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I am now going to be adding the 10$ tier benefits to Winter Wolf as well and am gonna start writing bonus chapters from time to time for it until it reaches 20 advanced chapters, just like Wrath is.

What's more is that I also edited the Alpha of Wrath tier to now be called Beta. Meanwhile Beta became Delta, and Omega Sponsor became Omega.

The benefits of the tiers don't change though, outside of the new Beta now getting more than just 8 advanced Winter Wolf chapters.


                                                                                           Arcadian Live
Right before the livestream went back up

“And that’s another floor down for the Silver Siren! Give her a round of applause!!” Mikaela shouts at the audience with his arms crossed and a less enthusiastic look on his face than his voice would hint towards. Ever since the void creature’s killing of a viewer along with the censure on Wolf’s livestream four days prior, every single viewing room in existence was faced with a drastic decrease in viewership. But Arcadian Live was hit much worse than the others due to its focus on Wolf in general.

However, right as the Silver Siren is about to open her mini boss chest, the screen changes to show Wolf standing in the middle of a frozen wasteland with an eight year old girl standing next to him holding his hand and lightly tugging on it.

Mikaela’s eyes widen in shock, both at the sight of Wolf’s wings and the sight of the little girl, whose id appears above her head shortly after.

“Sapphire’s gained a new form!” his voice reverberates throughout the entire stadium as he floats up closer to the screen to get a better look. But as he’s doing so, he can’t help but notice that the stadium around him had just gotten a lot quieter. And when he looks down at the viewers, he finds them all in whispered conversations with each other, with many of them taking pictures and video of the screen. So he turns back to the screen again, just to find Wolf messing with his new element.

‘What is that?’ Mikaela thinks with a frown as he tries to focus on the element but can’t seem to figure anything out from it. ‘I’ve never seen an element quite like it before…’

After several seconds of thought, the man begins to notice that more and more viewers are starting to enter the viewing room. To the point that the System automatically adjusts the stadium to fit the larger number of viewers.

This makes a grin show itself on his face before he glances at the System Forums and his mouth drops open in shock at the number of threads focusing on Sapphire with her pictures and videos everywhere.

And things get even crazier once the audience hears Sapphire refer to Wolf as ‘papa’.

Mikaela just raises an eyebrow at that without removing the wide grin from his face.

The moment Wolf sees the description of the item above the Centurion Boss chest, though, Mikaela’s eyes widen in shock and he shouts, “Are you kidding me?! He actually got Scenturion Metal! That’s something even the current Administrators would kill someone for!!!”

This statement seems to calm the viewers down for a moment, only for the new viewers showing up to bring the volume back up again as everyone focuses on the livestream. Meanwhile, in the other viewing rooms across the System, almost every last one of them is showing similar scenes.

All caused by a lone reaper and his daughter. Both of whom are completely unaware of the situation that they caused.



I open the System Forums while planning on ignoring Sapphire for the moment, only to realize something and close it again before focusing on her and asking, “Hey, Sapphire. Why do you always chase that thing around everywhere?”

She doesn’t even stop running as she shouts back, “Because it’s annoying!” And right after saying that, she dives forward to catch it, just to go straight through it and end up face planting in the snow.

I let out a sigh at that answer, only for my eyes to widen at the sight of a conjunction summon notification.

The hell? Hasn’t it only been three days since…

The frozen wasteland around me quickly turns into that of the conjunction square, where I soon find all of the other Competitors staring wide-eyed at me and Sapphire – who is looking around in confusion likely wondering where the chick went. She quickly seems to understand what happened though and rushes to my side, grabbing my coat for a second only to gain a much more serious look on her face after taking a deep breath.

Huh. She calmed down rather quickly.

Although she’s still holding my coat.

Unsurprisingly considering Sapphire’s cuteness, I notice several of the other Competitors looking at her with a look that clearly expresses their desire to hug or pet her or something. But they’re also not doing anything of the sort, or even stepping closer to us due to me.

In fact, every time one of them glances at me, I notice a fearful look crossing their eyes. Especially when they look at my wings.

I wonder why that is?

“I see little Sapphire’s had a change,” I hear Crystal say from behind me. When I turn around to look at her though, I quickly feel Sapphire’s grip on my coat tighten a little.

Crystal walks forward towards us, seemingly uncaring of my new wings or whatever has the other Competitors so fearful of me, before she kneels down in front of Sapphire and says, “Hi. You remember me, right?” with a bright smile on her face.

I glance down at Sapphire, only to find her surprisingly glaring at Crystal without even bothering to hide it.

This makes me blink in surprise before looking back up at Crystal, who doesn’t seem to be that surprised.

Huh. Guess her jealousy didn’t stop at gaining a humanoid form.

“Yes,” Sapphire says, only to turn into a spider again and enter my shadow for the first time since gaining this new form.

The abruptness of her departure seems to startle several of the Competitors around us, including Crystal as they all show expressions of surprise on their faces. Many of them even begin to leave the square as if something were chasing them, their only reason to stay behind and face me having left.

Okay, seriously? What did I do to be feared this much?

Also it’s good that Sapphire didn’t do anything to mess up my relations with Crystal out of her jealousy. Because that would be annoying.

Even if our partnership isn’t all that beneficial towards me, she could still get some items or information that I might need.

“You’re wondering why they’re all acting that way?” Crystal suddenly says, bringing my attention back to her again before she continues, “It’s because of that strange aura you’re giving off.”

I blink at that before looking down at my body, just to find nothing different from before outside of the wings and the currently-not-there cones over my shoulder. I then look back up at her and tilt my head to ask, “Aura?”

This seems to surprise her as she asks, “You don’t even realize it? You’re giving off some sort of suppressive aura that makes me feel like some sort of predator is staring directly at me, ready to attack any second.”

Huh. That’s interesting.

“That’s because papa is a predator,” I hear Sapphire mutter from my shadow, making both me and Crystal look at her poking her humanoid head out of it in surprise. She then sticks her tongue out at Crystal and goes back fully inside of my shadow again.

And that’s… what that is.

Wait a second. Back onto my original thoughts upon entering here.

“Does this mean I was unconscious for four days?” I mumble out loud while massaging my temples.


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