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                                                                             Year 820 | Month 3 | Day 13

My words seem to snap everyone out of their stupor as a loud roar echoes from the various hunters and they all begin to crowd around us, asking question after question about how I reached Tier 3 so quickly. Along with several other subjects, such as how they’d never heard about anyone like me before.

Right before I’m about to reach my limit and throw them all away, the hall master shouts, “Give tha woman some space!” his voice echoing much louder than the other hunters here and silencing them in an instant. They all then move back, giving me space to breathe again.

“Apologies, Scarlet,” he says with a nod of his head before narrowing his eyes at the others, making them all mutter apologies of their own back to back. The man then focuses on me again while bringing out a bag of coins – which judging by the size and weight of it, is enough to pay for an entire two or three months of living expenses.

My eyes practically bug out at the reward, but I don’t show any shock outside of a short pause before reaching out and accepting it. I then put the bag in a pocket of my cloak for the sake of the people around me when in reality I’m putting it into the storage pouch in said pocket.

After that, I nod my head towards him and then glance at the hunters who are still around us, signaling to the hall master my intentions which he seems to get rather quickly.

“Beat it,” he says while glaring at the other hunters, and they immediately do so before the man looks back at me and asks, “Want ta ask somethin?”

Once it’s quieted down sufficiently enough, I lean in and ask, “Would you mind telling me how Aulta is doing on the invader front?”

When I lean away again, I find the hall master staring at me with a surprised look on his face before waving at me and beginning to walk away from the desk to a side room. And after reaching the room, he stops and motions for me to join him in it.

So I do.

“Best not ta bring tha mood down in there,” he explains after closing the door behind himself as I look around the room. It’s full of several tables in smaller, walled off areas, likely serving as some sort of meeting area. Despite the fact that there isn’t anyone using it right now.

The man walks over to one of the tables and sits down in a comfortable chair seemingly made out of fur and leather before motioning towards the chair opposite him.

“Sit,” he says, and I do so. “Not sure why’s ya didn’t just ask whoever brought ya to Aulta, but we’ve managed to keep tha invaders enclosed into a single region. An any invader who manages ta make it out of it, or who arrives at a different region through their strange contraptions are all immediately labeled as targets for hunters the moment they’re found.”

My eyes widen slightly in surprise.

Does that mean Aulta’s managed to deal with this invasion in a much cleaner manner than Liathtria?

“Course, from what we’ve been told, Aulta has a much lower number of invaders compared to the other two continents,” he adds on, making me narrow my eyes.


That’s… actually, that makes sense. Logically, they’re going after the most beneficial continents first if what he says is true.

And there isn’t much to gain from capturing Aulta, because all this continent really has going for them is the hunters and their mines. But the invaders don’t really seem to need the minerals considering their strange technology, and they have plenty of fighting power already. Not that the hunters would ever consider working for them anyways, unlike the adventurers.

The hunters have too much pride as, well, monster hunters to do menial tasks for people invading their world.

“Okay, thank you for answering my question,” I tell him with a nod before getting up and beginning to leave. Just to pause and turn around while asking, “Would you mind telling me what region the invaders are at so that I can avoid it?”

It would be best for me to head straight for the coast after completing a few jobs to get the funds for a trip across the endless ocean, and I’d rather avoid ending up in that region.

“Sure,” he says while pulling a bottle of wine out from beneath the table, making me do a double take towards the table itself.

Why does he have wine hidden under a meeting table?

“It’s tha region under Grand Jarl Aldi Bergström, and its borders are often full of battles between tha other Grand Jarls and tha two Tier 3 invaders,” he says while pouring himself some wine, only to pause for a second to look up at me and add, “you’d probably be well rewarded if ya could deal with that invader for them.”

My eyebrows lift at that, and I actually give it some thought before deciding to shelf that decision.

“I’ll keep that in mind,” I tell him with a wave as I begin leaving the building.

I’m guessing that one of the grand jarls must’ve at least become Tier 3 if they’re all able to hold back the two Tier 3 limited invaders. Which means that if I were to help, then I’d be a major boon to Aulta.

And considering just how difficult it is for a boat to cross the endless oceans without the boat being made out of world tree bark, it might just be worth it to help deal with their problem in return for the king taking me back to Liathtria on his ship…

The main question is whether I want to see the king or not. And that’s really not something I wanna do.

But do I want to risk my life just to avoid the sociopath?

Not really.

I let out a sigh while opening the front doors of the Hunter’s Hall.

Guess I’ll go to Aldi’s region.

Haven’t seen her in a while anyways, and she was probably one of the more decent grand jarls on this continent.


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"Apologies, Crimson," yeah it looks like you are swapping between these two names