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                                            A Basecamp within the Moonlit Plains
                                                   Year 819 | Month 1 | Day 20

One hundred soldiers led by the two princes of Liathtria slowly march into the walls surrounding the basecamp. These soldiers make up this hour’s shift of hunters going with the princes to gather EXP from the monsters scattered about the plains, leaving the other hunters behind so as to keep the non-combat classes guarded as they themselves also gather EXP.

Both of the princes have dark looks on their faces as they begin to make their way through the crowded basecamp towards the two largest tents at the camp’s center.

Once they arrive at the two tents, Prince Rodrick ignores his own tent to instead join the Crown Prince. However, before either of them can enter the tent, they find a soldier standing at the entrance waiting for them.

“Has there been any news on my sister?” Rodrick immediately asks the soldier.

Meanwhile, the soldier himself anxiously looks between the two intently staring princes before lightly shaking his head no.

“Damn it!” Rodrick shouts, startling the messenger soldier along with any other soldier nearby.

Charles puts his hand on his brother’s shoulder before shaking his head and leading him into the tent.

Once they’re both inside and the tent flap is shut, he says, “You shouldn’t lose your temper in public. No matter how good the reason.”

Rodrick glares at him for a full minute without saying anything before crossing his arms and sitting on a chair within the tent.

“Why do you think they took her in the first place? And are you sure there’s nothing we can do to help find her?” Rodrick asks, his glare finally softening a bit.

Charles sits on the bed at the center of the tent and says, “The only reason I can think of as to why they’d take her would probably be that she’s a royal princess. And you know what father said.”

A grimace emerges on Rodrick’s face at those words, and he mutters, “Yeah, yeah, we can help when we get stronger.” He then narrows his eyes slightly and adds, “But if they took her because of her status as a royal, then wouldn’t they have tried to use her against us somehow by now?”

His brother frowns while reaching up to rub the slight stubble growing on his chin.

“You’re probably right about that, but we don’t have anything else to go off of,” he says before looking down at his folded hands, “all we have to go off of is that some of the knights saw one of those ‘portals’ connecting our planes open up in front of her before some invaders came out and dragged her through while she was seemingly passing out for some reason.”

As he’s speaking, the crown prince clenches his teeth a little in worry.

Several minutes pass by in relative silence as the sounds of activity continue to echo from outside of the tent.

“How are you progressing with your Tier Breach Mission so far?” Charles asks Rodrick after finally lifting his gaze from his hands.

Rodrick stops clenching his fists at his voice and turns to look at him before opening his status.

“Only got 294 from that last trip,” Rodrick says with a frown before closing out of his status and opening his Tier Breach Mission.

Rodrick’s frown grows even deeper once he sees his progress on the second objective.

“This Tier Breach Mission is going to take a while…” he mutters to Charles, who has the exact same Tier Breach Mission as him.

The crown prince just nods his head for a moment before freezing stiff.

Rodrick notices and asks, “What’s wrong?”

His brother looks at him with a grimace and says, “I just realized that – assuming Cass has the same class as us – she probably won’t be able to complete this mission without the help of the kingdom… so she’ll be stuck at Tier 1 until we can find her.”

“Shit!” Rodrick exclaims while jumping out of his seat. “Damn it, why didn’t we think of this before?! She’s a royal too, so of course she’d get the damn class!”

Suddenly, a knock sounds from the pole set up outside of the camp.

Both of the princes turn to the entrance and simultaneously ask, “What?” in different tones.

At their question, a soldier enters the tent in a slightly anxious state – having realized that neither of the princes are in a good mood.

“Your highnesses, the next group of soldiers is ready for their hunt,” he says with a bow.

Charles glances at Rodrick before nodding and saying, “Alright, we’ll be there soon.”

The soldier looks up at them before bowing once more and leaving the tent.

A few tense seconds pass until Charles gets up from the bed and says, “There isn’t anything we can do to help her yet. Not until we get stronger.”

He then walks over to the entrance of the tent while adding, “Just remember that while you’re training.”

Rodrick watches him leave the tent for a moment before gritting his teeth and following after him.


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For those of you who can't see the images:


Name: Rodrick de Luna

Species: Human + (Level up is locked)

Level: 10

Class: Yggdrasil’s Royal Guardian

EXP: 294

Talent/s: Steel Mind, Attuned(71%)

PHYS: STR – 7.008, DEX – 6.582, RES – 5.824

MENTAL: INT – 6.44, WIS – 5.256, MP – 49.72




Tier 2 Breach Mission

Title: Plant the Seed.

Objective 1: Earn a total of 1000 EXP purely from killing monsters your own level or lower.

Objective 2: Assist 10,000 people in leveling up at least once. 400/10000

Objective 3: Use the skill Call of Yggdrasil once to defeat, immobilize, or incapacitate 100 or more enemies at your level or below at once.

Objective 4: Kill or capture a total of 50 invaders.

Optional Objective: Kill or capture a Tier 2 invader.


Tier 2 unlocked

Optional Objective Reward:

2000 EXP, one Tier 2 [Random Item Draw], and one Tier 7 [Random Skill Level Card]



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