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A Human outpost near the border between The Kingdom of Brimstone and The Drezar Kingdom

Explosions ring out throughout the outpost as a mixture of spells, including fireballs, spears made out of ice, large boulders, and several other powerful attacks rain down on the walls of the outpost. At the same time, the roars of dozens of Orcs are covered by the explosions as they charge straight through the barren lands between the kingdoms with their weapons raised high.

"Capture the outpost!" A High-Knight Orc shouts without stopping in his charge towards the walls.

Before the Orc can reach the walls, however, a Human High-Knight jumps down from them and creates a small crater when they land on the ash and soot covered ground.

Each of the approach Orcs pause slightly, with the lower Tiered Orcs hesitating with fear, only to continue their approach as their own High-Knight continues his charge, except directly towards the Human instead of the walls.

The Human simply straightens up and draws his sword, completely ignoring several arrows being shot at him from the few Orcs willing to attack before the arrows simply melt into a pile of green goop the instant they get close to him.

"You monsters," the Human begins speaking with a calm expression on his face, one not showing even a hint of emotion as his voice carries across the entire battlefield, "should stay in your hell burnt lands."

His words rile up the Orcs even more as several of the Orcs far behind the front line hear his words and begin to target him out of their rage.

Meanwhile, the High-Knight Orc simply narrows his eyes and comes to a stop several meters away from him, also ignoring the increased amount of arrows liquidating around the Human.

"You call us monsters," the Orc begins whilst raising his hand axe slightly and pointing it at the Human, "and yet, your Lord is the one who started this conflict."

The Human simply stares at him for a few seconds before stating, "There's no point trying to lie to me, monster."

He then immediately rushes towards the Orc with his sword raised, and a faint green mist coating the blade.

However, right as the Orc raises his hand axe to parry the strike, a loud ringing sound echoes throughout the entire battlefield. One even louder than the explosions currently filling it.

The ringing sound makes both High-Knights wince at the sound as it hurts their enhanced ears before jumping back and turning simultaneously towards the source of the noise.

At the same time, on the other side of the battlefield, several dozen figures cloaked in black jump out of the source of the noise, which has the appearance of a strange red and black portal.

Every single one of the cloaked individuals is a Knight at the very least, with nearly half of them being Mid-Knights.

But what catches the two fighting High-Knight's attention is the appearance of the three High-Knights marching into the battlefield, followed by a Lady wearing an outfit full of orange and red colors.

It takes only a few seconds before all of the fighting around the outpost comes to a stop as each and every soldier and Knight turn to focus on the Lady with fear in their eyes - whether they're a Human or an Orc.

After a few more seconds, another wave of Knights follow after the Lady, each with a coat of arms resembling a fox's head, signifying them as subordinates to Lady Fox.

Not a single person on any of the three sides say a word until one voice echoes throughout the entire area, originating from a young-looking man with bright red eyes, a set of black leather armor with an appearance similar to Leon Raizel's, and a pair of swords sheathed at his waist.

A man who had seemingly appeared out of nowhere as everyone present was focused on Lady Fox.

"Take the Tier 4 Orc alive. The rest can die."



"Wait wait wait..." I exclaim whilst looking up at Ari, who's sitting across from the desk from me in my office, "father's helping The Drezar Kingdom in exchange for The Forgotten Marsh? Really?"

Ari just shrugs and says, "Yep. We couldn't exactly help out the Orcs, seeing as we're on good terms with the Human kingdom, so we came to an agreement with the Humans to fight against the Orcs instead."

I stare at her for a few seconds before leaning back against my chair.

Well, that might not work out very well for me in the future. Not if the Orcs ever find out about my being an untitled prince of The Raizel Empire...

"That aside, due to some specific treaties signed by the nations of the continent," Ari begins, drawing my attention back towards her again, "father can't help our nation attack theirs directly, leaving him as a defender against their attacks."

Oh yeah, I almost forgot about that treaty.

The one limiting Tier 8 individuals and above from directly attacking other nations who do not have their own Tier 8 individual.

"And father probably doesn't care much for the idea of sacrificing some of his men to help the kingdom," I add, once again leaning back in my chair, except this time with a sigh of relief.

So he won't go on a warpath through The Kingdom of Brimstone after all.

"That's right," Ari says, "he's just going to stick to defending."

Which also means that I doubt the Orcs will be very happy about this situation.

A few hours after the party entered the Tenth Floor

For what must be the umpteenth time already, I focus all of my attention on the metal frame that I placed in my lab whilst trying to carefully inject my mana into it. Once it enters, I guide it to move throughout the entire frame, keeping it from losing control with a large amount of difficulty.

"Why must infusing mana into metal be so difficult..." I mutter once I reach a halfway point that allows me a short break in the process.

The difficulty aside, this is only the third time that I've even reached this point. So, so far so good at least.

I take a moment to relax my mind before going straight back into the process.


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