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As I’m running, the kraken continues to let out wail after wail of pain without letting up its attempt to free the tentacle from the spear.

And when its tentacle rip upwards out of the ice, the spear still remains stuck inside of its tentacle.

Is the spear stuck due to the scales?

This thought goes through my mind as I narrow my eyes at the tentacle before jumping out of the way of another tentacle’s strike.

I briefly turn my attention towards another tentacle as it comes before raising a wall of ice to block it and jumping out of the way.

The tentacle then slams into the wall and continues straight through it, only barely slowing down enough for me to avoid the strike.

Damn this monster’s annoying.

I turn back to the kraken’s main body to find it finally fully exiting the large crater of ice it was in, with all of its tentacles beginning to flail about in the air.

Oh shit.

Almost as if on cue, almost all of its tentacles, with the only exception being its wounded one, fly straight towards me, with several of them slamming into each other on the way.

A strange feeling hits me – like I’ve been in a similar position to this prior to now – before I shake my head to clear it and lean down whilst putting as much force into my legs as possible to get clear of the attack and also using the ice beneath me to help launch me away from the tentacles.

But I’m not fast enough. The tentacles continue falling, with me still in their strike zone.

I grimace mid leap before a determined look replaces it and I focus on the tentacles approaching me.

A few tense seconds pass as I continue flying through the air until I finally activate Aegis, causing a large blue shield to appear all around me a few inches in front of my skin right before the tentacles reach me. The tentacles then stop immediately upon touching the shield while the other tentacles that didn’t hit it continue moving until they slam into the ice.

Meanwhile, I continue flying through the air out of the mass of tentacles as the shield blips out, as if I weren’t just hit by a bunch of tentacles.

Well, there goes my once a month last ditch move. But there wasn’t much I could do about it.

It was either that or become a pancake.

And with that thought, I land on my feet onto the ground before immediately turning around, chugging a stamina potion, and launching myself up into the air towards the wounded tentacle.

The only tentacle out of the kraken’s sixteen tentacles still left in the air.

As I’m flying through the air, I spot the other tentacles beginning to raise themselves back up from the ice.

But unfortunately for them, I reach the wounded tentacle before they can get anywhere near close to me.

I quickly activate the gravity effect on my boots before running across the bottom of the tentacle towards the spear. Once I reach it, I physically dive into it, using my ability to manipulate the ice to let me in.

As soon as I push my way out of the ice into the tentacle’s insides, a terrible smell assaults my nose, making me wish I had nose plugs.

That said, I push forwards anyways, digging my way through the inside of the kraken as ear-shattering wails begin to sound from outside of its body, prompting me to immediately raise the soundproofing on my headphones almost to the limit.

I continue moving through the tentacle, dreading every minute of it as the blood and flesh of the monster continuously slips into my mouth, leaving a disgusting taste behind.

It also doesn’t help that I keep accidentally running into the scales before moving back towards the center of the tentacle.

Damn thing keeps confusing me with its frantic movements.

Why can’t it just stay still as I dig through it?

At some point, I begin to feel large tremors running through the tentacle, as if something were hitting it from the outside. But whatever it is can’t seem to make it past the creature’s scales.

Huh, not sure if its hitting itself with its other tentacles, or if its just slamming the tentacle with me in it around at the ice, but those scales are actually coming in useful now.

Either way, it takes me several minutes to dig up to a point that I stop running into scales and begin to see a faint glowing light through the flesh.

Guess that means that I’m inside of its main body now.

Suddenly, the creature’s wailing raises in both pitch and volume, as if something that was blocking the noise goes away. When I turn around to look behind me, I find what looks like moonlight going through the path behind me.

Did it cut off its tentacle again?

But if that’s the case, then why didn’t it do it while I was digging through it?

I continue looking back for a few seconds before deciding to push forwards toward the faint red glow.

Doesn’t really matter. Not now anyways.

I dig for another few minutes before the glow finally begins to grow bright enough that it’s damn near blinding me. To the point that – if I wasn’t already squinting my eyes so as to keep as much of the kraken’s insides out of my eyes as possible – then I would have to squint them due to it.

Still keeping my mouth shut, I dig my claws forwards again before feeling them pierce into something soft and even warmer than the rest of the flesh around me as I’m about to spread them out to squish everything to the sides like I’ve been doing. At the same time, the wailing sharply grows in pitch again and even adds that same shriek from earlier to it.


I grin before spreading my claws out again, ripping apart whatever it was that my claw was in and revealing the rest of it to me.

The kraken’s heart.


                                                                               Arcadian Live

“So…” Niklai mutters as he watches the kraken from the outside wail extremely loudly whilst thrashing around with abandon. “Is he going to come out any time soon?”

Some faint laughter rings out throughout the stadium at his words. However, it stops the moment the red light begins to fade from the monster’s eyes and heart.

Mikaela’s eyes widen in surprise without moving from the screen.

“Is…” Katherine begins before stopping as her jaw drops from shock at the sight of the kraken’s enormous body beginning to slowly turn into particles of light.

Eventually, the fading of its body reaches its center, causing Wolf to frantically begin falling out of the sky whilst covered in the creature’s blood and guts.

Once he lands on the ground, he quickly climbs back to his feet and looks around, only for his attention to be claimed by the appearance of a large orange chest, with what appears to be a frame made out of the kraken’s scales, along with a crest of the kraken itself in a much smaller form on the chest’s front.

“The Winter Wolf…” Katherine begins, finally having recovered from her shock, only for Mikaela to finish it for her, “Has won!!”

A thunderous applause immediately begins to fill the stadium at his words, but it all grinds to a halt as Katherine asks, “But wait! What about Sapphire?”

Mikaela turns to her in the silence that follows before smiling and answering, “Don’t worry, he can bring her back. She is his soul-bound companion after all.”

This makes her sigh in relief as all of the commentators turn to focus on Wolf as he begins looking over his menus and seemingly falls into a stupor while the falling rain cleans him of the kraken’s insides.


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