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“So this will block out that energy?” I ask with a frown as I stare at the dome being erected around the dungeon entrance. “It looks a little oddly placed if you ask me.”

Aidan and the Dwarf standing next to me who’s in charge of building it both furrow their brows without taking their eyes off of the other Dwarves working on the dome. But before either of them can answer, a surge of even more energy spreads out from the dungeon, making me stagger slightly.

“The hell?” I mutter, my frown growing deeper. “Did the energy just get thicker?”

“It looks like the dungeon has opened up whatever it was working on that’s caused this,” Aranuk grumbles from next to me while crossing his arms.

I glance at him before looking at the dome again and at the Dwarves who don’t seem phased by the change in pressure. “You mean he opened up his next floor?”

“Only explanation I can think of, Sir,” the Dwarf politely answers.

Just what is causing this energy anyways? It’s like somewhere in the dungeon suddenly because so filled with elemental energy that it became just like some of those natural elemental biomes that people hunt for to make orbs. And the element is just casually spilling out of it with abandon.

I stare at the dungeon for several seconds before hearing Damien’s voice echo from behind me, “Looks like we’ll have to look into this.”

When I turn back, I find him walking over to us from the direction of the Guildhall with the Silver Knights mercenary group following behind him.

“You gonna send them in to scout it out?” I ask with a nod towards the dungeon.

Damien nods his head and says, “Yep. They’re one of the only groups so far to have reached the end of the dungeon, and they’re the strongest party that we have here.” He then turns to look at the group and says, “I hereby hire you to make your way to the latest floor of the dungeon and bring us back a detailed report.”

The members of the party all nod before sharing a glance and beginning to make their way into the dungeon, just for them all to enter a portal right before the door to the dungeon closes.

I wonder… just what are you up to, Fenrir?

After staring at the entrance for several more seconds, I turn around and begin making my way to my manor.



I watch as that Silver Knights group travels through the dungeon starting from the eleventh floor at a rather fast pace. At this point, all six of them are Tier 2, with one of them being too high a level for me to identify. So I have no doubt that they’ll make it to the new floor.

“They’re back?” Dawn suddenly asks, bringing my attention back to her for a second before I focus on them again.

“Yep, and they’ll make perfect test subjects for the thirteenth floor,” I tell her while watching the party leader swipe his sword straight through a direwolf with ease. While the man’s level is too high for me to see, I can tell that they appear to be a little bit stronger than the worm. Which is level 15.

So maybe they’re level 16 or 17?

Either way though, I doubt they’ll lose to the thirteenth floor.

But maybe one of them might die at least? It would also reduce the casualties and therefore the mana replacement fees that I have to spend every time they wipe through my dungeon.

Dawn joins me in watching the intruders as they clear a path straight to the twelfth floor without much trouble. But once they reach the staircase, their confidence begins to shake a little at the direct feeling of the void energy flowing out of the void.

“Looks like we found the source of the energy,” the party leader – whose name was Artorius Silver, which is likely the source of their group’s name – says while narrowing his eyes at the open portal. “Be careful.”

The group then begins to slowly climb down the stairs into the portal, only to shiver the instant they step into the void.

“Cold…” the only woman amongst the group mutters while rubbing her arms. She has on a strange set of armor that is almost pitch black, with veins of what look like fire running through it, and her belly is exposed as well. Which is a first out of any of the armor sets I’ve seen thus far.

She is also a species that I’ve never seen before. Some sort of Magma-kin.

Not sure what that is though, but she herself has a few veins of what look like magma boiling just below the surface of her otherwise pale white skin.

The other intruders nod their heads in agreement with her while frowning. But none of them say anything and just continue down the stairs deeper into the void. They then look surprised when they make it to the end of the staircase to find the large church around them.

And the first thing their eyes gravitate towards is the large statue of Fenrir that I erected at the center of the church, where a God’s statue is normally placed.

I did this to share his memory with everyone. To honor my savior, and because it fits with the overall theme seeing as he was a God. A Tier 10 being.

There aren’t any traps or monsters in this room for that very reason, so the intruders cautiously approach the statue before reading the text beneath it.

“To the god of the void, the former ruler of the plane, and the savior,” the Halfling reads out loud before glancing at the others. Just to find their leader with a look of surprise on his face.

“The void…” he mutters while looking around in awe. “Is that where we are? The plane of nothingness. The endless world of exile?”

Huh. That reminds me.

I focus on Dawn as I ask, “Hey, why haven’t we seen any exiles in the void?”

She just glances at me before focusing on the intruders again who are still getting over their awe and saying, “It’s because they don’t tend to last long. Unlike with the intruders who enter your dungeon, they don’t have a dungeon concealing their auras from the creatures of the void. So they end up eaten within the day that they are exiled most of the time.”


I focus on the intruders again as the memory of that large Tier 6 monster surfaces in my thoughts.

Yeah, I guess that makes sense.


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If I remember correctly, he gets to make an avatar in the future. Wonder if he base it on the old Fenrir