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A couple of days later

I narrow my eyes at the man in front of me before shaking my head and making a motion for the guards to take him away. I then turn to Aidan as the two Tier 2 Orcs begin dragging the former Tier 2 guard captain for that annoying mayor – who of which is no longer with us due to a case of mouthing off to and discriminating against Vampires in front of a Tier 7 Vampire.

“Have we heard anything from the dungeon researchers about the strange elemental energy that’s been sensed coming from the dungeon recently?” I ask while glancing towards the window in the direction of the dungeon, where I sense some strange elemental energy leaking. The energy is the same as the element that the dungeon uses. But a lot more pure. More like a natural elemental energy, and not one made through mana.

Which makes it a lot more easy to feel out. And the feel this element gives me… is terrifying.

Emptiness. An all devouring darkness.

It feels like if I touch the element, then I’ll be devoured in an instant.

And it’s not a pleasant feeling, much less one I want constantly leaking out of the dungeon. But at least the dungeon researchers say that they should be able to block the element in to stop it from naturally leaking out into the city like that.

“Nothing about what the element is,” Aidan says with a shake of his head that I can see in the reflection of the window. “However, the researchers did manage to find out that this new element is indeed the same one that was in the orb found a while back. They also know that it obviously has something to do with the dungeon’s next floor, since the energy is coming from behind the wall where the next floor stairs are.”

I frown at that before looking at him and nodding my head.

Just what’s with Fenrir? His dungeon is so much different from the norm… it really makes me wonder.



“So Dawn,” I ask her, trepidation in my tone, “do you know what that is?”

Dawn just stares at the massive floating mass of tentacles as if slowly passes by the thirteenth floor of my dungeon. The creature doesn’t seem to have any eyes, or any other sensory organs. But despite that, it manages to just float right around my floor before continuing its trip through the air without paying my dungeon any mind.

“Dawn?” I repeat myself while watching it continue floating further and further away.

“Oh, right,” Dawn says, snapping out of her stupor while focusing on my core. “That was a natural creature of the void.”

Well, duh.

“But that thing must’ve been at least Tier 6,” I state what should be obvious, but Dawn just bobs up and down as if that’s not a problem.

“Void creatures don’t mess with dungeons,” Dawn states while returning to Fang again. “So you don’t have to worry about it.”

Oh. Okay.

Deciding to just ignore the Tier 6 void creature as it continues moving away, I return my focus to the thirteenth floor of the dungeon. Which has been mostly built by now in the form of a large church with a large tunnel of catacombs beneath it.

Since it’s the very first floor in the void, I decided to go easy on the traps and other stuff. So for the most part, it’s just a bunch of tunnels with void monsters inside of them and the occasional void trap. But unlike the other floors, there are no non-void monsters inside of it. Unless you include the mana infused monsters.

Which there are thirteen of spread throughout the catacombs.

Also, one other very nice difference that I have now that I’m in the void instead of Midgard is that I have more freedom with my floor. I don’t have to worry about the structure of the planet, making sure I don’t accidentally cause the surface to cave in or shake. And I don’t have to worry about caverns or anything else. Since the void is empty of most things.

So thanks to all of that, the catacombs are a lot larger than any of the other floors. Although the monsters are a bit sparser and more spread out due to their average mana cost being higher.

I look through the floor at the various void creatures that’ve passed by my portals and died, giving me their patterns. They include the void serpents, void eels, void panthers, and even a void wolf that I managed to find at some point which I’m making plenty of use of.

Overall, the natural void creatures that I got the patterns from directly are a lot cheaper to make mana-wise than the void creatures I made the patterns for myself. Or void creature I made, since I’ve only made the void sernine so far.

It’s to the degree that they’re only a fourth of the price. Which in hindsight is still a lot more expensive than a normal monster, but worth it considering how they’re stronger than a regular wolf monster or direwolf.

I continue looking through the catacombs for a few minutes before eventually focusing on the mini boss room. The room itself is different from my normal mini boss room, with it being set up as an enormous, circular tunnel with four sealed doors on the interior of the ring and one on the exterior. Meanwhile the walls of the tunnel are infused with void energy in a strange way that I learned through some odd dirt that I found while digging out the area.

And the creature I’ll be using as the mini boss is the very worm-like creature that I found nesting in that dirt. One that can tear through the dirt as if it were that paper material the intruders use, despite it being extremely hard for everyone else.

Actually, the entire catacombs is made out of the material, which is cheaper to make mana-wise than it should be to be honest. But that might just be because my mana is void mana, so I can follow the direct pattern without modifying it to accommodate a different element.

I glance at Dawn for a moment to find her watching a group of intruders fighting with Fang before turning my attention back to the mini boss room again.

Time to create the mini boss.


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