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                                                                                Year 820 | Month 3 | Day 13

The draugr and I end up trading blow for blow for a bit, each of us wrapping our arms with out power. And neither of us seem to be all that much stronger than the other.

So I infuse even more Wrath into my body, giving me a little boost while also healing the damage it’s done to me. This gives me enough of an advantage that I begin to push it back and a frown appears on its face. It then begins… grumbling? A growly grumbling? As if it were trying to speak but failing pretty badly at it.

But I do recognize the look of hatred in its eyes. Hatred for the living. Which from what I’ve heard is a common thing in undead.

If it weren’t for that look, I think it might’ve been possible for me to have second thoughts towards killing this creature. After all, it looks like it might be bordering on human level intelligence. But doing that would just let it continue going around slaughtering any living being.

And there aren’t very many Tier 3s in this world that I know of. At least, not including the invaders that is.

I continue pushing the creature back before quickly taking my gloves off and using my claws in the fight, giving me a further edge. During the battle though, I can’t help but notice the creature’s blood. Or lack of it I guess.

The creature has blood, but it’s pitch black and is extremely sluggish. To the point that it doesn’t even try to leave their wounds after they’re made outside of the blood that ends up flying out from my strike itself.

After several minutes of us fighting, I begin to realize that the special type of blood it has is making it harder to kill. Since the stupid thing doesn’t want to bleed out.

So I change my direction of attack to instead focus on it head and neck, which is notices not too long after and begins to defend it. But right when it’s expecting me to throw a kick at its head, I fire a bolt of Wrath lightning at its legs instead, scoring a direct hit on them and even blasting one of them apart at the knee.

The creature lets out a loud growl while falling to its knees. It then follows with a loud screech, causing the undead it sent outside of the ruins to approach us again. But it’s too late as I lock my hands together while covering them in Wrath lightning before bringing my combined fists down on the draugr’s skull, caving it in and crushing its brain.

As soon as the draugr dies, the undead approaching from outside of the ruins to stop in confusion. And since we’re far enough away that many of them can’t even sense me, I sense them begin going about their own wandering business just like they were doing when I first arrived.

Although the few faster undead did make it far enough into the ruins to be able to sense me, so they continue their rush over to me. Until I turn them to ash with my Wrath lightning that is.

After dealing with that, I kneel down in front of the draugr’s corpse while pursing my lips.

This thing was getting close to human level intelligence, so does that mean monsters at Tier 4 will have human level intelligence? Because that’s… a tad scary, to be honest.

I examine the corpse for a few seconds before putting it into my storage ring and standing up again.

Time to turn in the quest.

Or… I turn around to look at all the undead in the area.

Since I’m here I might as well take in the free EXP.


It doesn’t take me long to clear out the entire ruins of the undead, seeing as all of them are only Tier 1 or 2, before I quickly make my way back to the village again. And after arriving, the guards at the gate once again let me pass without much of a glance.

I can’t help but frown beneath my mask at that as I head towards the Hunter’s Hall.

They really need better security. What would they do if an invader tried to… wait a second…

I stop mid step.

Where are the invaders anyways?

The few people here walking by at this time of night simply ignore me as they walk by. But not a single person that I’ve seen in this poorly guarded village has been an invader.

Guess I’ll ask the hall master when I get back.


“Ya back already?” the man asks, clearly surprised that I’ve already finished a job in just four or so hours. “Did ya take an easier job for your fi-”

The hall master cuts off once I take the draugr’s corpse out of my storage ring and place it on the counter in front of us. And I also notice a sudden silence from the hunters drinking nearby.

A silence that stretches for several seconds until I say, “Here’s the draugr from the nearby ruins. Could I have my reward?”

The hall master just stares at me for several more seconds before eventually opening his mouth to speak, just to close it again a second later. Then to open it again as he mutters, “I’d thought your unidentifiable strength was due to an item or a skill… not due to being Tier 3.”

Huh? Oh, well, it is due to my species. Or I guess it’s both since I am also Tier 3.

Then again…

I look down at myself before looking at him.

At first glance, the hall master looks like he’d be a lot stronger than me. If we were judging prior to the System. But in reality, he’s just Tier 2 while I’m Tier 3. So I’m a lot stronger than him.

I then look around at the various hunters who are just gaping at me with flushed faces from their alcohol.

Everyone here probably just expected me to either be Tier 1 or 2. Which make me wonder…

I know there aren’t likely to be many if any Tier 3s, but I do kind of want to know just how many there are.

But that can wait. I turn back to the hall master again while pushing the job request onto the counter and asking, “Well? Can I have my reward?”


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