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                                                                                Year 820 | Month 3 | Day 13

Where did he go?

My eyes narrow as I search around the area, stopping only now and then to deal with some skeletons that get too close. But after nearly half a minute of searching, I find my answer over half a kilometer away, where a large mound of bones can be seen growing with the man on top of them.

Before I can begin making my way over there though, I feel another presence approaching from the South-West. One even stronger than the man I’m facing now.

Oh come on, can’t things just go my way? Why does there have to be another Tier 3 in the nation besides the border guard and the one at the duchy seat?

Or could this be the one from the duchy seat?

I throw those thoughts away to instead focus on making my way through the massive army of skeletons that’s rising up from the ground in between me and the first man. And as I’m doing so, I hear someone shouting from behind me.

“There you are!”

While still keeping the new invader in the senses of my aura to keep track of him, I continue pushing through the skeletons towards the strained looking first invader. But out of nowhere, a loud explosion sounds out from behind me, and I find myself instinctively jumping away from where I was just standing before turning to the new invader.

The man is wearing the exact same outfit as the first one but seems both younger and has a sword instead of a staff. I also can’t help but wonder if I’ve seen him before, because the man feels a tad bit familiar. No matter how hard I try to remember though, I can’t seem to recall his face. So I focus on the five orbs of flames surrounding him that used to be six before he tossed what was no doubt the first of them to cause that explosion that wiped out a large number of the skeletons where I was standing.

I raise both of my hands to use Wrath lightning, only to pause as my eyes narrow in on a glowing red crystal in his pocket.

I want it.

Give it to me.

I must have i-

“You’re killing off my skeletons, Robert,” the first invader’s voice snaps me out of whatever trance I had entered from seeing the crystal, and now I can look at it again with nothing more than a slight desire to have it. “Couldn’t you have found a better way to stop her?”

The five fireballs begin to lazily rotate around the new invader whose name is apparently Robert as the man says, “No. This one will need a lot of force to knock out, and one measly fireball won’t be enough.”

I alternate my gaze between the two for a few seconds as they continue conversing as if I wasn’t standing in between them, with dozens of meters in between us on either side.

“Knock out?” the older one asks while standing still on his pile of bones. “You don’t mean to kill her?”

“Of course not,” the new one says, stopping his fireballs in midair, “Wrath is the most necessary of the Sins for our end goal.”

My eyes widen at that. Both at the fact that he knows what I am, and the meaning of what he had just said.

I’m more important than the other Sins to them? But why?

Deciding to keep quiet for a few seconds in case they give me any more answers, I patiently wait for them to continue.

“Oh ho ho, so this is Wrath?” the first one says with a strange laugh. “I guess that explains why you wouldn’t answer my questions, little one!”

“Enough of that,” the new one says while drawing his right hand back, pulling one of the fireballs towards it in the process, “we just need to either capture her or send her back to Earth at the very least. And I’m sure the Chairman’ll be interested to hear how she reached Tier 3 in such a short time.”

Looks like my eavesdropping time is done. And I don’t exactly like the idea of being sent to their plane, sooo…

“Sorry, but I’d rather stay here,” I say while sending two bolts of Wrath lightning out – one towards the new guy and one towards the old. Then I run as fast as I can away from both of them, past the border.

I’ve gotten all the information they’re likely to give me, and I highly doubt I can deal with two higher leveled Tier 3s at once. So it would be best to make my exit now.

As I’m running though, it takes a lot of willpower not to turn around and rush towards that crystal.

Just what is that thing anyways? It honestly feels like it’s a part of me or something.

I push through and run as fast as I can, speeding up even more via Wrath Infusion at the sound of the two dealing with my bolts of Wrath lightning and giving chase.

“Damn it, stop running!” the voice of the new guy explodes throughout the plains.

Why do people do that? I mean, it’s not like I’m gonna stop just because you told me to…

Suddenly, a large explosion appears in front of me with no signs of what caused it, only for the flames of the explosion to move inwards and create some sort of portal with the image of some sort of enormous… city? On the other side. It looks like a group of enormous towers and other buildings with people wearing strange clothes walking around between them, so I can only assume it’s a city.

I narrow my eyes at the portal before raising both hands and digging my feet into the ground to stop before entering it. At the same time, I draw on my Wrath and send two bolts of Wrath Lightning at the portal. One at the edges of it, and one directly into it. The one that goes into it seems to continue on till it strikes one of the towers and damages it, but the other makes the portal begin to blip in and out of existence, with the image inside of it changing each time.

My feet continue dragging onto the ground before I come to a stop just a few meters in front of it with a sigh. I then turn to go around the incredibly wide portal, just to feel an explosion of heat hitting me from the back and sending me flying the rest of the way into the portal right as it changes to look like some sort of frozen wasteland.

One that reminds me very much of my time in Aulta.

“Shit,” is the last thing I hear myself saying before I find myself passing through the portal and landing on a rough patch of freezing snow, with the portal behind me closing right after, leaving me to stare up at the falling snow above me.

And right when I was getting so much closer to making it home…


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Awwww damn she was so close to home