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Diane, Leo, their top two Moderators, Wolf’s parents, sister, and Aidan all stand in the middle of Diane’s room as The Reaper’s voice echoes through their head. But after it goes silent again, the two Administrators immediately open their menus after seeing several messages appearing on their interfaces. Then the others all do the same.

Out of nowhere, the center of the room vanishes, leaving all of the people in it to stop what they’re doing and stare at the empty void beneath the room that is now visible. Before they can see anything in it though, a brilliantly shining pillar shoots up out of it, following which a radiant fairy flies out, startling the people even more than they already were.

“Greetings, fae,” Diane says with a faint nod after noticing that the fae’s level is on par with an Administrator. “Well met.”

The fae gives a brief nod back to the empress before looking through each of the people present, pausing only for a second on Wolf’s mother and sister. It then waves its hands, causing Lucia and Katie to both teleport in front of it as it states, “Greetings, descendants. This one is here with an offer for thou.”

Lucia and Katie Adler are only surprised for a second before not showing it anymore, unlike the others who don’t show any surprise at all at the declaration. Not after what they had already figured out from Shyla, and not after what they are currently seeing on the screen that each of them are still glancing at from time to time.

“What’s the offer?” Lucia asks with a frown. Meanwhile Katie just remains silent as she stares at the screen showing the final illusion Wolf is going through.

The fae bows her head and says, “I am Ariella Dawn, duchess of the fae and the star that lights the morning skies, and I am here to offer thou the chance to move to fae with your family. If thou decides to take the offer, then thou entire family will be treated as denizens of Fae and granted a peaceful life.”

Both Lucia and Katie narrow their eyes at the offer and stay silent for a few seconds.

Ariella turns to focus on Katie as she adds, “Additionally, if thou were to go, then any penalties or radiance present on thou person will be removed.” She then focuses on Lucia. “Including memory loss.”

Gasps run throughout the room from all of Wolf’s family, meanwhile the Administrators, Moderators, Luke, and Aidan all just sit to the side watching in silence.

No one says anything for several seconds before Lucia crosses her arms and asks, “Why are you offering this to us? Why now, and not at the start of the Initialization? And why did the fae even have descendants on Earth in the first place?”

The fae duchess doesn’t say anything for a moment. Then she flies up to the screen and points at it as she says, “He is why.”

The others don’t take more than a second to realize that she means Wolf.

“Your imperial majesty,” Lucia suddenly says while turning to face Diane, whose face scrunches up at the title, “it is true that the fae cannot lie, correct?”

Diane’s eyes widen slightly at that, but she nods her head all the same and says, “Yes. That’s true.”

Lucia then nods her head in appreciation and turns back to the fae to ask, “Then answer me this. Are you bringing us to fae to use against Wolf in any way?”

The duchess remains silent for a second before floating up to the pillar again and answering, “The answer to that depends on various different variables. But be assured that at this moment, we have no desire to act against the Reaper of the Blue Moon.”

Lucia nods her head again and continues, “Which means that if you do need to act against him, then you will use us to your benefit if we were to follow you and live in Fae?”

Ariella stays silent.

“Thought so,” Lucia mutters before asking, “what do you consider Wolf to be? Or rather, what does your queen consider him to be?”

The fae shows the first hint of emotion throughout the entire conversation at this question and answers, “The fae courts are split. The Winter court wishes to turn him to our side and use him in the war against the void forces. The Spring court believes the Reaper of the Blue Moon has no motivation to join either side of the war unless forced through thou. The Autumn court believes The Reaper of the Blue Moon is too dangerous to be left alive as he is the only void creature with a resistance to the radiance element. And the Summer court wishes to befriend The Reaper of the Blue Moon.”

Everyone’s eyes widen at the overly done explanation before Wolf’s family and Aidan turn to look at Diane as they ask, “What are the courts?”

Ariella remains silent as Diane turns to focus on them and answers, “The fae court is ruled by the queen, and the four seasonal courts are split up into four factions, each ruled by one of the four princes or princesses. I can explain the rest at another time.”

Luke suddenly steps forward and asks, “Why does the Summer court wish to befriend my son?”

Ariella actually looks at him with a barely hidden disgust as she answers, “I will not speak to a void creature’s descendant.”

This surprises everyone, but Lucia simply narrows her eyes and repeats his question. The fae then turns back to her as if nothing had happened and answers, “Despite The Reaper of the Blue Moon’s void blood, he is also a pure harbinger, a new species of creature, and a descendant of the previous Princess of the Summer Court. Therefore, he is not a disgusting being and is welcome in our lands.”

Luke raises an eyebrow at that and thinks, ‘At least she’s honest.’ But after he thinks that a look of surprise shows on his face as his wife’s ancestry comes to light.

“Royalty?” Diane asks, speaking up without being asked for the first time as she shares a glance with Leo, who looks just as surprised as her.

The duchess turns to look at Diane and nods as she states, “Correct. The former Princess of the Summer Court brought members of her court with her to Earth in order to get away from the court, where they all mingled with the humans of Earth. But whether The Reaper of the Blue Moon will ever awaken his radiance is unknown. However, those of us from the court don’t believe it to be possible thanks to his void element.”

No one says anything for nearly an entire minute.

Then Lucia asks one last question.

“Why can’t you just restore my memories without me going to Fae?”


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