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                                                                           Year 820 | Month 3 | Day 14

I narrow my eyes from my place atop a tree staring down at the small caravan being attacked by bandits. The caravan has several different carriages, with a dozen or so Tier 1 hunters – each closing in on the end of Tier 1 – and one Tier 2 hunter leading them as they guard the caravan. But the bandits are all Tier 2 despite lacking a little in the numbers, with them only having about seven bandits attacking.

Which would’ve been a stupid idea before the System, but now it’s not. Since they’re clearly winning with their advanced strength.

I purse my lips for several seconds before deciding why not and trying out the skill that I got from reaching level 25 earlier on but never used. Mostly because it would’ve have been useful, what with it only being level 1, and its particular use.

The bandits continue attacking the hunters, with one of them focusing on the caravan merchants themselves before I raise my arms and activate the latest skill.

Wrathful Inducement.

A wave of black and red mist escapes my gloved hands before spreading out to envelop the caravan and the bandits. It then focuses solely on the bandits as it gets absorbed into their bodies, making a faint red light shine from their eyes. But the effect is so miniscule that it doesn’t seem to have any effect beyond that.

So I push out more Wrath energy in the skill. Then more, and more, and more, until I’ve used up far more Wrath energy than three bolts of Wrath lightning would take. And at this point, the bandits are all going berserk and attacking everything in sight.

Including the other bandits.

I watch them fight for a few seconds, only to shake my head and send a bolt of Wrath lightning to incinerate one of the bandits the moment his berserk state leads to him attacking one of the hunters, turning him into a pile of red ash. After that, I go through and finish off the bandits that hadn’t already killed themselves before jumping through the trees, continuing my way through the forest towards the next town.

That skill doesn’t really seem all that useful unless I’m fighting a group, making them all fight each other. After all, if there’s only one of them, then it’ll likely just make them even more pissed off at me. And while that could lower their combat awareness, it might also just make them fight harder.

So it’s a little too unreliable unless I’m fighting a large group, where they’ll just start killing each other off for me.


                                                                            Year 820 | Month 3 | Day 14

It ends up taking me around half a day or so of straight up running to make it to the region secluded to hold the invaders. And the first thing I find after reaching the border is an army of golems blocking the border, kind of like the army of undead back on Liathtria.

But unlike with in Liathtria, there are actually several dozen Tier 2s fighting off the golems. Although I can’t see any of the Tier 3s, both on Aulta’s side and the enemy’s. Which likely means that they’re fighting elsewhere on the border.

I glance behind me at the basecamp for the Aulta forces before shrugging and approaching it. Once I get within a kilometer or so of it though, I hear the alarms begin going off, followed immediately by dozens of Tier 1 and Tier 2 soldiers of the nation and hunters rushing over to the part of the base I’m approaching.

Interesting. Do they have some sort of item detecting approaching individuals or something?

The Tier 2 soldiers all look rather tense as I approach, while the Tier 1s are just glaring at me with their weapons held at the ready. But I ignore it all as I continue walking forwards while letting my Wrathful Aura spread out around me in a thick enough state that it’s visible to the soldiers.

This action has the Tier 1s tensing up as well, with quite a few of them showing fear.

“Halt!” one of the Tier 2s shouts. “Drop your weapons and tell us your purpose here!”

I arch a brow, a little pleasantly surprised that they’re not just assuming that I’m an invader before I shout back, “I’m a hunter here to assist.”

My answer seems to surprise them for a moment, even making some of them lower their weapons a little. But the more veteran of the forces continue holding their weapons up as they shout back, “Show us yer identification!”

I pull out my hunter ID before lifting it into the air with my aura – which I recently figured out I could actually do, if the aura was thick enough – and sending it flying over there while covered in a black and red, sinister mist. Which probably looks a tad intimidating and is likely painting me in an evil light. But who cares.

It’s just too bad that my aura can’t really interact with other people yet. Almost as if people have their own little aura blocking mine from touching their bodies or doing anything to them.

The soldier who takes my ID looks quite confused after reading it and seeing that I’m a brand new hunter, but then he glances at me again and seems to remember something before shouting back, “Alright, yer clear!”

All of the soldiers and hunters put down their weapons with sighs of relief after hearing that, meanwhile I reach out with my aura to take back my ID card. And after I put the ID back in my storage pouch, I walk over to the man who was speaking to me – who also happens to be the highest level amongst them – and ask, “Do you know where I can get into contact with the one in charge here?”

The man looks a little surprised by my request, but he quickly answers, “Tha one in charge of this camp is Jarl Retford Gray. Ye’ll find him in the main tent.” He points to a large tent that I can see all the way from here on the outskirts of the camp before proceeding to act as if I don’t exist, just casually walking away to continue giving orders to the others here.

I can’t help but send him an odd look at that before shrugging my shoulders.

These Aultans seem to trust their hunters even more than I’d originally guessed.

After one last glance towards the man, I begin making my way towards the main tent.

Time to see if I can’t get into contact with the king somehow. No matter how much I dislike the idea.


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Mistress Araenidae

A few more levels in Aura and she might be able to use it to fly.