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                                          Year 819 | Month 2 | Day 2

So I was right!

I grin at the sight of the water at the very back of the cave, ignoring the corpses lying on the ground behind me of the monkeys that had tried fighting to defend this place.

Just as I had suspected, there weren’t any monsters throughout the entire valley. Nothing but a barren wasteland the entire way.

In fact, aside from these caves, it feels like this entire dungeon is nothing but a barren wasteland.

Anyways, I approach the water before grabbing a drink. After that, I look around the cave to search for any more monsters before focusing on the caves entrance.

If I managed to block of the entrance, then it could be possible to keep monsters out and let me sleep later on…

I purse my lips at the thought before glancing back at the water.

There’re likely a lot more of these spread throughout the dungeon as well, otherwise this one would be swamped with monkeys.

Probably a good idea to drink as much water as I need now and come back later when I need to sleep.

I head back over to the source of water before kneeling down and cupping my hands for another drink.


                                                    Several hours later

There are too many damn monkeys in this place.

I grimace as I wipe a bit of blood from my lips before glancing at the various Tier 1 monkey corpses scattered about around me.

Just too many…

I open my mission to see its progress at that thought.

My jaw drops slightly at the sight of the vast amount that I still need to kill.

“This…” I mutter out loud to myself while closing out of the note, “might take a while…”


                         Archer Viscounty seat within the Archtal Duchy
                                       Year 819 | Month 2 | Day 11

A loud explosion rings out through the battlefield outside of the City of Fallen Leaves as a fireball hits the collective shields of three soldiers of the kingdom, sending all of them sprawling backwards with warped shields. Meanwhile, the invader who had sent the fireball through the use of one of his skills just raises his hand and conjures another fireball.

Prince Charles suddenly jumps through the battlefield and lands in front of the soldiers right before the invader manages to throw the fireball. He then grunts as a layer of blackish-green vines begin to cover parts of his body right when the fireball strikes him.

The invader smirks and begins to prepare another fireball, only for his eyes to widen in shock at the sight of the smoke fading to reveal Charles standing there with little more than some minor burns thanks to his talent.

Charles just frowns at the man and leaps towards him, causing the invader to quickly back up as the other soldiers around them begin to charge towards Charles, only to be knocked aside rather easily thanks to his Tier 2 strength. This sight just frightens the fireball throwing invader even more, causing him to back up on the ground, only to jerk his head to the right as a shout rings out across the battlefield to them.

“Your highness, we have taken the gates.”

The prince just glances towards the knight who had shouted that before responding, “Proceed,” and making quick work of the invader who is still limited to his Tier 1 strength by snapping his neck.

Charles then turns to look at the city with a dark look in his eyes as he thinks, ‘We better be able to get some information about Cass from these invaders.’

He watches the knights charging through the gates for a second before sprinting over there himself.


Several hours later, all of the invaders leaders who had occupied the city can be seen manacled and bound within a small room. Meanwhile, Prince Charles and various other knights and nobles are standing around them, with the prince in the center of the room.

“I want to know why you invaders kidnapped Princess Cassandra,” he says, repeating the same question he has asked the last several dozen groups of captured invaders. However, right as he’s expecting the same answer as the previous ones, he gets a different one this time from one of the officers of the invaders.

Charles’ eyes immediately lock onto the leader of the invaders occupying this fort before narrowing after seeing him narrow his own eyes at the mention of the word kidnapped.

“Knights, hold that one down,” he says while pointing at the invaders’ leader, “it looks like we might have found ourselves someone in the know this time.”

The man in question’s eyes widen, only for him to grunt in pain as two of the knights within the room step up and force him to the ground while lifting his head to make him look at the prince.

“Now, before you, there hasn’t been a single invader that’s had any knowledge of the Princess’s kidnapping,” the prince says with a cold look in his eyes as he steps towards the man, “so why would that be?”

The invader – a major in the NEA military – just grits his teeth and stays silent.

“Yeah, I didn’t think it would be that easy,” Charles mutters, only to glance at one of the nobles in the room and nod his head towards the invader. “Do it.”

This set of actions confuses the invader for a second before his eyes widen and he tries to struggle out of the knight’s grip, but the knights just press more force into him with a third and a fourth knight joining them to help hold him down due to his higher level of strength.

Once the noble reaches the man, he kneels down and touches his finger first to his own forehead, then to the invaders, causing a bright purple light to shine out from both his and the invader’s eyes and they close.

Meanwhile, the prince just stands by and watches with his arms crossed and his foot tapping in impatience.

After several minutes pass by, the noble finally opens his eyes and turns to look at the prince before saying, “You have five minutes. This one was much stronger than the other invaders, so I couldn’t get much more time.”

The prince grits his teeth at that but immediately gets to questioning anyways, “What do you know of Princess Cassandra’s kidnapping?”

This time, instead of staying silent, the major begins to speak in a robotic tone of voice, “I do now know of any Princess Cassandra, however we have kidnapped seven individuals from your plane.”

Murmurs of surprise run through the room at that, but the prince just raises his hand to silence them and asks, “Why did you kidnap these individuals?”

“It was because the seven Organs of Sin we created chose those seven individuals who managed to meet their various requirements and began integrating with them immediately upon the initialization of the System in your plane,” the major continues droning on as if he was unaware of what he was saying, “We immediately brought them to our plane in order to safely allow them to integrate before we began our mind altering procedures on them.”

The major’s first statement brings about another wave of murmurs, but the second causes full-on shouts to echo in the room at the mention of mind altering procedures. However, before any of the nobles, knights, or even the prince can say or do anything else, the man continues, “However, before we could begin our mind altering procedures, two of the Sins were set free by an unknown intruder.”

This completely silences everyone within the room as the prince glances at some of the higher nobles within the room before looking back at the major and asking, “Describe the two who escaped.”

The invader’s face begins to strain a little bit as the mind-control skill starts to wear off a little bit, but he answers just as robotically as before, “Before integrating, the Sin known by us as Pride was a male with short black hair, a heavyset build, and a healthy body. However, after integrating, the man became smaller and gained a pair of bat-like, black wings, along with talon-like claws on his hands, with his eyes turning a deep shade of purple.”

Charles shakes his head at that with a disappointed frown, only to pause as the invader continues, still with strain evident on his face, “Meanwhile, the Sin known by us as Wrath was a woman with jet-black hair, black eyes, and a modest figure before integrating. She was thin but with a large amount of muscle likely from combat training. However, after integrating, she gained sharp, red and black claws on her hands and feet, along with pure-black fangs replacing all four of her canines.”

“Princess Cassandra!” Several of the nobles shout as soon as he finishes speaking.

Amongst the nobility of every kingdom, every single noble is required to memorize the appearance of each of the royal family members. Making it so that no matter whether or not a royal introduces themselves or sends notice before leaving, they will always be recognized by the nobles of the nation. Whether they’ve seen the royal in person or not.

Prince Charles clenches his fist in rage before smashing it in the invader’s face, breaking the invader’s nose along with a couple of his own knuckles in the process due to the restricted power of the major’s strength being in the Tier 2 range. This quickly snaps the man out of the mind control he was in even earlier than he should have woken up before the man glares at the prince and spits at his boot.


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Dungeon Mission Acquired!

Title: Primate Threat!

You have entered the dungeon, Mountains of the Fiendish Primates!

As a result, in order for you leave this dungeon, you must complete at least two of the following objectives!

Objective 1: Eliminate 10000 Tier 1 Fiendish Primates. Current Progress: 94/10000

Objective 2: Eliminate 1000 Tier 2 Fiendish Primates, known as the Ashen Primates. Current Progress: 12/1000

Objective 3: Eliminate 1 Tier 3 Fiendish Primate, known as the Fiendish Ape. Current Progress: 0/1

Objective 5: Eliminate every single Fiendish Primate of all Tiers within the dungeon. Current Progress: Not Complete.

Objective 4: Find and claim the Fiendish Ape’s treasure. Current Progress: Not Complete.

Objective 6: Complete a Tier Breach Mission while in the dungeon. Current Progress: Not Complete.

Objective 7: Discover all of the hidden areas of the dungeon. Current Progress: Not Complete.


To be calculated after decision is made to exit the dungeon.

Each objective has its own rewards and completing more objectives will grant you the rewards of every objective you clear, along with bonus rewards for each additional objective you complete.



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