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                                              Year 2849 | Month 5 | Day 10 | Monday

The wait for the others ends up taking several minutes, but in the end, outside of two of the other snipers who do even better than I did on the test, the rest of the cadets either only barely pass or don’t even pass at all, leading to the instructor telling those who didn’t pass to try again tomorrow before sending them to join us in the testing room. After he finishes with the last snipers, he enters the sniper test room while saying, “Whether you passed the weapon test or not, move to the benches over there to begin the tests for your physical capabilities. There will be more sniper rifle tests at a later time as well, involving more than just shooting. But you won’t be able to take those unless you passed this last one, and you won’t be passing the class if you don’t pass each and every test.”

I walk over to an area full of several different machines, benches, and other sorts of devices as he speaks before the instructor suddenly snaps his finger, causing a screen to appear behind him just like it had in the other rooms during their tests. The screen displays each student’s scores, recorded by the simulator itself.

The scores include the maximum amount we can bench press, how much force we can put into a punch, how fast we can sprint and for how long we can jog, and several other different tests for physical ability. After that, there are also scores for the magical ability tests, such as the elasticity of our mana arcs, how many mana arcs we have, and how saturated the mana is in each arc, along with a place for the results of our IQ tests and a 1 or 0 for whether or not we passed the brief quiz he held at the end of all of the other rooms’ tests to determine the mental stability of each cadet.

Which no one has failed so far.

And just like with the other rooms, before we begin with this set of tests, the instructor looks at each of us in the eye and says, “And I don’t want any complaints afterwards that you ‘were having an off day and could have done much better if you’d have known about these tests.’ Regardless of if you were having a bad day or not, you will be retaking the test tomorrow if you fail.”

Even with his words, there don’t seem to be anyone who has anything against his declaration. Although that might also have been because they’ve already heard it from when he was doing the tests for the other weapon users.

“First up is cadet Spears,” he says, his gaze locking onto one of the two guys who did better than myself in the sniper rifle test before nodding towards the bench with a weight above it prompting the cadet to walk up to and begin his test.

The tests run smoothly and efficiently after that, with each of us quickly doing the tests one by one under the instructor’s directions before he gives us a few minutes to look over the scores like he had with the other rooms before us.

My results actually end up quite a bit above average for the physical tests – likely due to the fact that most of the cadets haven’t so much have seen or used the majority of this equipment before – with a special emphasis on endurance, which ended up as the highest score possible in the test.

Not that that’s any surprise, for me at least. Considering how I can’t get tired.

Meanwhile, I end up with a slightly above average score for the IQ test, which feels nice.

As for the magical tests? My results end up being rather split in that area. The mana in my mana arcs is surprisingly saturated for a level 3 talent, but I also have the lowest number of mana arcs in the entire class up to this point, where most of the others have either 3 or 4 arcs.

If it weren’t for the fact that my mana arcs are almost as saturated as a level 5 talent’s mana arcs – which I have a suspicious feeling is due to my immortality somehow – then I’d probably have the lowest scores in the entire class for the magical tests.

And as expected, some of the other students have noticed.

Specifically, the ones that were sending me looks after the weapon test.

As if on cue, the instructor suddenly begins speaking again as he walks towards the next room over – the one meant to test the bow users, “This first set of tests will simply count as a perfect score for everyone who managed to pass above a certain mark on each test. If you failed to pass that mark, then you will have to retake whichever part of the test you failed to pass until you do pass it before I will let you move on to whatever the next test I have for you will be.”

I hold myself back from raising an eyebrow at the semi-robotic way he’s speaking. Like a man who’s repeated the same thing way too many times in a single class.

Poor guy.

Or, I would say that, if it weren’t for the fact that he’s the one who designed the class – and the tests – in the first place.

He pauses right in front of the soundproof wall to the bow testing room before saying, “Continue your training until the rest of the class is done with their tests. This can either be training for the tests you failed, or training for your weapons. It’s your choice.”

After that, the instructor simply passes through the wall, leaving us where we are, with the scores still hung up in the room.

I stare at the wall for a few seconds before starting to make my way towards the edge of the BFS and back towards the shooting range, still with my sniper rifle case hanging by a strap across my back.

This might just be the moment where I’ve felt the most thankful towards Aidan in my entire life. Because if he hadn’t gotten me into working out before the accident, then I might never have passed those tests.

But because of him, I managed to successfully pass each and every test with flying colors.

Well, except the magical tests, but those were on an average basis and not something you can change. Meaning someone would likely be kicked out of the class entirely if they failed those tests.

My lower-than-average number of mana arcs to start out with as a level 3 talent certainly hurt my score, but thanks to my mana’s saturation, it didn’t hurt it enough to fail.

So now it’s time to go back to practicing my shooting.

Once I make it to the shooting range again, I turn around to find the majority of the snipers getting to work training in the sniper rifle test room to pass their failed physical tests.

I then turn to look at the other three cadets that managed to pass the physical tests, with the same two from before counted amongst the three.

Yeah, those two were one hundred percent trained before coming here. And the third is another muscle head – like Muscles – by the looks of it. Which makes me wonder why he’s using a sniper rifle as his main weapon.

The two boys suddenly turn to look at me, meeting my gaze with less than pleased looks in their eyes.

Uh, do they not like that someone else is almost as good as them with shooting? Or is it because of my scores being just as good as theirs on the physical tests?

Either way, they’re probably gonna be a problem in the future.


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