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A couple of days later

I let out a sigh of relief after dealing with the mini boss and recirculating the ice element around me to cool me down.

When I first entered this theme, I wasn’t expecting anything fire related. Not in a damn jungle.

I look around the large room that makes up the mini boss room of the ninety-third floor. It is full of lava on each edge of the room, with three different sections of the room.

Deciding to put the annoying fire temple floor behind me, I turn to reach out and touch the exit, only to be surprised as a flash of gray light comes from it the moment my gauntleted fingers make contact with it.

What the-

My thoughts are cut off as an Administrator Dungeon Notification with gray text appears in front of me.

I narrow my eyes as the notification vanishes before focusing on my surroundings, which looks to be some sort of empty temple hallway, with a few large cobwebs spread out through it.

This is new.

One of those Special Floors the notification from before mentioned then.

And considering these cobwebs, I’m assuming these scythian crawlers are-

Before I can finish my thought, I hear the sounds of skittering across the stone floor, so I immediately turn around and find a meter-long spider-like creature rushing towards me from around a bend in the temple. The creature looks almost entirely like a spider, with the sole exception being that its head is split into the same plant-like pattern as a lot of the other scythian monsters, showing four sections full of rows of sharp teeth.

Yep. Spider.

Or at least sort of.

Identifying it confirms that it’s a scythian crawler, but its level actually turns out to be level 1030, which is pretty powerful for this floor. Even if it’s still a little lower leveled than I am.

I wave my hand, causing a wave of icy mist to spread through the hallway, freezing all of the cobwebs along with the creature itself before I snap my fingers and crush it inside of the ice.

This is certainly a change of pace. Actually having missions instead of a simple ‘find the exit’ in a floor.

It makes me wonder what other sorts of Special Floors will be in the dungeon from here on out.

Anyways, I look around at the walls for a few seconds before making my way through the hallway.

No point standing around here.

It’ll probably take two hours tops for me to clear the first mission objective, so there really isn’t much of a rush.


Several minutes later, I find myself slowly opening a very run-down looking door, revealing a room filled to the brim with cobwebs on the other side. To the point that simply opening the door is pushing aside the cobwebs that were covering it and notifying the various scythian crawlers within the room of my presence.

I frown as I send a light mist through the room to freeze all of the cobwebs before controlling the ice holding them to fall to the ground, making the crawlers themselves lose their balance and fall along with it.

For some reason, this place is starting to remind me of the first theme of the dungeon. At least with the dark, creepy, stone floors and walls of a seemingly endless labyrinth. Even if I know this technically isn’t a labyrinth and is a temple.

Out of nowhere, I feel a seething pain from my left leg, causing me to drop down to my knee.

I grit my teeth as I look to see what happened, only to find some sort of tiny version of the crawlers standing next to my leg with its clawed limb piercing through a tiny gap in my ice armor.

What the hell?

I reach down and forcefully grab the two incredibly long and sharp claws stuck in my leg before ripping them out and taking a closer look at the creature.

It really does look just like a smaller version of the crawlers, except with slightly different looking claws, along with the two long claws that they have.

                   _-| Unnamed – Scythian Crypt Crawler – Level 1029 |-_

Guess this is a stealth-type version of the crawlers…

The creature quickly tries to back up but doesn’t manage to get anywhere with me holding its two clawed limbs. However, I do notice that – in its attempts to move – it doesn’t make a single sound. Just like the scythian sentries, guardians, and golems from the other floors.

Really is built for an assassin role on this floor. I can’t detect it with life sense, nor can I hear it. And it’s tiny size makes it annoying to spot while it’s trying to be sneaky as well.

I better be careful of these things.

With that thought in mind, I crush the two limbs in my hand before reaching down and crushing its face with my claws, only to turn back to the room to find the other crawlers finally having regained their composure and already having made their way halfway across the room towards me.

Right as I’m about to send another wave of icy mist into the room, I feel another surge of pain, except in my other leg, causing me to look down and annoyingly find a second one of those small crawlers with its own claws deep in my leg.

Damn it, stop that!

Out of irritation, I rip out the creature’s claws before slamming it on the ground and stomping on it, killing it in an instant. I then throw it straight at the approaching crawlers while healing my legs.

Those things are really annoying.


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For those of you who can't see the image:

You have entered a Mission floor!

In order to leave this floor and move on to the next   one, you must complete the following missions:

1. Reach level 1034.

2. Kill a total of 100 Scythian Crawlers.

3. Find the key hidden within the temple.

4. Find and use the key on one of the few exits to   the temple.

5. Defeat the Scythian ArchCrawler

Unlike the other floors of the dungeon, all mission   floors are instanced, making it so that no two Competitors may meet within   the floor.

Additionally, Competitors may not leave their   instance or enter other Competitor’s instances.


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