings fluttering slightly behind her as she does so, and answers, “You do not. The only ones that must go for the price to be paid are the descendants of the fae.”

Lucia frowns at the mention of a price being paid before glancing at Luke again, just to see him looking conflicted. She then smiles lightly at that and glances over towards Katie, who is the only other fae descendant here. But she finds her already staring at her with a look of determination set on her face.

Katie then turns to look at the fae and says without any hesitation, “If mom is willing to go, then I’ll gladly go to Fae to get her memories back.”

Both the Administrators in the room share a glance at that before focusing on Wolf’s family and friends again as several of them look between Aidan and Lucia, finding them both with resigned looks on their faces.

“I’ll come too,” Aidan says, adding himself to the mix with a glance towards his girlfriend, “can’t leave her alone after all.”

Katie sends him a wide smile and immediately hugs him at that before looking at her mom again.

Everyone’s attention zeroes in on Lucia Adler as she looks between the fae, Luke, and her daughter, just to eventually sigh and say, “I’ll go as well.”

The duchess nods her head ones in a stiff movement before looking at the others and asking, “Will that be all?” Although the look she sends Luke makes clear her thoughts on the idea of him joining them in Fae.

After a few seconds, Luke eventually shakes his head and says, “I’d like to stay behind on Aegis for now, as long as I’ll be able to visit and join them in the future.”

A disgusted look reveals itself on the fae’s face at the thought of a descendant of the void entering the Fae realm and living there, but she just nods her head and says, “Very well. You may come at any time.” She then hands over a small whistle. “Just blow this whistle and a member of the fae court will come to pick you up.”

The fae then flies up in the air and addresses them all, “You may decide to leave now or wait up to a day. The restoration of Lady Adler’s memories will be conducted soon after she enters Fae, so be ready for that.”



“Ya know,” I mutter to Sapphire as we both walk through the graveyard, casually killing the undead monsters along the way while also reading through various different threads on the System Forums. Each talking about the massive exodus of humans originating from the planet Earth to the realm of the Fae. “I kind of want to see the face of the person who initialized our galaxy into the System right now.”

There are also quite the number of threads talking about the existence of the fae in the first place, since they weren’t exactly a very public existence before now.

“I dunno,” Sapphire mutters back with her hands held in her pockets, “that guy sounded a little messed up from what you told me, dad.”

I can’t help but glance at her at her continued use of the word dad instead of papa. Ever since the illusion, that’s what she’s been calling me. And I still can’t figure out why.

Did she experience something during that floor as well? Or is this in response to seeing me break down for the first time?

She’s also been rather clingy since. Even more so than usual.

That part makes sense, but… she also feels a little more grown up now, and acting a tad bit less like the age she looks appearance wise.

Is that also because of seeing me break down or…

Oh whatever. She’ll tell me eventually if she feels she needs to.

Which reminds me. I looked up at some point the aging process of soul-bound companions, and it looks like the age they appear depends on their level, stopping once they reach their prime. And it’s a very tiny change in appearance with each level. To the point that they only look like adults when they’re about level 10000.

But their actual mental maturity develops along with their physical appearance, so that’ll be… something.

The thought of having a teenage girl following me around all the time in the dungeon in the future sends a shiver down my spine.

“Dad?” Sapphire suddenly asks, taking my attention away from my own thoughts to focus on her as she tilts her head with an adorable look of curiosity on her face. “What are you thinking about?”

I can’t help but pat her as I answer, “Nothing. Just that while that volcanic dragon might not care about the consequences of his action, his great-aunt certainly will.”

From what I’ve heard, Tiamat isn’t exactly happy with Astaroth’s actions. And this’ll probably just fan those flames.

My small amount of amusement is cut short though as a System Message appears in my vision from mom. One that has tears beginning to build in my eyes.


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