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                     The border between the Duchy of Viette and the Duchy of Rhiane
                                                    Year 820 | Month 3 | Day 13

“Damnit!” General Robert shouts while reaching out for the portal just before it closes, leaving him falling to his knees next to where it was. He slams his fist into the ground, only to remember the crystal a second later and reach for it. But by now, the crystal is no longer glowing in the slightest.

“Damnit…” he mutters in a much quieter tone. “I was so close…”

General Zark makes his way through the masses of undead towards the former high general, only to stop behind him while asking, “So that’s the Embodiment of Wrath that God is searching for?”

Robert glances over at the other General before climbing back to his feet again and saying, “Yes, it was. And now we have no idea where she is again.”

Zark narrows his eyes at the man before looking at the spot where the portal was and muttering, “The portal seemed to change target planes when her skill hit it, so she isn’t likely on Earth.”

“Which means we’re even further away from finding her than we were before losing her in the first place…” Robert mutters with a frown on his face.

Since Earth has no forces on the other planes, they are not able to search any of them. This makes Earth and Midgard the only places that they are able to search.

Several seconds pass in relative silence, with the only noise being that of the groaning zombies around them and the clattering of the skeleton’s bones. Eventually Robert climbs back to his feet and wipes off his knees of the ashes that had gotten on them. He then pulls a strange device from his pocket. The device has the shape of a rectangle, with several buttons on it and a small magical aura coming off of it.

Robert inserts his mp into the device before raising it to his ear and saying, “Security code H14TA2Z8.”

The device doesn’t do anything for a few seconds, only to let out eight short beeps. The former high general then says, “Activate voice recognition system,” before pausing for a few seconds and only continuing again after three beeps, “My name is Robert Fellhart. I am a General of the New Earth Alliance and am currently stationed on Midgard.”

He stops talking again after the device begins beeping.

“Castiel here,” an impatient sounding man’s voice comes from the device along with a pulse of holy element after several seconds.

Both of the generals immediately press their knees to the ground as they feel the pressure of an angel before Robert manages to grunt out, “Greetings, Angel Castiel, leader of the assault force stationed on Midga-”

“Make it quick,” the angel cuts him off with a bit of irritation mixing in with his impatience.

“R-right,” Robert stutters before stating, “we have managed to find the Embodiment of Wrath, but we then lost her again after she interrupted the coordinates of a portal before passing through it into an unknown location.”

Silence passes through the connection for several seconds before the pressure coming from it in the form of holy element increases and the angel asks, “So you lost it again.”

Robert grits his teeth both out of frustration and out of the pressure pushing down on him, meanwhile Zark has a face that expresses his wish to be anywhere but here at this moment.

“Yes, your holiness,” Robert grunts out.

Without any pause this time, the angel responds, “Find the Embodiment and bring it back. If you fail again, you will be executed.” He then pauses for a second and adds, “Make sure to share the Embodiment’s appearance and current power and Tier with me through mail.”

The device then makes a beeping sound as the connection cuts off, leaving the two generals heaving in relief at the loss of the pressure pushing down on them.


                                                                                 Year 820 | Month 3 | Day 13

I’m glad I got this new cloak not too long before this happened. After all, it is much warmer than my old one. Which in hindsight was only meant for warmer weather and not cold weather, so it makes sense that it wouldn’t be cold. But still.

I continue running across the frozen wasteland as I’ve been doing for the past five minutes before I finally run into a settlement. A very small one at that. One with the infrastructure of Aulta, confirming my guess as to my location.

An immense wave of disappointment and irritation washes over me for a second before I shake my head.

At least I’m still in Midgard.

I just hope Aulta hasn’t been too badly invaded by the invaders. Because it wouldn’t be good to end up immediately finding a place overrun with invaders.

Although Aulta is quite a bit different from Liathtria. The continent has a large focus on strength, making it the continent with the most warriors in it out of all three of the continents. Which would make it a more difficult target for the invaders.

But at the same time, the factions on the continent are a little bit more separated, without as much working together between them.

Valtar de Alheim – the king of Aulta – basically stays out of any issues in the continent, letting the nobles duke it out amongst themselves for territory.

The mans a bit of a sociopath, lacking almost any emotions entirely.

He’s honestly kind of scary.

I narrow my eyes at the metal and wooden hybrid walls surrounding the large village. On top of the walls are various Aultan soldiers, wearing their regular sets of armor with horned helmets and chainmail armor covering their torsos. The most common weapons used amongst them are hand axes and short swords, which are very different from the long swords and slightly longer short swords from Liathtria.

This might be a little annoying.

My armor will stand out like a sore thumb, and my cloak doesn’t exactly look normal either.

So how am I going to blend in?


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