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                                          Year 820 | Month 2 | Day 28

As soon as I get back to my room in the inn, I open my Tier Breach Mission to check my progress.


Tier Breach Mission

Title: Control the Wrath

Objective 1: Level the skill The Calling of Wrath to level 2. Complete.

Objective 2: While transformed into a beast, kill at least 1000 enemies of any Tier. Can be done through multiple different transformations. Current Progress: 421/1000.

Objective 3: Use your Wrathful Aura skill to identify 1000 or more beings. Current Progress: 1000/1000.

Objective 4: Through the use of your various skills, hold the Wrath of ten enemies in your body at once. Current Progress: Not Complete.

Optional Objective: Defeat a Tier 3 monster through the use of other monsters overwhelmed with Wrath. Current Progress: Not Complete.


Tier 3 unlocked

Optional Objective Reward:

35000 EXP, one Tier 3 [Random Item Draw], and one Tier 7 [Random Skill Level-Up Card]


Damn it… and here I was hoping that I would manage to kill more with that last transformation. Especially due to how unpleasant the transformation itself was.

I shiver at the memory of transforming into a large abomination-like creature.

It doesn’t matter that I was immediately used to being in that form. That doesn’t change how unpleasant it felt.

But I guess the smaller number of monster kills makes sense, seeing as I was a lot slower as an abomination than I was as a serpent. Not to mention that the dungeon had less monsters than the Dark Forest.

I turn to look at the bed in my room before walking over to it, taking my cloak and mask off, and lying down while closing out of the mission progress.

The main problems are how I’m going to deal with the fourth objective and how I’m going to get past the border…

At the moment, the only way to clear that objective that I can think of is to continue leveling up Wrath Infusion until I can handle the wrath of ten creatures at once. As for getting past the border? I can either reach Tier 3 and break past the Tier 3 invader guarding the border myself, or I can reach silver rank and sign their agreement.

Fortunately, the agreement only mentions that I won’t be able to smuggle in anyone. It doesn’t say anything about not being able to fight my way in or go to war with them.

Which is also likely the reason the adventurers are even willing to sign it in the first place.

I sit up on the bed again before glancing at the window, towards the Adventurers Assembly.

It’s too bad the Adventurers Assembly can’t be trusted to not turn me in. Not when they don’t actually serve the kingdom.

I purse my lips at the thought for a second, only to fully spread my aura out through the room and even into the hallway a little bit in a thin enough film that it’s not visible to the naked eye.

Time to call it a night.


I quickly jump out of my bed to land on the floor next to it as soon as I sense someone approaching the door. Not even ten seconds later, a knock sounds from my door.

A few seconds pass while I put my cloak and mask back on before another knock sounds from the door, this time with a familiar voice along with it, “Hello? I would like to speak with you.”

My eyes narrow at the sound of the noble woman’s voice.

Why is she here?

I spread my claws out despite still having my gloves on while slowly approaching the door and asking, “Who are you?”

If she’s here, then it’s likely that she’s already figured out who I am. But just in case, it’s best not to cue her into the fact that I recognize her.

A long pause ensues, making me furrow my brows in my impatience, only for the silence to be broken by a question, “How do you like that red cloak?”

Damn it.

I glance at my red cloak – which was borrowed from a nice house located on the edge of Acre – before reaching for the door and opening it.

Guess that was her house after all.

Once the noblewoman sees me, she immediately reveals a surprised expression before nodding her head. She has on the same monster-hide armor that she had on before, with a bow draped over her shoulder, and a quiver along with it. Lastly, something I didn’t notice before, she also has an expensive looking necklace draped over the armor.

We stare at each other for a few seconds with me still wearing my mask until she motions her hand towards my room.

My eyes narrow at that.

So she wants this to be discreet?

Considering how she didn’t reveal my secret before now, it’s likely she isn’t an enemy…

I step back, allowing her to enter my room while closing the door behind herself.

An entire minute passes in silence without either of us saying anything when suddenly, the noblewoman actually curtsies to me, making my eyebrows lift in surprise.

“Greetings, your highness,” the noblewoman proceeds to say with her eyes closed before standing straight again. “I am Lady Roxanne Delborn.”

Looks like she is an ally after all.

I take my mask off, lower my hood, and nod my head very lightly towards her in response to her formal greeting.

“Hello, Lady Roxanne Delborn,” I answer back, only to almost immediately notice her eyes looking at my fangs before shifting to look at my eyes. “How did you find out it was me?”

She stares at my eyes and hair for a few seconds, only to pull out some sort of red stone from her pocket and hand it to me while stating, “Identify this.”

My eyes narrow slightly, but they widen again after I identify the stone.


Tier 3 Alarm Stone

Description: A small stone that allows the user to set up an alarm.

Stat Bonus: N/A

Effects: Allows the user to set up an invisible barrier that, when broken, will signal the stone while also showing the user whatever intruder broke through the barrier.


Interesting… very interesting. And it would certainly explain how she figured me out.

I raise my head to look at her before asking, “So what do you plan to do now?”


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