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With but a thought, I pull on the strange sensations – similar to phantom limbs, like how it feels when I lose a limb – I feel floating around my shoulders. And the moment I do so, I see the cones appearing out of the corner of my eyes. They’re a very beautiful shade of pale blue ice with a faint glow of black radiating out of them and are floating just inches above my shoulder, yet never actually touching me.

I pull harder at the cones and the black light begins to shine brighter and brighter as see a stream of it entering my body through a small laser shooting out of the bottom center of the cone into my shoulders. This energy then passes into my bloodstream and then into my heart itself where it comes out as something different. Before changing, the black element had an intense feeling to it. As if it would devour anything it came into contact with. And it was obviously the same element that the dungeon itself uses. One that I have no control over.

However, after it passed through my heart, the black glow turns starch white. Meanwhile the devouring feeling numbs down a bit while gaining one similar to that of my old eternal ice, yet still different.

I maneuver the voided ice element around to float above my hand, where it comes out looking basically just like my old element but instead with a white glow added in. But with just a thought, I separate it out into two different balls of mist, where one of them transforms into a white flame with sparks of black and pale blue in them, and the other turns into a solid white and pale blue ice.

Interesting… it’s like instinct to use these two forms.

With a glance towards Sapphire who is standing next to me staring into the flame, I control another bit of voided ice element mist and instead use it just like I usually do, and it works. Although everything has a faint white glow to it, which looks kind of cool.

I pass another bit of it to Sapphire for her to play with before summoning my portable system store and sitting down inside the living room next to Sapphire to play with the element for a bit. Mostly to get used to it and what it can do. But not even a few minutes in, the store has a large spear of glowing white ice stuck through the Christmas tree thanks to Sapphire’s experiments. Although the spear disappears a second later and the tree repairs itself thanks to being part of a portable system store, which is indestructible.

Something about that event that does strike my interest though is how the System itself seemed to have a harder time removing the spear of ice than it used to.

Guess it’s because the System uses the void element, which is a part of my ice now?

Certainly something to think about in the future.

My thoughts are interrupted by a notification.

I stare at the notification for a few seconds before glancing at Sapphire, who is also seemingly staring at one.

Huh. Can she see my notifications too?

Something to ask about later.

Another one replaces this one a second later.

My eyebrows raise at that, only to suddenly fall as the portable system store vanishes, leaving me and Sapphire to both fall onto the snow. Meanwhile, a large chest appears in front of the both of us.

I share a surprised glance with Sapphire, just to find her staring wide-eyed back at me before we both turn to the chest. It has the head of a scythian golem with its mouth spread open on the front and center portion of it with some sort of incredibly fancy material making up the frame and several spikes all around it.

“That was rude…” I mutter to the System, only to turn towards Sapphire in surprise when I hear her say, “Very rude.”


I wonder if she’s been getting mannerisms from me all this time? Because that might not be the best way to raise a child…

Then again, we’ve been traveling through a monster infested dungeon for the entertainment of trillions of people throughout the universe ever since she was born, and she’s been watching me slaughter monsters while even helping all this time. I think raising her to the standards of Earth’s kids is off the table at this point.

Not to mention that it would be a pain. Might as well keep as I’ve been doing.

As if proving my point, Sapphire turns back into her tiny spider form and climbs up to my shoulder to lie down and watch.

After giving her a few pats, I reach out and touch the chest, causing a very bright light to shine out of it before a single item appears above it. One that has me tilting my head in confusion until I read its description.

Item | Scenturion Metal | Tier 9
This item is not attainable outside of Centurion Boss chest from the Centurion Boss: Scythian Centurion, Hiiarxlah.
Scenturion Metal is a unique, biological metal that is found within a Scythian Centurion’s body. It may be used to make anything but is especially desired for use in blades.
This metal increases the Tier of whatever item it is used in making by two Tiers with a maximum Tier of Tier 9. If someone attempts to craft a Tier 10 item through the use of this metal, then it will instead grant the item three additional bonus effects if the item was Tier 9 before improving, and one additional bonus effect if it was Tier 8.
Furthermore, any item that this metal is used in is granted one of two additional effects.
If the item in question is a weapon, then the blade is given the power to cut through any element with the exception of variant elements.
If the item in question is a piece of armor, then the armor is given universal immunity to ten percent of all elemental damage.
If the item in question is neither armor nor a weapon, then the item gives the user a permanent shield against mental attacks. However, this shield can be broken if hit by a powerful enough mental attack.

My jaw drops open in shock.


Before I can think about any further, I feel Sapphire jumping off of my shoulder while turning back into her bipedal form and shouting, “It’s back!!! Papa, it’s back!”

When I turn to look at what she’s talking about, I find her chasing after a tiny little chicken. It’s to the point that she’s even trying to catch the tiny little thing with the ice element floating around the area.

I stare at her for several seconds before eventually muttering, “Guess it was too much to ask that she’d give up on the chick after getting a new form…”


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You are the first competitor to defeat a Centurion Boss!

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Aww somethings never change. Haha

Eric Martin

I’ll be interested to see what Diane has to say about the changes as well as the live being the cameras just turned back on. Also what are the implications of his bite now since he likes changing dire wolves and other animals is the void element transferring as well? Will that be addressed?