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What the what?

My eyes narrow as I focus my senses on the strange energy beginning to build up around my frozen heart.

Isn’t that the same energy that I saw on the recording of my interrupted awakening? Does that mean I’m going to awaken soon? And if it does, will this one be interrupted?

Question after question after question fills my mind as I look at the energy, but I’m snapped out of my thoughts as another screech echoes through the area, prompting me to raise the soundproofing on my headphones almost to the max.

Of course the stupid Centurion Boss would have to have some sort of loud sound ability.

Not that I didn’t already know it would.

I glance at Sapphire to find her standing to my side in her full size while hissing and letting the spikes of ice in her body all extend and point towards the Centurion Boss as if trying to threaten it. Which looks a little odd considering that they look kind of like vines made out of ice sticking out of an enormous spider.

Wait a second…

Why does Sapphire have that same energy inside of her as well…? Is it because of our souls being bound together?

I quickly focus on the boss again as it opens its mouth, revealing a purple liquid building up inside.

Yeah, that can’t be good.

Sapphire and I jump in opposite directions of each other, leaving the spot where we were standing behind to get blasted by some sort of pulse of purple liquid that does… something… to everything it touches. Something that makes me really glad I wasn’t touched by it.

“Okay, I thought you had a mental element!” I shout at the monster despite know that I probably shouldn’t. But it’s the first one in the dungeon that’s been able to talk, so I can’t help myself. “Why the hell can you use what looks like space magic?!”

“YOU DARE QUESTION ME?!” The voice shouts back, almost making me cringe.

Okay, so he’s not a very good conversation partner after all.

“AND WHY NOT?” It adds after a few seconds of silence before shooting another pulse of that same liquid at me that I quickly dodge again with a gaping mouth.


I stare at it for a few seconds after landing before shaking my head.

“I think I preferred it when you monsters didn’t talk after all,” I mutter, seemingly pissing it off even more considering the cussing that follows, before spreading my claws out in my hunter form and jumping straight towards it.

Unless I wanna get warped in space, which is what looks like happened to the ground back where the pulse hit, then it’d be best to avoid that attack. My thoughts come to a grinding halt, however, after the rest of the ice on the golem’s body shatters followed by its right arm being enveloped in some sort of purple light with a much more vivid color than the ethereal one from before.


I narrow my eyes mid jump, but the fist comes so fast that it’s already smashing into me before I can even blink, sending me flying straight into the barrier with over a dozen broken limbs. Somewhere in the back of my mind, I can hear Sapphire letting out panicked and enraged screeches, and I can even vaguely make out her sending her spikes to strike at the offending limb that smacked me with little to no effect after I heal the injuries around my eyes a little.

But despite the pain and obvious injuries to myself, I can’t help but grin.

So Cocytus did do something after all.

I focus on healing myself while slowly attempting to get up, meanwhile Sapphire continues to distract the golem.

Yes. Distract. Because that’s all Sapphire can really do at the moment, since neither of us are anywhere near physically strong enough to match the bastard.

And yet… Cocytus may have saved this battle.

From the instant the golem’s fist touched me, I realized that the Centurion Boss’s body was full of lingering ice element. Which basically means that I can’t manipulate it, but it’s managed to drastically weaken the creature’s defenses.

Especially considering the joints in its body that have slowed down a lot since.

That aside though-

I cough out a mouthful of pale blue blood again right before finishing up my healing process.

-what the hell sort of skill did it use to move so fast? Did it control its arm with its mental element? Or maybe with a space element skill?

Maybe both?

Either way, I look around the barren wasteland that used to be a regular meadow, including all of the snow, ice, and the beginnings of a blizzard that’s starting up. It looks like the monster might have some visibility issues soon enough.

Not sure where this blizzard is coming from though. Did Cocytus change the atmosphere entirely in this area or something?

Because that would be pretty neat if it did.

Right as I’m about to take control of the blizzard personally to expedite its progress, I feel the energy at my heart pulse along with the heart itself. The frozen heart.

It’s just once, but it’s noticeable enough for me to, well, notice it. Especially considering how my heart hasn’t been ‘beating’ since I first turned into a harbinger. Instead, it’s just somehow pumped the blood without actually beating.

I glance down at my chest to find it shining with a brilliant whitish-blue light.

Okay, what the fuck is going on?


                                                                                    The Void

“I thought you weren’t going to help him?” A strange being asks The Reaper. The being has the shape of an enormous eyeball, but instead of just one single eyeball underneath the eyelid, thousands can be seen shifting and warping in space, making it almost impossible to tell just how many eyes the creature really has.

The Reaper just stays silent while watching the events occurring on the 100th floor of the dungeon. However, from time to time, the strange creature can see him raise a finger and send a very faint spark of void energy through the screen into the boy, accelerating his awakening just a tiny bit with each time.

But despite the void energy that The Reaper is sending being a pure black and red in color, once it enters Wolf’s body, it turns a pure white instead after mixing with his eternal ice element.

“To test a theory,” The Reaper eventually mutters without taking his eyes off of the screen.


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