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                                                                             Arcadian Live

“It looks like The Winter Wolf is going to have some difficulties on this floor theme!” Mikaela declares, his voice echoing throughout the entire stadium as the crystals coating the ground floor of the stadium begin to shift into pools of lava.

“He isn’t solely an ice magic user, so it should be fine,” Niklai says before turning back to his own screen to watch as Ruth Maci struggles against an enormous leviathan on the seventieth floor. “Especially since he has an entire theme’s lead over all of the other Competitors.”

“Except for Silver Siren,” Katherine adds as she watches Ariana proceed through the crystal forest that makes up the seventy-fifth floor.

Mikaela glances at her screen before focusing on Wolf again as the man digs into the magma spitter’s body and rips into its insides with ease.

“Silver Siren’s the only Competitor from an aquatic species in the top twenty or so Competitors right now, so she’s the only one that’s been able to take advantage of the ocean theme,” he says without taking his eyes off of the screen in front of him. “And that’s helped her close off quite a bit of the distance between her and The Winter Wolf.”

A peaceful chatter fills the stadium for several minutes as the commentators all watch their different screens. However, this peace doesn’t last for long.

Mikaela turns to look at the audience as a wave of news begins to spread throughout it.

His eyes widen once he hears it before he begins to mess with his menus. After several seconds, he finally mutters, “Well, shit.”

A few of the other commentators glance at him before focusing on the chatter still spreading throughout the stadium.

It doesn’t take long before all of the commentators are sending messages or calls to people. At the same time, the chatter throughout the stadium begins to grow in volume.

“How did they find it?” “Did they really find the new world?!” “That doesn’t make any sense! They don’t even have System access!” “Is this real?”

This continues for several minutes before Mikaela finally claps his hands, causing a loud noise to ring out throughout the stadium, silencing everyone almost immediately. He then begins speaking, his voice resonating throughout the stadium, “I have just received word that the new galaxy’s main world, Aegis, has been discovered by the Technalogia faction!”

More chatter starts running through the audience again, only for it to pause as Mikaela continues, “And the faction is directly declaring war on every faction on the planet!”


                     Aegis – Somewhere in between Safe Zone 63 and Safe Zone 100

Loud cries echo throughout the forest on the ground from the monsters in the area as the roar of an enormous spaceship’s engine fills the area. Meanwhile, several of the trees and animals within the forest begin flying away due to the air pressure of the spaceship as it lowers itself closer to the ground.

After the ship reaches just above the tree line, it sends out a strange pulse of red light that causes almost every living thing that it touches – including plants, animals, and monsters – to simply turn into ash, leaving a large open space for the ship to land.

As the ship begins landing, three people appear around the ship, located over a kilometer away in different locations.

Two of them are wearing long, flowing white cloaks as they stare up at the spaceship with grim looks on their faces.

The last of the spectators has the appearance of a beautiful woman with long black hair, purple eyes, and two large black and purple wings sprouting from her back. She is wearing a dark purple armor that covers every inch of her skin below her neck, with the only exception being her wings as she floats in the air with her arms crossed in front of her chest.

The two pureblood werewolves turn to look at her before their eyes widen and they jump far backwards to increase the distance between themselves and the ship.

Meanwhile, inside of the main bridge of the spaceship, a man calmly sits on the captain’s chair with a bored expression on his face. The man has two highly pointed ears, bright blue eyes, and has some sort of high-tech armor on, along with two laser pistols holstered at his waist. Both the armor and the weapons have a blueish-purple color scheme to them. One that matches the bridge and ship’s colors almost perfectly.

“Captain!” one of the nielans – a species exclusive to the Technalogia faction’s home galaxy – says from their place seated in front of a screen. “There appear to be a few guests down below watching us!”

The captain glances at his subordinate before looking at the screen in front of him.

‘Werewolves?’ he thinks as he sees the two pureblood werewolves. ‘But why are they backing away?’

All at once, every last warning begins to flare up within the bridge, alarming all of the occupants of it.

“What is it?!” the captain shouts before focusing on the last guest shown on the screen. The instant he sees the woman – and the massive orb of purple chaotic energy building up in front of her – his eyes grow wide, and he shouts, “What the fuck is that woman doing here!?”

“Get us out of here!” he continues, but it’s too late.

Tiamat simply snaps her fingers and the purple orb – which is really just a massive orb full of all of the elemental energies in the area – fires off towards the ship, causing the ship to instantly disintegrate the moment it makes contact with it. At the same time, a large shockwave shoots outwards from the point of impact, causing everything within a few kilometers of the orb to be blown backwards, with some areas being set on fire, others being completely covered in ice, and some being flooded with water.

This continues for a few seconds, turning the surrounding area into a chaotic zone of messed up climates of all types, including both natural ones and unnatural ones.

Meanwhile, the source of all of this just turns around and disappears into a black portal.

“Damn it,” Amalea grunts as she watches the chaos left behind by the chaos dragon’s single attack from over a kilometer away. “Does that woman not understand how or when to hold back?!”



I sigh in relief as soon as I enter my portable system store.

This place is so much nicer than the oven that is the rest of this floor.

But at least the monsters aren’t too much trouble. All I have to do is rip them apart with my claws and it’s all good.

Especially since I still have a pretty good lead in levels from the last boss.

My thoughts are interrupted as a System Call request appears on the side of my screen.

Dad? I wonder why he’s calling…

The instant I accept the call, I hear him begin speaking without any pause in between, “Wolf, the Technalogia faction as arrived on Aegis and has declared war on everyone here.”

My eyes widen at this news as my mouth drops open slightly.

They… what?


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