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After returning to the dungeon from the conjunction, it takes me about ten minutes to find and clear out the entrance to the temple with Sapphire’s help. And after that, we both find the temple itself filled with various different traps, puzzles, floors, and especially frozen scythian golems who must’ve been collateral damage in my battle with the Centurion Boss.

Also, speaking of the battle, as it turned out, I got quite a few levels from killing all of these monsters. Despite that though, my eternal ice still didn’t work in the end against the Centurion Boss, so I can only assume that he got levels as well.

But either way, I’m alive. Sapphire’s alive. I got plenty of benefits. And the Centurion Boss is dead.

So things worked out.

“Papa,” Sapphire suddenly asks as we find ourselves facing another dead end in the maze floor of the temple.

“Don’t say it,” I tell her with a mental sigh before turning around, ignoring the look she’s sending me for leading us into the tenth dead end.

It’s not my fault the maze’s current frozen status is messing with my senses… although the frozen status might be my fault. And my hearing doesn’t help either since everything in here is already frozen solid and dead.

Out of the corner of my eye, I see Sapphire figuratively zipping her lips together with her fingers as we continue walking.

I can see that she’s taken on my sarcasm and attitude as well. Woohoo…


In the end, it takes us a total of three hours to make our way through the stupid temple to find the exit, which I quickly touch to get out of there as quickly as possible. Only to find myself and Sapphire in some sort of high tech room. Something akin to what I’d find on a spaceship.

I look around for a moment, only to find a window on the wall behind us displaying the vastness of space and a star on the other side.

“We’re on a spaceship?” I mutter before glancing at Sapphire, only to find her shrugging in response.

Huh. At least I won’t be seeing any more System Forums threads talking about my habit of talking to myself anymore now that Sapphire can actually talk back.

Anyways, I wasn’t expecting to find a high tech floor again so soon. Much less one that has space in it.

“I wonder if we have to breathe?” I mutter out loud while stepping up to the window. And I don’t miss Sapphire’s head jerking around to look at me after saying it.

But I ignore it as I honestly ponder the question.

Because it would be kind of cool if we didn’t have to. After all, at this point I don’t have to do any of the stuff we used to have to do as a human. Like eating or sleeping for example.

So maybe I don’t have to breathe either?

To test it out, I begin to hold my breath. But my reflexes kick in before much longer and I find myself breathing out again not too long later.

Hmm. I’ll have to test that out some more in the future, because I don’t know if that was because I have to breathe, or just my muscle memory telling me to.

With that thought in mind, I turn around and begin making my way towards the door on the other side of the room with Sapphire quickly following next to me. Although at some point she turns into her spider form and jumps onto my shoulder.

The door has a split down the middle, with both of the doors being a plain silver in color. And when we get close enough to it, it opens on its own to reveal a hallway with several robots marching by in a grid formation. Robots that immediately turn to us and begin firing laser beams that I easily block with a wall of ice before testing eternal void on them.

The droids are all humanoid in form, with a small laser cannon attached to the backs of both of their palms. They have a complete armor made up of some sort of gray metal, with obvious sensors for eyes and a strange symbol on their chest in the form of a triangle with a star at the center of it.

I get results of my testing rather quickly as the robots all begin to turn blue, then a bluish purple, and then parts of them starting with the parts closest to the flames begin to just fade away while the robots themselves all make rapid and panicked beeping noises.

Before they all die though, I make sure to identify one of them.

_-| Unnamed – Ark0513 Battle Droid – Level 1108 |-_

Battle droids? That’s a little unexpected.

I feel Sapphire rub her little spider head against my neck before purring and entering my shadow, which I basically take as ‘these things are weak, so wake me up when you find something interesting’. Although it’s a little hard to tell, since she can’t talk in her spider form.

Either way though, I step back into the room again and summon my portable system store, which surprisingly enters the room in the form of a simple door. When I open the door, it reveals my store on the other side, so I just shrug it off and enter before closing the door behind me and entering the executive stream using Diane’s invite.

And as soon as I arrive in her viewing room, I find myself staring at her and Leo, who are both surrounded by several other people I recognize as famous Administrators.

I blink in surprise at this, only to find Sapphire jumping out of my shadow in her humanoid form and standing beside me with a confident look on her face.

Wait, I thought she was shy? At least, she was earlier.

I’m so confused now. By both these people and Sapphire.

My thoughts are cut off though as Diane smiles and says, “Welcome, Wolf! I have some people I would like to introduce you to!”


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