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                                                            Year 820 | Month 3 | Day 4

Immediately after selecting the plus, a stabbing and burning pain radiates out of my claws on both my hands and feet. At the same time, I notice a faint red glow shining from my gloves, making me hurry to take them off as a note appears in my vision.


Congratulations! Your racial skill ‘Claws of Wrath’ has reached level 3!

Your claws gain the ability to inject Wrath into whatever they pierce and drain from!


My eyes widen in surprise at the new change, only for me to ignore the note again as the dark claws at the ends of my fingers continue to shine brighter and brighter with that same eerie red light. However, the pain and light suddenly vanish at the same time, leaving me feeling strange at the suddenness of it.

I stare at my claws for several seconds now that the light’s gone before shaking my head and trying to find anything different about them, only to not be able to find anything at all.

After a few more seconds I shake my head and climb up to a sitting position while looking around to check for any enemies. After finding none though, I take a deep breath and quickly level up Fangs of Wrath. Just for that very same pain from my claws to radiate through my teeth and not just my fangs this time as I fall onto my back this time.

Oh shit. Please don’t tell me that-

My thoughts are cut off as the pain flares even more throughout my mouth, just for it all to vanish again in a split second, giving me the time to finally read the note in my vision.


Congratulations! Your racial skill ‘Fangs of Wrath’ has reached level 3!

All of your teeth have turned into sharpened, retractable fangs with the exception of your canines, and they will automatically come out when you are feeling strong feelings of Wrath or when you wish for them to.

Additionally, when they are out, you may now drain Wrath from any opponent you bite and use it to stimulate your own body’s capabilities, raising your stats by a miniscule amount in the process.



I stare at the note for a few seconds before running my tongue across my now-very-sharp mouth-full of fangs.

Wait a second, I can increase my stats just by draining other monsters’ stats?

A wide smile spreads across my face underneath my mask at the thought, only to freeze as I realize that I can’t do that with my mask on.

I look around for a few seconds before shrugging and taking the mask off.

It’s not like there’s anyone around right now. And I should be able to make it across the border now that I’m Tier 3 without having to rely on my status as an adventurer, so the other group members learning about my identity doesn’t really matter all that much even if they run into me without my mask on.

Although I don’t think they will know what I look like. It’s just the nobles that are all required to learn what the royals look like after all.

The only downside of this is that I have to bite into monsters to use it, but I guess I can deal with that. I’m getting more used to biting into them anyways from my beast form.

While it’s not exactly pleasant, if it’s to get stronger, then I’ll do it.

But I do wonder just how small miniscule is in this case.

With that thought in mind, I begin walking through the tunnel again until I run into two spiders, one of which I quickly reach and grab by the ‘neck’ – whatever that is called for a spider – and crush it before grabbing the other one and biting into it with ease.

The creature lets out a terrified shriek in the process. At the same time, I feel a strange energy entering my mouth. The energy feels king of like both a liquid and a gas as they flow to the back of my mouth, just to somehow ignore my throat and spread through my entire body.

The spider continues to let out shrieks and screeches of panic, but it slowly grows quieter and quieter until turning silent as the energy stops flowing into me.

I toss the body aside with a lot more ease than I had before reaching Tier 3 and open up my status.

And what I find has me raising a single eyebrow.

It gave me 0.001 DEX? That’s it?

I stare at my status for several more seconds before letting out a sigh.

Maybe feeding on a Tier 3 monster might give me more. Because that was a bit of a letdown.

I’d have to kill a hundred Tier 2 monsters just for a single stat point.

Although I wouldn’t be surprised if the amount I get each time grows with further level-ups of the skill.

I purse my lips at the thought before glancing at the other spider.

Probably should’ve drained it as well, but it doesn’t really matter.

With that thought in mind, I begin to walk through the tunnel again in search of more spiders. Just to remember something.

How am I supposed to retract these fangs?

As I walk, I continuously try to focus on my teeth in the hopes that they’ll shrink or dull or something, but nothing ever happens.

Okay, this might be a problem. If I’m ever seen with these fangs, then whoever sees me is most likely going to assume that I’m a sacred beast. Which wouldn’t be good.

Out of nowhere, another incredibly loud screech echoes through the tunnel from the opposite direction of where I’m going, making me quickly realize that it’s probably the Tier 3 of this tunnel.

I frown in the direction of the noise before shaking my head and continuing on the way I was already heading.

It would probably be best to level up a bit more before I take another one on. After all, I don’t have The Calling of Wrath usable right now, and that creature might be at the end of Tier 3 or something.

Best to not risk it. Especially not when I’m still tired from the last one and the pest extermination I did before that.

Not to mention that I still have to deal with figuring out how to control both this leakage of Wrath energy and learning how to retract my fangs.


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Hell yeah retractable teeth! That’s cool as hell


"The energy feels kin{g}d of like both a liquid and a gas" change the g to a d