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                   A distant planet, located in a galaxy not initialized into the System

The groaning of zombies can be heard from every corner of the graveyard as the Abyssal Ruler stands in place at the center of it, ignoring the zombies as they go about their business – killing the very unfortunate humans who had arrived out of curiosity after seeing the Ruler fly through the sky towards the graveyard.

Several minutes pass without anything else happening, with the Ruler simply standing still with his eyes closed. The man has dark gray skin, with pure black flames radiating out of his eyes even while they’re closed, and a thick crown of horns atop his head. As he’s standing in place, his large, bat-like wings occasionally move on their own to swat a zombie that had stumbled too close to him, turning the zombie into a paste after landing on the other end of the graveyard.

It isn’t until a strange warping sound echoes through the graveyard, followed by the appearance of a man with the head of a goat stepping through a recently opened portal that the Ruler finally opens his pitch black eyes. Meanwhile, all of the zombies immediately begin to lumber away from the two – as if frightened by the Ruler’s mere act of opening his eyes.

After Dafid Vanelli’s appearance, several more portals begin to open in the graveyard. Out of which step a large man with glowing blue and white veins running through his body whose eyes are black with ocean blue sclera instead of white, an equally large orc whose thick skin is a glowing red instead of the regular green skin of orcs with two horns radiating a fiery glow and two eyes releasing actual flames, and lastly, a man wearing the robes of the Holy Empire Church. The man has long, straight black hair, with an elderly glow to his face despite his clear youthfulness and the black and white colors of his robes.

“Wilhelm!” the fire harbinger, Torusk Moonscream, shouts, his voice echoing throughout the entire graveyard as several of the nearby undead begin burning alive just from being near him. “Why the bloody hell are we meeting this far out of the System?!”

Wilhelm Aust – otherwise known by many as the Ruler of the Abyss – just glances at him before turning to look at the two Administrators that appeared alongside him and answering, “Because I believe it’s time we deal with that newborn reaper once and for all.”

This one statement leaves the three level fifteen thousand individuals speechless for several seconds, just for the Friar – Pope of the Holy Empire – to quietly ask in a calm tone of voice, “You’re willing to risk losing your System rights?”

To his surprise, the Ruler shakes his head and steps forwards while saying, “No. A loophole has been found to avoid that.”

“Bullshit,” Torusk exclaims, his flaming eyes flaring as he steps forwards and tries to grab the Ruler by the shoulder, just to have his arm knocked away in the process. “No one has ever found a loophole in the System before!”

The two Administrators next to him don’t say anything, but the looks in their eyes make it clear that they agree with the man’s sentiments. Despite this though, the Ruler continues to stare on with the same indifferent look as ever as he says, “All you need to know is that the loophole was entered into the System, so now if an Executive breaks the laws of the System, all that will result from it is a demotion of the Executive.”

Norvant Blanc – the leviathan underlord of the ocean world of Arc – openly gapes at the man before glancing at the Friar and sharing a look.

‘He hates the reaper enough that he’s willing to be demoted to a Sub-Administrator position to kill him?’ the Friar thinks after a few seconds.

“Seriously?” Torusk mutters, the bluster burning out of him as he begins to step away from the other three. “I’m not an Executive, so leave me out of whatever it is you’re planning. Even I’m not stupid enough to risk being labeled a monster by the System.”

Right when the harbinger opens a fiery portal to leave the planet, a wave of black flames engulfs it, somehow burning the portal of flames to cinders. Torusk then turns to look back at the Ruler with rage clear on his face, only for it to calm a bit as the Ruler says, “Cool off. You won’t be breaking the System’s laws. All I need you to do is to sponsor the bug.”

A frown appears on the leviathan’s face at that, meanwhile a look of open disgust emerges on the Friar’s. However, neither of them voices their thoughts out loud as the harbinger nods his head in agreement and says, “As long as this’ll deal with that ice brat.”

“What is your plan?” the Friar says, not wanting to waste any time.

Wilhelm glances between the three before eventually saying, “I’m going to figure out where the Administrator Dungeon is located and break into it. And I’ll need your help to do that.”


Almost a week later

“Yes! Finally! We’re doooone!!!!” Sapphire shouts while pumping her arms into the air right after the large Roc monster that served as the boss for the 120th floor breaks away into sparks of light, just like most mini bosses and bosses do. Except for those frozen solid by my ice that is.

I’m guessing the reason for that has to do with the void energy in my element, but who knows.

That doesn’t really matter much right now. What does matter is getting whatever is in this boss chest.

I ignore the celebrating Sapphire as she runs in circles with a wide grin on her face to instead walk up to the chest and open it. Just to get a skill that immediately fades away due to my disconnection with the System.

Damn it.

I let out a grunt as Sapphire runs into me and grabs onto my coat before looking up with that same ecstatic look on her face while pointing towards the exit.

“You really hate this floor, don’t you?” I mutter to her with a sigh, just to have her nodding her head rapidly in response.

Well, guess it wasn’t my favorite either. Time to check out what’s on the next theme.

I walk over to the door before touching it without any hesitation and finding myself along with Sapphire appearing in the middle of hell. Or at least a place that looks a lot like hell.

“Papa,” Sapphire says after a few seconds of staring out at the vast ocean of lava surrounding the tiny little island of what looks like obsidian that we’re standing on.

“What is it?” I ask her with a frown on my face.

She turns back to look at me with a frown of her own and says after a short pause, “Can we go back to the last theme?”

I stare at her for several seconds before letting out a sigh.

Then a large fish with magma dripping off of its body jumps out of the lava next to us.


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You know I'm kinda interested in if you could go back. I doubt it since it's basically a race to lvl 1k but I can see the value in going back to fight some of those massive monsters outside the arenas for example now that he has the levels to be safe.

Douglas Hoeflin

why does the abyssal Ruler hate wolf so much I know it was problem mentioned at some point, but it just seems that he is going to Exstream measures to kill wolf when they have never met