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One day later

I guess I should’ve expected this to happen.

It’s been a little while since I checked the trending threads on the forums, strictly because I was afraid of seeing this exact thing, but the number four thread on the forums is titled ‘Sapphire’s Infuriating Diet’. Which is a rather odd title, despite the contents of the thread.

Most of the thread is a rather hateful reaction towards Sapphire due to her eating of that Soul-Bound Companion egg on the Special Boss floor. The only thing that’s a little bit surprising about it is that they aren’t trying to push any of the blame on me for it, outside of cursing me for my luck at being able to find two different eggs in less than a year.

But then again, that makes sense. After all, it’s not my fault that Soul-Bound Companions have an instinct to eat other Soul-Bound Companions for their racial traits.

I move back to the top trending threads again after finishing reading that one before noticing the number one trending thread as I continue walking through the open plains in search of more monsters.

Guess it didn’t take long for people to notice the ring on my finger. Even if it’s covered up most of the time by my gauntlets.

I click on the thread before looking at the picture of myself at the top of the thread with my gauntlet off and my ring exposed.

Yep. That makes sense.

It’s a picture of me when I was lazing around for about half an hour in my portable expanded system store as a break from fighting monsters.

After a few seconds of wondering just how many millions of people have seen that picture, I begin to read the thread.

The Winter Wolf officially becomes the Heir to the Grand Werewolf Empire!

Ever since his second sponsorship, The Winter Wolf – otherwise known as Wolf Adler – has been sighted wearing the Signet of the Royal House of Frost, marking him as the heir to the Grand Werewolf Empire!
This has led to much speculation by the denizens of the System, both including citizens of the Empire and non-citizens.

Why, you might ask?
Because The Winter Wolf was rumored to have rejected the Empress’s offer to become her heir multiple times before now, but now, out of nowhere and with very little warning, he has accepted?

Many people speculate as to why he accepted.
Did he do it to help protect his family on Aegis? Was it because he was threatened?
Or perhaps he just had a change of heart?

These are all questions that any Viewing Room Host might want to think about asking should he enter their Viewing Room.

Now, putting the matter of why he accepted aside for the moment, we move on to the ramifications of his being appointed the heir to an Empire of werewolves.
While not technically being one himself. Not to mention not even being a citizen of the Empire beforehand.

And what has the Empress done to deal with these ramifications?
Instead of settling the issues calmly and peacefully, she and her councilors have slaughtered a minor group of hierarchy-obsessed protestors, setting an example for the others who quickly began to fall in line with the decision.

Now, don’t get me wrong. The majority of the Empire is very welcoming of their new Prince, but should the Empress of one of the top powers in the System really make decisions without the acceptance of all of her citizens?

I stop reading the thread at this point, not really all that interested in the politics of the Empire right now. Or really ever, if I’m being honest.

Politics really isn’t my forte.

I turn away from the screen for a moment to send a wave of snow and ice at a scythian digger who had suddenly burst out of the ground a few meters away from me, turning it into a statue of ice before it can even hit the ground.

Honestly, I’ll probably end up taking on a lot of the same policies as my new ‘mother’, Diane. Which basically means to freeze the ones who cause me trouble for no reason other than causing me trouble alive.

Certainly makes things simple. And considering how they’re causing trouble for no other reason than to cause trouble, they clearly deserve it.

Although I will have to have advisors and stuff for those people who actually have a legitimate reason for causing trouble.

I close out of the screen before stopping for a moment and looking around at my surroundings with my eyes narrowed in the hopes that I can find a temple, only to shake my head and continue walking.

Maybe it’s for the best that I can’t find one right now. After all, being as high a level as possible before fighting the centurion boss would be best.

However, right after that thought crosses my mind, I feel a jolt run through my body. And by a jolt, I mean that my skin literally starts releasing sparks of electricity in a wave throughout my body, making me feel stiff for a moment. The feeling goes away quickly, though, leaving me kneeling on the ground while gritting me teeth.

“What the fu-” I begin, only to be interrupted as a notification appears in my vision. One with the same appearance7 as when I was awakening.

I narrow my eyes at the notification for a few seconds before looking at my skills list and finding that skill still listed but looking rather buggy. Kind of like glitchy words in a computer game or something like that.

Guess it was bound to happen at some point.

I was rather surprised that it has taken this long to do this.

Out of curiosity, I attempt to activate the skill, just for another jolt of electricity to originate from my head and run throughout my body, making me fall back to my knees again with a grunt after having just gotten back up.

Well, that’s not a pleasant feeling.

It doesn’t necessarily hurt, but it is very uncomfortable. Especially because I lose control of my body whenever it happens.

And that will be a problem if it happens in the middle of a battle…

I narrow my eyes further at that, just to let out a sigh.

The only thing I can do about it is to keep learning how to use each of my skills without the skill itself.

Fortunately, I had already learned how to do ice flow without the skill long ago.

Anyways, I climb back to my feet before stretching my arms slightly and continuing on through the plains while messing around with my skills to learn the ones I haven’t already learned to use without the System’s help.


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