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                                         Year 820 | Month 3 | Day 4
Half an hour later

I continue charging through the spiders, tearing each and everyone of them apart with ease thanks to my doubled stats without taking my eyes off of the mission progress for my Tier Breach mission, and without taking even a moment’s rest.

If I can reach Tier 3 before leaving this dungeon, then I might not even have to bother worrying about the Tier 3 restricted invaders guarding the borders. But I can’t waste even a single moment of my transformation if I want that to happen.

Several more minutes pass by as the spiders come at me in droves, with much greater numbers than they had at the start – likely due to the noise both the spiders and I have been making echoing through the tunnels.

However, right as I swat another level 11 spider, smashing it into the wall and killing it nearly instantly, I realize that I had forgotten something.

Wasn’t there supposed to be a dungeon mission?

Almost immediately, as if waiting for me to think about it, a golden line of words stating ‘Dungeon Mission’ appears in the corner of my vision, almost making me pause for a moment in my charge out of surprise.

Okay then. This System is annoying.

Why couldn’t it be more consistent?

After a few seconds of thought, I return my focus to rushing through the tunnels while killing as many of the spiders as I can find.

I can check it after my skill runs out.


Nearly twenty-five minutes later, just five minutes before the end of the transformation

Right as I throw another spider at the wall after tearing it apart with my fangs and swinging it around a little bit with it in-between my jaws, a loud screech – one much louder and shriller than any of the other spiders’ screeches thus far – echoes throughout the tunnel, making me narrow my eyes.

Could it be…?

As if on cue, a three-meter-long spider rams straight through a sharp corner of the tunnel, sending parts of the tunnel wall flying in its charge straight towards me.

Yeah, that doesn’t look good.


Name: N/A

Species: Crypt Arch-Arachnid

Level: ??


Yeah, nope. Not gonna happen.

I quickly turn around and sprint in the opposite direction of the monster while wishing there were more spiders near me right now to drain for Wrath, only to realize that the spider is still faster than me despite my current use of The Calling of Wrath’s transformation.


After realizing that running away won’t get me anywhere but that creature’s stomach, I turn back around and focus on it in the hopes that I can find some weaknesses.

The creature really does just look like a much larger version of the crypt arachnids, and those creatures seemed to have rather weak defenses, with a much more powerful piercing strength with their claws, and especially their tail.

I watch it rushing towards me for another moment before deciding that now would probably be the best time to test out that breath attack. So I activate the skill Call of Wrath, making all of the Wrath energy in my body quickly rush towards my mouth, followed shortly by a large amount of Wrath that starts draining directly from the Tier 3 monster.

My eyes widen as I feel my jaws being forced open by the formation of a large red and black orb in between them.

The skill didn’t say anything about using the surrounding monsters’ Wrath in its attack too!

However, just several seconds later, right as the creature is approaching about five meters away from my face, the last of my body’s Wrath energy finishes entering the orb and the stream of Wrath energy coming from the monster is cut off. Then, without wasting even a second, the red and black orb seems to form some sort of connection to me, letting me understand how to control it, before it bursts out of my mouth and turns into a large wave of black and red flames that I quickly direct towards the spider monster.

The monster suddenly stops charging towards me at the sight, but its momentum continues driving it on straight into the breath attack.

I narrow my eyes as I slowly begin to back away from the monster and the flames, which are thick enough in the tunnel at this point that its blocking the spider from my sight.

Will it kill it? I highly doubt it will, considering that the thing is Tier 3, and I only had a small amount of time left before The Calling of Wrath ran out when I activated Call of Wrath…

My thoughts are interrupted as the black and red flames begin to dissipate, revealing the Tier 3 monster still standing, albeit with some rather major burns across its body. Although the burns are also seemingly both black and red in color.

Not even a second later, I feel myself transforming back into my normal form, leaving me lying on the ground and panting slightly due to the exertion that the skill took. However, I quickly push myself back up to my feet and catch my breath while narrowing my eyes even further on the monster.

Yeah, not really unexpected. Although it did seem to do more damage than I would’ve expected.

The spider and I continue staring at each other for a few seconds before it finally begins to move towards me again, albeit at a much slower speed than before.

And it’s at this point that I finally notice something. Something that I had somehow missed before.

A grin slowly spreads across my face as I realize that the creature is missing two legs.

Guess even a Tier 3 monster couldn’t tank that without any losses. Although I get the feeling this one might be a newly advanced Tier 3, making it weaker.

After all, that Tier 3 ape from the last dungeon seemed a lot stronger than this spider is. At least, it did from the times I watched it killing and cannibalizing its own monkeys.

Either way… I might be able to kill me a Tier 3 spider!


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Shouldn't she know by now that the Skill Descriptions just give a Basic Description of the Skill and what it does