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After jumping into the water and swimming for a while, I find a mini boss chest sitting next to an exit on a floating platform under the water. Which is a rather striking sight in the middle of a seemingly bottomless ocean.

I’m just going to assume the platform doesn’t sink because of system fuckery.

Anyways, I immediately touch the chest upon reaching the platform, only to end up getting garbage as my reward before I turn my attention towards the door.

I kind of want to get out of this theme as quickly as possible, because it’s not very pleasant. Being constantly soaked in water, whether through rain or the ocean.

Sure, the place is beautiful, but that doesn’t make up for constantly being waterlogged.

And with that thought in mind, I reach out and touch the exit, quickly finding myself blinded by the usual flash of light before it clears, revealing my new surroundings.

Which aren’t much different than my previous surroundings.

The only difference on the sixty-second floor can be seen as I reach the surface and look into the sky, at the rain clouds above.

It’s raining harder.


Does that mean that it’ll just keep raining harder and harder the deeper I get into the theme? Because that just means even more waterlogging…

It also means that the event boss on the sixty-eighth floor – if I run into it – will be a pain in the ass to deal with.

Not that it wasn’t going to be a pain even without the rain. After all, it’ll most likely be able to break my ice, which means I’ll be stuck fighting it in the water whenever it does.

And depending on what type of creature it is…

I shiver at the thought before freezing the water around me and rising to the surface.

Anyways, time to get going. This theme is annoying enough with the depth of the water probably hiding a lot of the monsters already, I shouldn’t waste time right now thinking about stuff for a later floor.


                                                                         Executive Stream

“He doesn’t look very happy,” Leo comments, leaning his head up against his arm as he rests it on the arm rest while watching Wolf’s screen. “Not happy at all.”

Diane glances at him with a frown before focusing on Wolf’s screen again, “You wouldn’t be very happy either if you were constantly soaked to the bone.”

‘Although at least his immunity to the cold makes the temperature of the water a moot point,’ she thinks to herself while crossing her arms.

“I wouldn’t care,” Leo says, snorting in amusement as he turns to look at Ruth’s screen.

“Oh yeah,” Diane mutters, turning to squint her eyes at the man, “you wouldn’t even feel it with your lack of sensitivity.”

Leo just grunts while watching Ruth attempting to solve a puzzle in a high-tech room.

Diane lightly shakes her head before turning back to Wolf’s screen. After a few more seconds of watching, though, her face reveals an expression as if she had just remembered something and she begins messing with her menus in front of her.

The draugr next to her notices her actions and turns to look at her, only to pause slightly as she asks, “By the way, did you see the new bet that was posted by one of Arianais’s subordinates?”

“Hmm?” Leo hums before asking, “Do you mean the one about what the event boss will be?”

Diane nods her head and says, “Yeah, that one.”

“Yeah, I saw it,” Leo answers while turning back to look at Ruth’s screen again. “but I’d rather not waste my points on something so unlikely. There’re just too many monsters in the System to bet on a single one, even if they’re limited to powerful aquatic monsters.”

“Yeah…” Diane mutters before closing out of the menu and adding, “we also can’t be sure that it will be an aquatic monster, just because it’s in an ocean.”

This catches Leo’s attention for a moment as he turns to look at her, only to shake his head again as he refocuses on Ruth’s screen and says, “You have a point, but it’s most likely going to be an aquatic monster. Considering the heavy rain and water in general.”

Diane glances at him before raising an eyebrow and asking, “Still, if you had to guess, which monster would you think might be on the floor?”

She then turns back to the screen as she says, “Because my guess would be a kraken or a leviathan.”

“If I had to guess…” Leo says while rubbing his chin in thought, “then I’d guess a charybdis, based off of the depth of the water.”

Diane’s eyes widen as she glances at Leo before turning to look at Wolf’s screen again while saying, “I didn’t think about that one. And the water is certainly deep enough for one.”

‘But that would be a frightening possibility…’ she thinks to herself as she watches Wolf freeze another wild mermaid alive as it tries to swim straight towards him while snapping its sharp fangs.


                                                   A few days later, on the sixty-sixth floor

Okay, what’s this?

Is this creature even a monster?

With this question in mind, I identify the itty bitty jelly fish in front of me.

                                                   _-| Unnamed – Angelic Sting – Level 720 |-_

What’s with its name? And it’s level 720?

That aside, the creature just looks like a red jellyfish to me. A small one at that, with it not even seeming to be half a foot large.

In fact, if it weren’t for my life sense skill, I probably would have missed the little fella.

Well, that and the very faint red glow it’s putting off.

I watch it for a few seconds as it continues to swim past me, not bothering with me at all, before I give into curiosity and open the System Forums.

Angelic Sting…

My eyes widen as soon as I see the title of the first thread about the creature.

‘The Angelic Sting – otherwise known as a Death’s Touch.’

I turn to look at the creature with an incredulous look on my face.

That thing? Death’s Touch?

Deciding to read the thread first before judging, I turn back to the screen while tapping on the thread. However, what I find immediately makes me begin sweating out of fear.

What the fucking hell?

I jerk my head towards the creature with a hint of fear this time.

An Angelic Sting is extremely weak and can be killed simply by a level one being stepping on it, but the venom in its stinger can kill almost anything below level 10000 in just a single sting. In just a single instant after being stung.

I don’t know if that thing’s overpowered, or weak as hell, but I should stay away from them… and try not to piss them off.

Because they are apparently rather docile, just like with how this one simply floated on by without doing anything to me.

Which is odd for a dungeon monster, but whatever.

I would just kill it with my ice to get the free EXP, but… I turn around before looking down at the water to find a large amount of red light radiating from beneath the water.

There are more than just one of them.

And just one sting will kill me.

So best to just ignore them.

And with that thought in mind, I continue trudging my way through the heavy rain, freezing the ocean’s surface beneath me as I walk.


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