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New cover for The Rise of the Winter Wolf book 1 :)


One day later, on the sixty-seventh floor

Okay, I put this off for longer than I originally wanted, but now should be a good time. I’ll probably need all the help I can get whenever I go to the next floor.

And with this thought in mind, I summon my portable system store before walking in, freezing the entrances shut, and opening up the Player Auction.

Time to go on a spending spree! Even know I can only buy one thing with the cooldown.

Over the past few days, I’ve been considering what I wanted to buy with my large amount of built up profit, and I finally decided on just getting a new set of armor. Considering how my current set is only Tier 7.

At that thought, I look down at my armor to identify it.


Tier 7 Frozen Armaments of Jotunheim:

This set of armaments will raise the wearer’s physical and magical resistance by 40%, while also giving a set low physical and magical resistance.

It is made from Arctic Ore, which is extremely durable and can be manipulated through an ice element manipulation power. The armor itself can be repaired through feeding it ice element.

Bonus Effect: If the wearer has a body that is adapted to the ice element via their species or a mutation, then their natural production of ice element is increased by 50%.

Note: If the wearer does not naturally produce ice element but is still adapted to it via their species or a mutation, then the armor itself will automatically generate a small amount of ice element.

The resistance increases and bonus effect does not only apply to the areas covered by the gear.



Which in hindsight is actually quite powerful outside of this dungeon, but I’m not outside of it. So, it’s better to get the best gear I possibly can.

Anyways, time to search for new armor…


After over half an hour of searching, I eventually find three different choices that would work. Each of them being expensive as hell.

The first of the three is actually the least interesting of the three, and the auction has been going on for a while now with not all that many people going for it.

Which says something about the item’s quality, but that aside, it doesn’t look bad.

Arcadian Armaments of the Endless Winter | Tier 9 | 16000 SP Starting Price

These armaments raise the wearer’s physical and magical resistance by 75%, while also giving a set medium physical and magical resistance.

If the wearer’s body generates ice element on their own, then their natural ice element generation will speed up by 100%.

The armaments themselves are made out of Arcadian enhanced Arctic Ore, allowing them to be manipulated through ice element manipulation, and making the wearer stronger the more ice element is fed into the armor.

The armaments are pretty good overall and are a lot better than my current armor. But even the second of the three possibilities outshines it quite a bit, and that possibility is still not as good as the third.

I turn my attention towards the third of the two, skipping over the second one completely.

A Harbinger’s Winter | Tier 9 | 20000 SP Starting Price

This set of nano-armor was crafted by the well-known metal harbinger, Archol, and it raises the wearer’s physical and magical resistance by 70%, while also giving a set medium physical and magical resistance.

If the wearer’s body generates ice element on its own, then their natural ice element generation will speed up by 100%.

The armor is made out of System and harbinger enhanced nano-material, allowing them to be repaired through ice element manipulation, while also making the wearer stronger the more ice element is fed into the armor.

The nano-material – which was claimed from the Technalogia factions prior to enhancement – can change appearances and form depending on the desire of the wearer.

Due to this armor being crafted by a metal harbinger, it grants the following set of bonuses for any harbinger wearing it.

The wearer is granted and extra 30% magical and physical resistance while wearing the armor.

The armor’s effects stay with the wearer when they elemental shift.

If the wearer is a harbinger, then their element’s variant influences the armor, granting unknown bonus effects to it.

The only problem with the armor is that it’s only a couple thousand below my budget right now. But even with that, it honestly feels like it was made for me.

Although with circumstances between the harbingers being as it is – with a lot of them apparently being on my side, and only a few of them wanting me dead – it might just have been made for me.

Even with it’s expensive as hell price…

That aside, I quickly select it before moving into the auction.

I just hope I can afford it.


“Huh,” I mutter out loud after I reappear in my portable system store with a strange looking, blue suit in front of me. It really doesn’t look all that appealing to the eye, but I go into the bathroom to change anyways.

However, as soon as I put it on – after taking off most of my other clothing of course – it suddenly morphs into a very similar shape as my previous set of armaments, with the only difference being that it has a crescent moon symbol on the shoulder of the torso piece.

Did it take this form because I’m used to it? Or because I like it?

Anyways, I put everything else back on before despawning the portable store – which is really just a copy of my old home – and continuing on my trip through the floor.


                                                                          Half a day later

I take a deep breath and hold it for a few seconds before releasing it and opening my eyes to look at the exit floating on a small platform above the water’s surface. The exit looks just like every other exit I’ve seen so far in the dungeon, but it still makes a wave of anxiety that I haven’t felt in a while run through me.

Because for all I know, an event boss could be laying in wait right on the other side of the teleportation.

And the last time I fought an event boss… sure it ended out pretty well, considering how strong becoming a lycanthrope has made me, but it wasn’t a very nice experience. Not to mention that I had help at the time; otherwise, I would have died.

Speaking of help…

I turn my attention towards my shadow before Sapphire’s pouting eyes – eyes that I didn’t realize could pout – appear in my shadow.

Apparently spiders don’t do well underwater, so the poor girl hasn’t been able to come out of my shadow throughout this entire theme so far.

And she doesn’t seem to want to risk climbing on my shoulder as I’m running in case she falls off into the water.

It’s a bit of a weakness, but it does make sense.

I briefly glance at my information on the top right of my interface just to make sure I’m ready.

My Info:

Level: 762

EXP: 42832/76200

System Points: 815.20

Viewing Room Profits: 421

After reassuring myself with the sight of my slightly-higher-than-it-needs-to-be level, I turn my attention back towards the door before stretching my arm out towards it, only to jerk slightly in surprise as I hear fireworks explode, causing me to look around, only to not find anything.

The he-

My thoughts are interrupted when a notification appears in front of me.

Techral? Who the heck is that?

I’ve never heard of that title before.

After debating for a few seconds as to whether I should look into them now or later, I decide to focus on the event boss until I get through the next floor.

Then I can look into who this person is.

And with that thought in mind, I glance at Sapphire before reaching out and touching the door.


When I open my eyes again after the light fades, I find myself once again swimming in a seemingly endless ocean, with heavy rain downpouring everywhere I can see.

At least I appeared on the surface. That’s a plus.

And so far, there’s no dangerous monster trying to eat me.

I glance to the side and wave my hand, freezing a large squid that was about to attack me.

Now I just have to hope I don’t run into the creature. Because that would be bad. Even if I’m a little strong for these floors, I highly doubt I can handle an event boss on my own.

And especially not due to the water, and the lack of Sapphire’s help.

After looking at the frozen squid, I begin making my way through the floor like normal.


If you can't read the image:

System Auction

Congratulations! You made the winning   bid for the item, A Harbinger’s Winter Tier 9!

21138 SP will now be subtracted from   your total SP.

Enjoy your new item!

Administrator Dungeon Notification

This is a notification to every Competitor   in the Administrator Dungeon.

The competitor going by the title, ‘Techral,’   has just opened a mythic loot box on the fifty-second floor!

The location of the opening will now be   shown on every Competitor’s map when they enter the fifty-second floor.

Discord Invite:


Top Web Fiction Link:



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