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I can’t help but raise my eyebrows at the sight of Norbert just barely blocking Sapphire’s two clawed front legs with his swords while being pushed back all the way to the wall from the impact. And my surprise only grows greater as she begins to freeze his swords by drawing some of my voided ice element from my body in a quick trail across the floor.

By the time I begin making my way over to them, Sapphire already has both of Norbert’s swords frozen with his forearms along with them. And she isn’t stopping there.

“Shit,” I hear the dhampir mutter while droplets of blood begin to float above the two and form spears right before another one of her legs pierces straight through his brain, killing him in an instant.


…won without even engaging him myself?

I blink twice at his already fading form before glancing at Sapphire to see her transforming back into her bipedal form with a smug look on her face.

Are we really that strong? I mean, I understand that I am almost a hundred levels above him, but still…

The legendary chest appears behind me at the center of the room. At the same time, all of the droids in the crowd continue to cheer like crazy.

I stare at the place Norbert was at for a few seconds before walking up to the chest and touching it, just for an odd thing to happen on the menu.

Skill | Blood Vault | Tier 5
This skill allows the user to use their own blood to summon a personal vault to be used as a storage for both living and non-living things.
Warning: This skill is not usable by a harb-harb-harb---

It bugged out? That’s a first… although this is also the first time I’ve gotten a skill since the System detached.

I reach out to touch the skill orb, just for another surprise to appear in the form of the orb exploding on contact and the flickers of light and energy from it falling onto the floor and vanishing.

Warning. Competitor is not connected to the System. System Skill has been lost in transition.

Okay. That’s… Okay.

I honestly couldn’t care less about that skill, but that doesn’t change how annoying this is. After all, this makes half of my loot boxes completely useless…

Almost immediately after the menu disappears, I find myself and Sapphire appearing on a spaceship – likely on the 110th floor – in the middle of some sort of mess hall full of droids.

“Why does a ship run by robots need a mess hall…” I mutter while waving my hand to send a wave of icy flames out to devour them all. Just for several more to begin filing into the room right after.

“Do you think the next theme’ll be more interesting?” Sapphire suddenly asks as I wipe out the new droids.

I glance over at her for a moment before focusing on the monsters again.

Is it just me, or is she calling me papa less and less every day? It doesn’t bother me or anything, but it makes me wonder if she’s becoming more and more like me.

Then again, it could just be my imagination.

“Hopefully,” I answer her after finishing off the last of the droids. “Let’s clear out the floor quickly. Because these spaceships are starting to feel a little stuffy.”


                                                                                              Arcadian Live

“I knew The Winter Wolf was stronger than the other Competitors, but…” Katherine mutters while floating next to Mikaela. But Mikaela just shakes his head with a frown.

“You need to remember,” he says while watching Norbert’s livestream as the dhampir in question tears his way through the ninety-ninth floor with abandon. “The werewolf prince is almost a hundred levels above Nosferatu, and even more above the other Competitors.”

Cheers echo throughout the many stadiums of the still-growing viewing room at that casual declaration. However, despite the millions of viewers that have come back to the viewing room since the incident, it still hasn’t regained its previous size. This is due to many of the viewers going to other viewing rooms.

The cultists of the Blue Moon began their own viewing room to watch Wolf, and Wolf alone. Meanwhile the citizens of the Grand Werewolf Empire all began to go to Aegis Live instead to join the citizens of the new world of Aegis since it’s Wolf’s planet.

“I’m more surprised by that Special Floor than the result of the battle,” Mikaela says while crossing his arms. “The fact that a floor of the dungeon would purposely pit two Competitors against each other and make them kill the other, even if only temporarily, is rather shocking. But I guess the dungeon’s been changing throughout this entire run, so I shouldn’t be so surprised by everything at this point.”

Katherine nods her head and begins to speak, only to pause as the screen changes again to show Wolf and Sapphire as they tear their way through one of the spaceships with relative ease. She then glances at the viewers in the audience to find several groups of them focusing solely on Sapphire, who is walking next to Wolf in her bipedal form while swinging her legs from time to time out of boredom as he wipes out the droids.

“Looks like Sapphire’s getting bored,” Katherine mutters with an amused look on her face, causing thousands of cheers to rise out of the audience.

Mikaela glances at the audience with a bewildered look on his face before muttering, “Sometimes I wonder who is more popular. Wolf or Sapphire.” He then almost immediately regrets it as people begin to shout answers back and forth between the two.

“The Winter Wolf!!!” “His Highness!” “Sapphire!” “Saph!!” “Her highness!!!”

One of the cheers in particular makes Mikaela raise an eyebrow and he thinks, ‘Her highness? Are they considering Sapphire as a princess of the empire now?’

The vampire watches the argument brewing amongst many of the fans for a few minutes before he shrugs and refocuses his attention on commentating the livestream in the hopes that it’ll distract them from their argument.


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Administrator Dungeon Notification

You have won the duel!

As a reward, a legendary chest will be spawned in the room.


Nicholas Wheeler

Hopefully the dungeon changes how it rewards him, otherwise that's kinda lame and pointless

Corwin Amber

Also, I kind of feel like he now deserves something else to make up for a lost legendary reward. Despite it being something he didn't need/couldn't use :)