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                                                          Year 819 | Month 1 | Day 22

I grow tenser and tenser as I walk over the course of the next day, both due to the constant monster attacks and the steadily climbing red mist that is at this point covering the majority of the forest, instead of just the grass like it was before.

But what’s even worse than the mist is that damn feeling in the back of my mind urging me to get closer to the center of the inner ring.

And considering how many times I’ve had to drag Thrix back to me when he tries to take off ahead of me, it’s probably feeling that same urge.

I turn to look through the mist at some bushes before bursting forwards and grabbing a familiar meter-long spider from the foliage by the head.

Damn it, am I near another nest?

Or maybe their queen decided to go pay the Vein a visit?

Either way, I dig my claws into the frantically moving spider’s head before smashing it into the ground and turning its head to paste, all while moving my feet away from its point of impact to make sure I don’t get more of its blood on me than I need.

I grit my teeth at the faint pain of my hands being burned by the acidic blood before hurriedly wiping them off on the pant leg of my clothes, only to use MP to repair it right afterwards.

“Never thought I’d be using the self-repair effect for something like this…” I mutter to no one in particular as I continue slowly making my way towards the center of the inner ring.

The way the ring is set up means that there isn’t any way to get through the ring without passing through the vein. It completes an entire circle around the center of the forest, albeit not a completely symmetrical one, and every point of it lets out a small amount of the World Tree’s Ichor. Which is a very powerful substance that acts just like the World Tree Sap, except that it also attracts any living being towards it, monster or otherwise.

I grimace at the thought of passing by the Vein.

It’s not going to be pleasant.

And it doesn’t help that now that the mist is above my head, I can’t even use the sun to judge which direction I’m going. So I’m left using that irritating urge as my only guidepost.

Suddenly, a loud noise comes from my right, and I turn my head to find a large, red-skinned rhino charging through the trees straight towards me.

I glare at the thing before leaping up into the air, only to come back down right when it’s passing beneath me.

The creature lets out a pained roar as I land on its back and dig my claws into its sides, but it continues charging while turning slightly in an arc.

This thing doesn’t have much control, does it…

I put in more force to sink my claws in even deeper before locking my jaws onto the creature’s back to use Fangs of Wrath. And unsurprisingly, a large amount of Wrath energy comes out of the creature and passes through my fangs into the charger.

It lets out a much hoarser roar at this and begins to falter in its charge, but I begin to drag my claws through its hide leaving several deep gashes that quickly make my claws begin to send pulses of warmth through my body as my wounds heal.

Eventually, I jump off of the creature once it begins to topple over from blood loss. And soon after that, I get the note in the corner of my vision about getting EXP.

Almost immediately after I see the note, I open up my status and smile at the sight of my total EXP.

I finally have enough to reach level 15…

With a smile on my face, I quickly select the plus and assign my EXP to level up before moving to my skills to see whatever skill I gained.

My eyebrows raise in surprise.

A ranged attack skill? Haven’t seen one of those yet. With the exception of that breath attack that I have in my beast form.

But the attack also relies on the Wrath of myself and others… and while I do seem to have more Wrath than I had thought I would, I still don’t have all that much. Which still makes me question why I qualified to become Wrath in the first place.

Makes me wonder if there could be some sort of Wrath storage skill that I could get in the future.

Because that would make things a lot easier.

I shake my head at the thought before lifting my hand and pointing my claws upwards.

Let’s see this skill…

Just like with my other skills, it activates with just a thought, and I noticeably feel myself becoming a little more relaxed as black and red lightning begins to hover around my hand, jumping from one point to another at a rapid pace.

My eyes widen at the beautiful sight that’s also seemingly burning up the red mist around it.

What’s more is that I actually feel some sort of connection between me and the lightning, allowing me to move it with just a thought. So I have it slowly climb off of my hand before flashing around me in circles for a few seconds, only to have it strike at a nearby tree, damn-near splitting it in half in the process.

“Ancestors be damned…” I unconsciously swear at the sight of it.

That was stronger than I thought it’d be… and controlling the red lightning doesn’t take any energy in and of itself either. It’s just creating it in the first place that takes up an enormous amount of Wrath. So much Wrath, in fact, that I doubt I’d be able to use the skill more than three or four times with my own Wrath before running dry.

Out of nowhere, another one of those damn spiders jumps out of the bushes before skittering over towards Thrix.

My eyebrow twitches at the sight of the irritating creature and I quickly create another red and black bolt of lightning before sending it straight to the creature.

The instant the lightning strikes the creature, it lets out a short cry as small arcs of red and black lightning begin to run across its fur-covered skin, quickly turning it into some sort of red ash from the outside in.

Once the creature is almost completely turned to ash, I realize that my Wrath had increased just from the sight of the annoying creature with acidic blood. Albeit not by that much.

I turn my gaze away from the pile of ash and whatever remains of its flesh to look at Thrix, who is currently looking at me with a terrified expression on its face.

“I think I like this new skill,” I tell the creature before continuing on my way through the red mist towards the vein.


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For those of you who can't see the images:

Name: N/A

Species: Fiendish Charger

Level: 13

Racial Skills:

The Calling of Wrath: Expand Level 1/5 +

Claws of Wrath: Expand Level 2/10 +

Fangs of Wrath: Expand Level 2/10 +

Class Skills:

Siphon: Expand Level 5/30 +

Wrath Infusion: Expand Level 4/30 +

Wrath Shock: This skill uses the Wrath energy of the surrounding creatures – including yourself – to generate a special lightning made up of Wrath that can be used to attack other beings. The current radius of which you can pull Wrath energy from is three meters around you. Condense Level 1/30 +

Temporary Skills:




I'm glad she's not just a raging ball of anger, I hope it stays like that :/


Honestly, I don't think I'd be able to write a raging ball of anger. I base my characters off of myself, or at least a side of myself. And I almost can't get angry. I can get mad for like half an hour or an hour, but then I don't care anymore