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I recognize quite a few of the people around me from the livestreams that I’ve seen, but there are also a lot of them that I’ve never seen before who are probably in the latter half of the Competitors moving through the dungeon.

And for some reason, at least a quarter of the Competitors here seem to be fixated on me. However, that doesn’t last long as a series of clicking sounds resonate from the other side of the square, bringing everyone’s attention towards the anthrovespid standing away from everyone else.

Almost immediately, the majority of the Competitors get ready for a fight, but I just stare at the creature without moving. And surprisingly, it turns its wasp-like head to look directly at me as well.

Then we just stare at each other for a few seconds before it narrows its eyes, snaps its wings once and turns around to leave the square, slowly entering the many buildings around us.

Well, that was strange.

It didn’t seem to like me either. But it also looked like it was more than that. Like it has a target on my back or something.

“Looks like the rumors are true about the Ruler of the Abyss using the bug to target you,” I hear a familiar voice from behind me, making me turn around to find the dhampir, Norbert, standing right behind me.

I nod at that with a frown on my face as I say, “Unfortunately.”

Good thing the anthrovespid is still almost a dozen floors behind me. So it’s doubtful that it’ll be able to catch up for a long time.

“We meet again, Winter Wolf,” I hear another Christopher’s voice from off to the side before I turn to see him approaching with Lily walking next to him while hugging his arm.

Guess a place like this isn’t a comfortable place for someone as timid as her. Although I thought she was getting better at that?

“Greetings,” I say to him with a nod, only to turn my head slightly at the sight of Ariana and Crystal walking over here as well. “And greetings to you two as well.”

Crystal smiles back and nods with a short wave of her hand, whereas Ariana just nods without saying anything.

I look around at the gathered Competitors before noticing that most of the ones I don’t recognize around us, and even some of the ones I do but only know from passing glances through the Competitor list or livestreams, are backing away from us to talk amongst themselves on the outskirts of the square.

Huh. Out of curiosity, I open up the current rankings for the top ten Competitors, only to get a surprise.


Total Competitors: 81

Wolf Adler | The Winter Wolf | 242,491,780 Followers | 10 Current Sponsors

Crystal Leblanc | Deadshot |158,282,815 Followers| 5 Current Sponsors

Lily Veldon | Crimson Rose | 140,755,450 Followers | 5 Current Sponsors

Norbert Heinrich | Nosferatu | 139,214,265 Followers | 5 Current Sponsors

Ariana Silverheart | Silver Siren |131,510,054 Followers | 5 Current Sponsors

Christopher Sinclair | Unbreakable | 128,958,870 Follower | 5 Current Sponsors

Ruth Maci | Thorn | 98,094,524 Followers | 5 Current Sponsors

Alaric Ridel | Techral | 89,134,104 Followers | 5 Current Sponsors

Adriana Heath | Adriana | 87,005,761 Followers | 5 Current Sponsors

Dewey Hobbs | Dark Shadow | 75,334,594 Followers | 5 Current Sponsors


Wait, Techral is-

My thoughts are interrupted as a voice I remember only from a couple of livestreams exclaims, “The top ten Competitors, all gathered here at one place!”

When I turn to look at the source of the voice, I find the man I recognize from the livestreams as Techral walking towards us. Meanwhile, Adriana, the elf, and Dewey, the shadow panterra, both walk towards us together from a different direction.

“Or not,” Techral continues in a tone that for some reason grinds on my nerves more than it really should, “it looks like we’re missing one?”

The rest of us begin looking around the square at that for the missing Competitor form amongst the top ten – Leo’s favorite, the forsaken, Ruth – before I eventually find her leaving the square without even bothering with talking with other Competitors.

Something that does interest me though is that the others don’t seem to notice her, considering how they keep looking right past her.

That’s when I remember the mask on her face.


I wonder why I can see her still?

Is it the level difference between us? Or just my senses being greater?

Either way, Techral eventually gives up and says, “Well, it looks like Thorn isn’t joining us.”

And his words clearly upset Crystal, but considering how the forsaken stole from her a while back, it’s rather understandable that she wouldn’t be happy with her.

I look around at the gathered top ranked Competitors around me and the vast space between us and the rest of the Competitors here before almost unconsciously creating a small throne of ice and sitting on it. Which serves to attract the attention of the other Competitors to me.

Might as well get this over with quickly.

There’re too many people here.

My brows furrow after that thought runs through my mind.

Is the dungeon making me even more antisocial than before? That’s just odd.

Sapphire suddenly jumps out of my shadow and climbs up onto my lap, so I start petting he in front of everyone else as I say, “If anyone has seen anything I have on the forums that they’d like to trade for, then I’m open to negotiation.”

The others all share glances between themselves before a few of them – Including Dark Shadow, Nosferatu, and Unbreakable – approach me and start making offers for some of the useless skills and items I have but either can’t use or don’t care about. The ones I kept strictly because I knew other Competitors might want them. Meanwhile the others all break off to talk amongst themselves.

However, as we’re negotiating, I notice a lizardman standing at the edge of the square staring daggers at me. Or to be more accurate, staring daggers at Sapphire, who is yawning on my lap.

Oh. Right.


I almost forgot that some idiot was thinking about stealing Sapphire from me. Not that that would even be possible.

And even if it was, I’m pretty sure Sapphire would just as soon kill him and eat him for lunch than be his companion.

Anyways, putting him out of my thoughts for the moment, I continue looking through what the Competitors have and are willing to trade for several minutes, only to eventually sit up slightly as something catches my eye.

“Interesting…” I mutter while narrowing my gaze on the man in front of me. Or the half-man half-panther?

Either way.

This might be useful.


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Damm you cliffhanger!!!