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A few hours later

As soon as I select the button, a flash of green light shines around me and Sapphire before we find ourselves in Aegis Live, floating in front of the host – a human named Aaron.

“Welcome to Aegis Live, Winter Wolf!” he shouts with a broad grin on his face, playing up the crowd of millions of people who are all cheering at the tops of their lungs. Many of whom I notice are werewolves judging by their eye colors. “We all appreciate you accepting my interview invitation and welcome you with open arms!”

Sapphire ignores him to go down to my jacket pocket while shifting into her tiny spider form, seemingly to sleep. Meanwhile, I send him a nod after glancing once at the main screen, which is showing Nosferatu fighting a bunch of droids on one of the spaceships.

“To start things off,” the man gets right into it, likely knowing how I am already from watching my livestreams, “what was your life like before the initialization came?”

The audience grows quiet at his question.

“Nothing very interesting,” I answer while focusing on the screen as the dhampir continues fighting through the droids. “I was a college student studying Computer Science on the planet known as Earth. Was about to graduate as well with my bachelors before the initialization happened.”

Aaron turns to look at the audience and says, “For those of you who don’t know about the fields of study back on Earth, a bachelors is the lowest level of higher education someone can get in a subject from a university. And Computer Science is the study of computation, automation, and information.” He then turns to me and asks, “Is that right?”

I nod my head and add, “Computer Science is a rather broad subject, but that’s one interpretation of it. I’ve also taken classes on software engineering and cybersecurity during it as well, so it’s not only the theoretical areas that you mentioned.”

Not that many of the people in the audience will understand the meaning of all that. Especially not the people from other worlds, where I don’t think computers even exist. And the ones that do have them probably aren’t to the level ours were for most of them.

Except of course the Technocrats who are far beyond our old tech.

Even Aaron seems a little confused by my answer, but he just moves it along and asks, “For our next question, there are a lot of people who want to know this. Did you have a girlfriend before the initialization?”

I turn to look at him with a raised brow before shaking my head and focusing on the screen again as I answer, “No. I don’t have any interest in romance.”

Shocked gasps run throughout the audience at my announcement, making me feel slightly uncomfortable in the process.

Is it really that shocking?

I glance at the host again, just to find him looking rather surprised as well.

Huh. Guess it is.

It also looks like the man has something he wants to say, but holds back and instead asks, “What does that mean for the Grand Werewolf Empire? I mean, you’re the heir, which means you’ll likely become the Emperor of the Empire at some point in the future. So what about heirs of your own?”

I look at him like he’s stupid before pointing at Sapphire, who is asleep in my pocket.

“Oh, right,” he says, sounding a little strange before he looks at the audience where I notice a group of werewolves. But surprisingly, none of them seem to care about it.

Anyways, I don’t plan on becoming an emperor. I took the signet and position as heir because it gave me quite the benefit but ruling over an empire would be a pain. So if that ever does come around, I’ll just toss the work onto some underlings and call it a day.

Aaron clears his throat and quickly moves on to the next question, unknowing of my thoughts, which is probably for the best, “What do you plan to do after you get out of the dungeon?”

I love how he says it like it’s a fact that I’ll make it out. But then again, I’m grossly overpowered for my level at this point. So most people will probably think that.

Unless The Reaper interferes again. Which he probably will.

“I’ll help the people of the Safe Zone I arrived at Aegis on,” I answer while watching Norbert attempt to fly a spaceship with quite a bit of struggle. Which is honestly rather amusing.

“Oh? What about the wars going on there?” Aaron asks, but I just wave him away and answer, “Unless my Safe Zone is participating, then I’d rather stay out of unnecessary conflict. It’s just a waste of time. Not to mention that I’m a prince now, so I can’t go around fighting for no reason.”

Although that’s mostly just an excuse. My preferred life would be to live as I please away from people. But I need to help my family first, and I should probably help their community while I’m at it.

Then there’s the stupid responsibilities I took on from Diane that I’ll have to deal with for the Empire when I’m there.

The host continues to ask question after question until the time limit begins to run out and I wake up Sapphire, who groggily comes out of my pocket and returns to her bipedal form while rubbing her eyes – which has an effect on the audience by the sounds of the oos and awws coming from them.

“We appreciate your spending the time to answer my questions, and I hope you come again soon, your Highness!” Aaron says with a wide grin, one even wider than when I first arrived, as he calls me your highness for the first time.

Just seconds later, I find myself back on the floating rock of obsidian with Sapphire, surrounded on all sides by lava.

“Well,” I say while glancing at her and noticing but promptly ignoring her pouting face, “guess it’s time to go back to flying around aimlessly.”


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