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                                                           Duchy Seat of the Duchy of Viette
                                                               Year 819 | Month 1 | Day 24

A heavyset man walks through the halls of the large castle on the hills located right next to the city of Alltend. The man is wearing a fancy set of silver armor with the symbol of the New Earth Alliance on his left breastplate. He has a dark look on his slightly chubby face, with a silver sword to match the color of his armor sheathed at his waist, and a small pistol on the other side of his waist from the sword. However, just like the other extra-planar weapons, this pistol has a large, glowing World Tree symbol stamped on it making it completely useless while it’s on Midgard.

General Vargas of the New Earth Alliance continues marching through the halls of the castle until he arrives at the dungeons and navigates to the cell furthest away from the entrance with two soldiers following behind him.

Duke Viette,” the general says with a glare, putting a sarcastic flare on the word ‘Duke’ as he speaks, “the people are rioting in almost every single inch of the duchy. This isn’t what I agreed to when I let you live.”

The duke narrows his eyes at the man from his place within the dust-filled cell, only to shrug a second later and say, “That’s your own fault for not letting me out of this cell to pacify them.”

Vargas scoffs at the suggestion before slamming his hand against the cell bar, causing it to dent inwards a little as he retorts, “And let you make a break for it? No chance in hell that’s happening.”

Neither of the men say anything for almost an entire minute before Vargas snorts and crosses his arms, “The only reason I’m not killing you right now is that I know it will only set your former people off even more.”

Adelard Viette just raises an eyebrow at that, but the general ignores it and continues, “But if you don’t want my men openly killing any and all rioters along with their families, then you better figure out a way to keep those locals controlled.”

The duke’s jaw clenches at that as the general turns around and makes his way out of the dungeon.

Several seconds pass in silence before the duke turns to look out the bars of the cell and thinks, ‘I just hope help can get here soon…’


                                                                  Year 819 | Month 1 | Day 24

My eyelids begin to droop as I drink more of the World Tree Ichor until the last System note appears in my vision and I push myself off of the ground and slowly make my way out of the clearing, all while trying very hard not to fall asleep while standing up.

I can’t fall sleep in the clearing… not unless I want a repeat of what happened the last time I tried that…

As I’m about halfway across the clearing, I feel myself beginning to drift off to sleep, so I once again pull the wrath from the nearby monsters into myself through Wrath Infusion to help me push through the fog of sleep.

Damnit, I really don’t want to be swatted like a bug by those vines again…

Using the Wrath, I continue pushing my way out of the clearing before once again searching for a place to sleep. Because I haven’t been able to find a safe place since getting to this damn place.

The only reason I’m still even able to stand up right now is that I seem to need a little bit less sleep than I used to for some reason.

But I’m too tired to try to find out why…

Although even with my sleep addled mind, I can still tell that it’s either due to leveling up or because of my change in species…

Either way, I continue making my way through the valley’s outskirts with the Wrath’s mental boost as assistance.

Not even a couple of minutes after I leave the clearing, another one of those stupid spiders jumps out of a bush before attacking me. I sluggishly reach out for it before grabbing it after it lands on my side and bites my waist.

The pain from the bite wakes me up a little bit and I quickly pick it off of me and toss it into a nearby tree accompanied by a bolt of Wrath lightning.

“You’re the damn reason I can’t sleep…” I slowly say to the now-ash Tier 1 spider.

Every time I tried finding a place to sleep, Tier 1 monsters like this would constantly attack me every five or so minutes, making it impossible to fucking sleep!

I punch the tree next to me, smashing my fist straight through it in the process to vent a little of the anger brought about by my own situation and the Wrath currently filling me before continuing on my way through the valley.


                                                                             Five days later

I push forwards and manage to take another step, then another, and another, only to falter on the last one and finally fall to the ground.

“Shit…” I groan, only for it to be covered up by the many monster cries resonating throughout the valley.

Is this really going to be the way I die? Falling asleep in the valley containing the World Tree Vein?

For a moment, just a single moment, I feel like that might not be terrible. But I grit my teeth anyways and begin to crawl across the ground.

No. I still want to see what’s at the end of the System.

Oh, and father, Rodrick, and Charles would probably be rather upset if I kicked the bucket.

I continue crawling for I don’t know how long, feeling the pull of sleep growing stronger and stronger until I almost can’t fight it anymore.

Which is right when I stumble upon another dungeon opening.

My vision begins to fade to black, warning me that I’m just about out of time, so I decide that there isn’t much to lose at this point.

So I crawl the last half a meter between me and the pitch black hole before falling head-first into it.

Then everything goes black.


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