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                                                      Year 819 | Month 1 | Day 19

It takes me over ten minutes just to get near the battlefield past the river, because at this point they’ve been moving around a lot in their battle and aren’t even next to the river anymore.

Instead, they’re to the side of my cave, with where they’re currently fighting likely just barely being able to see the barrier blocking the cave’s entrance.

I doubt I’ll be able to hide from the vethrokin – in fact, I think it might have already found me – but it could be possible to hide from the greater abomination.

At this point, though, even if they have spotted me, neither of them is taking their attention away from the other. So I slowly and quietly make my way around to the other side of the cave, which is set place in the side of a relatively large hill that’s honestly more like a small cliff than a hill.

As I’m doing this, the two monsters continue going at it, practically shaking the ground in the process.

Which is making it very difficult to climb up the side of this hill.

Suddenly, before I can reach the top of the hill, the vethrokin queen slams into the rocks at the creak next to the river, sending an incredibly powerful tremor through the area and almost making me lose my hold on the side of the cliff.

I almost swear but manage to stop myself as I sink my claws into the cliff to get a better hold.

As I begin to resume my climb up the cliff, the greater abomination enters my view, moving to reenter combat with the vethrokin queen right in front of the cave’s entrance.

Please don’t hit my cave. Please don’t hit my cave. Please don’t hit my cave.

This thought loops through my mind over and over again until I finally reach the top of the hill before crawling my way closer to the cliff edge directly facing the two monsters.

I let out an inaudible sigh of relief once I get near the edge, only for my eyebrow to twitch when I look at the cooldown.

Seriously? Still two minutes left?

Wait, I still need to find an opening to use the skill anyways.

So I lie on the top of the cliffy-hill for several minutes, far past the time of the cooldown, before placing my hand on the ground and preparing to get up at the sight of the greater abomination being tossed towards the cave beneath me.

I quickly look for its heart while using wrath infusion on the two Tier 2 monsters, drawing both of their attention towards me for the moment as the black and red energy leaves their heads – or what I quickly find to be the heart of the abomination in its case – and my skin begins to let off a faint red glow to it.

Meanwhile, my mind slowly grows a little fuzzy, with a faint layer of anger coating my thoughts, but I manage to push past it and jump off of the cliff straight towards the greater abomination while activating The Calling of Wrath’s third effect on Fangs of Wrath. And immediately after I do so, the same red and black energy suddenly bursts out of me, taking the anger with it before trailing behind me for a second as I fall down towards the greater abomination’s heart.

However, right as I’m getting close to landing, a large tentacle comes flying towards me from the abomination.

I grit my teeth while shifting into a dive to speed up my fall in the hopes of avoiding the tentacle.

But I’m not fast enough.

Damn it!

Right as the tentacle is about to hit me, it suddenly stops moving while noticeably shaking, as if being pulled by something, making me extremely confused.

I don’t have enough time to look for answers though, and soon arrive at the heart before chomping down on it, with all of the black and red energy that was following behind me immediately rushing through my fangs and into the creature. At the same time, another stream of black and red energy rushes out from the creature’s own heart, then back through my fangs and into the heart again as true damage.

The greater abomination lets out a loud groaning noise while frantically moving its heart around, sending me flying back and forth with my fangs still lodged into the thing. Eventually, I begin to lose my grip before all of the wrath energy can enter the heart.

And that’s when I feel a very powerful impact slam into both me and the heart, sending us both flying towards the cave entrance.

My jaws are forced together by the impact through the badly bruised heart, followed immediately by a note that appears on the corner of my rapidly fading vision.

The last thing I see before everything fades to black is the sight of the chitin-covered limb that had just struck at both me and the greater abomination’s heart while we were both distracted.


                                                                 Twelve years ago

“C’mon, sis! You’re only eight years old!” Rodrick complains for the umpteenth time. “You should use this time to have fun instead of studying!”

I roll my eyes at his complaints from my place lying down on my stomach on my bed without taking my focus off of the book in front of me.

“I’m pretty sure father wouldn’t be very happy with you if I came along,” I point out in the hopes that it’ll make him stop bothering me.

Which it doesn’t.

Rodrick clicks his tongue while hanging down from the top of my overly-large bed swinging back and forth, “He’ll always find something to be mad about.”

That’s because you always give him something to be mad about.

But I don’t say that out loud, because that’ll just make him even more talkative.

He suddenly jumps down from the top of the overhead bed frame to land on the ground with his arms spread out before turning to me and asking, “Will you at least join me and the knights for our hunt tomorrow?”

This time I do look away from my book for the moment to say, “Sure.”

His little unscheduled trips outside of the castle aside, I do enjoy going hunting. Even if I can tell father doesn’t necessarily like it when I go.

But he’s never said anything about it, so that’s his fault.

Although I’m pretty sure the reason he doesn’t like me going on hunts is because of how mother died…

“Yes!!! It’ll be great! No! Amazing!” Rodrick shouts while spinning in circles, almost making me want to giggle at his stupid looking actions.


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