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                                                                                 Year 820 | Month 3 | Day 14

By the time we reach the headquarters located somewhere further north, closer to the capital city of this region, the sun is already down and the moon is high in the sky. But for some reason that makes me feel more comfortable. I’m not sure why though.

The headquarters itself is a large fortress, likely one confiscated from the Grand Jarl of the region. It spans nearly a kilometer in total area – not the greatest fortress in the region, likely meaning that it was chosen for its proximity to the border rather than its size – and it has walls ranging around eight or so meters in height, with the fortress itself being in the shape of a large circle.

Jarl Retford continues leading me through the many soldiers and hunters rushing by, completely ignoring the glances many of them are sending both him and me. Especially me considering that my hood is down, and my mask is off.

There really isn’t much of a reason to hide my identity anymore when the invaders are locked in one region, and this isn’t even the kingdom I’m a princess of. So why bother?

We continue traversing through the fortress, straight past the front gate which the soldiers open the moment they see the jarl. And as we walk I can’t help but spread out my aura a little bit – not enough to be visible, but enough to give me a view of everyone’s rough level – to find that most of the people here are either late Tier 1 or early Tier 2. With not a single person here being Tier 3, except for one man who instantly seems to tense up at my inspection.

And I can probably guess who that man is. Especially considering the vague details given to me about him by my aura, and the fact that the jarl seems to be leading me in his direction.

What surprises me though is that he actually seems to be a level or two higher than me somehow.

Not sure how that worked out.

Then again, he’s probably been massacring the golems on the border for a while. And I’ll be that gives him a lot of EXP.

Which makes me wonder what his class might be. But I don’t get long to think about it as I feel an aura passing over me seemingly connected to him. And the aura makes me feel weird.

It’s not enough to suppress my own, and it has a very strong feeling of the World Tree mixed in, but despite that it has this odd feeling of… apathy? Not really sure how to describe it. It just feels like the aura is empty somehow. And that the owner of it-

The aura suddenly vanishes as we climb the stairs to end up in a long hallway leading to a set of grand looking doors. On the other side of the doors, I can hear clear voices talking at pretty loud volumes.

When I use my aura to check the others in the room, I find at least six other people there, four of which are all mid-Tier 2 – just like the jarl walking next to me. Meanwhile the fifth is actually at the end of Tier 2, at level 20.

If I had to guess…

The jarl opens the door without even knocking, revealing a relatively large hall with a large circular table at the center of it and several large men surrounding it wearing the typical Aultan armor. Except for the king, who is wearing a barely visible suit of armor covered almost entirely by white furs and cloth.

And two of the men I recognize. One being a jarl, and the other a grand jarl.

My eyes immediately meet the king’s as the conversation continues despite our entrance.

“We need to push harder against them!” a man I recognize as Jarl Josurr Sölvison shouts while slamming his fist on the table.

“And we’ve been tellin ya! We don’t have tha forces for that!” another man exclaims back while also slamming his fist on the table. One who I’m guessing is probably also a jarl.

Then, following his action, a third one who is the only person in the room with a red beard joins in in an attempt to mediate between the two, “If we could ask Grand Jarl Wolff for troops, then it could be-”

The man is cut off as the two slam the table again and shout simultaneously, “Leave that bastard outta this!”

I give a silent prayer to the table that’s currently beginning to crack under the pressure. Which really is a well made table, considering that it has been able to deal with their constant abuse till now.

Also, Atfari Wolff? I don’t think I’ve seen him for a little while. I wonder how he’s been?

Retford clears his throat, sending all of the men’s attention towards us. But the jarl and grand jarl I recognize immediately drop their mouths in shock and begin walking over to me while exclaiming at the same time, “Princess Cassandra?!”

The other jarls all react in equal amounts of surprise to their shouts, meanwhile the king just continues staring at me with his terrifyingly empty gaze.

I can’t help but feel a shiver run down my spine at that gaze, but I don’t show it. Especially considering that I am actually a match for him now thanks to the System, unlike before.

The guy’s never actually done anything to me, or even attempted to talk to me outside of political situations where we had to talk. But he’s still terrifying.

“King Valtar de Alheim, it’s a pleasure to see you again,” I state with a light curtsy. Which probably looks odd considering that I’m wearing armor and pants. Especially to the barbaric nation of Aulta.

The king’s gaze doesn’t change at all though as he responds with, “Greetings, Princess Cassandra de Luna. What brings you to Aulta?”

And so, I proceed to completely ignore the jarls and grand jarl’s confused gazes as I explain my situation to him. Or at least most of it. I keep the parts that he doesn’t need to know out of it.

Once I’m done explaining, I ask, “Would you be willing to consider bringing me to Liathtria if I help break past the border?”

The king just stares at me, having been dead silent during my entire explanation.

A few seconds pass in awkward silence before he shakes his head and answers, “No. But I can bring you with me to the next World Tree Conjunction held in a month’s time.” He then crosses his arms and tilts his head slightly as he asks, “Would that do?”

I smile and nod my head.

“Yes. That it would.”


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