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Year 849
Month 3

By the time we reach the center Pit, both the nuisance walking beside me and myself are soaked to the bone from the rain. But I just ignore it to walk through the main entrance for champions before navigating my way past the other, lower ranked champions towards my personal prep room, where I find the Archwrit sitting down in a chair drinking tea. Albeit with a very displeased expression on his face. One that I can easily guess the reason for, but don’t say anything.

Once he sees me, he simply gives me a nod and glances at the four bodyguards that are always at his side. Each of the four are gladiators from the same pit, so they all give me nods of respect that I return immediately before focusing on the Archwrit. The man has short brown hair, with a goatee, and he is wearing a set of heavy silver armor – just like he always does.

Honestly, the man’s like a broken record. But then again, I’m not really one to talk.

“As usual, you will be fighting in three matches,” the Archwrit says while rubbing his goatee with a frown on his face that is the only difference I can see from his usual person. Which is the type of person who would practically glow at any mention of making money. “The first two will not be to the death, but the third one will. So make sure you make a bit of a spectacle of it, and do not kill them too quickly. At least make sure the audience seems satisfied first.”

I just nod my head in response, making him narrow his eyes just slightly at my face before he stands up and begins walking over towards the door with his bodyguards.

Hmm. He’s not as upset as I’d expect him to be.

I glance at my pouch, where Luna is still sleeping – at least she was when I last checked back at the apartment – before glancing at the door and making sure it’s locked. After that, I open the pouch and bring her out, which quickly serves to wake her up from her nap.

“Good morning,” I tell her, the start of a smile building on my face at the sight of her sleep addled face.

She just lets out a cute sounding purr before climbing up to my shoulder and rubbing her head against my neck.

If you didn’t know just how deadly she is, you wouldn’t ever guess it. Not with how absolutely adorable she is.

After all, the Archtreas aren’t known as the most venomous spider in the world for no reason.

We should have around half an hour before I’m called to fight, so it’s time to make up for lost time.

I smile at Luna and sit down in the comfortable chair within the very nice room. Luna then moves to my lap and lies down as I look up at the ceiling with my hand moving to pet her.

Almost forgot how it felt to relax.


Just half an hour later

I frown at the man in front of me. He really didn’t put up much of a fight, so it was honestly difficult to make it look like he did. But either way, considering the screams and excitement I’m hearing from the crowd, I’m guessing I did a good enough job.

Which means I can toss him out and leave now.

So I do just that. The next time he lunges for me with that spear of his, I knock it aside with my sword before slamming my elbow into his shoulder to send him to the ground. I then smack the back of his head with my sword’s hilt to finish it off in a three fold attack which sends the crowd wild.

After hearing the announcer declare my victory, I raise one fist into the air – because apparently they like that, so I’m supposed to do that – before walking off towards one side of the arena. However, as I’m walking away, something catches my eye in the bleachers.

I stop for a moment to glance in the direction of it before finding an old man staring at me with a frown.

Why does he give me the creeps…

Deciding that I’m imagining things, I turn back and continue my way out of the stadium to find a happy handler smiling at me, which he normally only ever does after making a huge bet on me and winning.

I can’t help but frown at him, but the man’s glee doesn’t even budge an inch as I pass by him, and he follows after me.

Such a nuisance.


Somewhere in the bleachers of the stadium

“Is that him?” a young man asks the very same old man who Adrian had found unnerving. “Because he didn’t look all that impressive to me…”

The old man just continues staring at the exit that the Pale Swordsman had just walked out of before muttering, “The ones you really need to worry about are those capable of concealing their true ability.”

This single statement seems to explain everything to the young man, following which they both begin leaving the stadium. Despite the fact that another match is about to begin.

And immediately after leaving the stadium itself, they make their way through the inner ring and enter the slums.

“Do you really think we can get him to join the Wolves?” the young man whispers nearly a minute after they enter the slums, now that they’re stopped in a quiet corner with no one else nearby. “Because I doubt a gladiator is really mercenary material…”

“If there’s one thing I’ve taught you all this time…” the old man begins while sending a withering glare towards his student.

The young man sighs and answers, “It’s to not judge people based on their job, appearance, or first impression…”

“Yes, and that man is undoubtedly holding back in there,” the old man continues before glancing at the direction of the arena. “And if my sources are correct, he might not have long to live in this city.”

“Really?” the young man asks in surprise. “Why’s that?”

The old man doesn’t say anything for several seconds. Instead, he reaches into his pocket and pulls out a small emblem with a wolf’s head engraved upon it.

“Because the current Guildmaster of the Assassins Guild has fallen,” the man says to both his student and the emblem the moment it begins to glow.


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