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                                                            Year 2849 | Month 5 | Day 6

When I get to the first of the classes pages, I immediately find the one the instructor said was required at the very top.

Basic Magic Circuitry
: This class goes over the basics and fundamentals of building a magic circle, along with how to cast Tier 1 spells.
Prerequisites: None

That explains why the class is mandatory.

I walk up to the desk before searching the drawers and finding some paper that was left there for the student who takes the room – aka me. There are also some pencils, pens, and other supplies that might be needed.

After placing the paper on the desk, I write down the class itself before looking at it again and finding the times the class is being taught at beneath the prerequisites. Then I turn my attention to the list of classes that follows the required one.

Fundamentals of Wind
: This class goes over the fundamentals of what the wind element truly is.
Prerequisites: None

Fundamentals of Water
: This class goes over the fundamentals of what the water element truly is.
Prerequisites: None

Mana Manipulation
: This class goes over how to increase your arcs of mana, and how to effectively insert your mana into a magic circle.
Prerequisites: None

Magical Warfare
: This class teaches you how to effectively fight on a battlefield of magicians.
Prerequisites: None
Warning: Class is hands-on in its approach to teaching and may be dangerous.

: This class teaches you the effective techniques to relax your heart and mind so that your arcs of mana will regenerate at a faster pace.
Prerequisites: None

Tactics and Battle Strategy
: This class goes over the basics of military battle tactics and battle strategies.
Prerequisites: None

Okay, there are a lot of classes to choose from…

I continue reading down the list for a few hours whilst occasionally writing one of the classes down. It isn’t until I hear a knock from the door to my room that I finally look up from the book and my notes to ask, “What?”

My door opens to reveal Aidan with his own sheet of paper as he walks in and asks, “Have you finished selecting your classes yet? Because I just did.”

“Just about,” I answer him whilst turning back to look at my notes. “I’m just having trouble deciding between which of these last two classes to take.”

Aidan walks up to me and looks at the list I have written out so far.

Basic Magic Circuitry
: This class goes over the basics and fundamentals of building a magic circle, along with how to cast Tier 1 spells.
Prerequisites: None

Fundamentals of Fire
: This class goes over the fundamentals of what the fire element truly is.
Prerequisites: None

Mana Manipulation
: This class goes over how to increase your arcs of mana, and how to effectively insert your mana into a magic circle.
Prerequisites: None

: This class teaches you the effective techniques to relax your heart and mind so that your arcs of mana will regenerate at a faster pace.
Prerequisites: None

Tactics and Battle Strategy
: This class goes over the basics of military battle tactics and battle strategies.
Prerequisites: None

“Those look like almost exactly like the classes I chose,” Aidan says before leaning back again, “although I’m taking Magical Warfare instead of Tactics and Battle Strategy, and of course, Fundamentals of Wind instead of Fire.”

That makes sense. Most of them are all beginner level magic classes; ones that are needed to build off of for a lot of the other classes taught here, and just to get started at being a magician in general.

I turn to look at him before glancing at the two classes that I was debating over which to take.

Magical Warfare
: This class teaches you how to effectively fight on a battlefield of magicians and non-magicians.
Prerequisites: None
Warning: Class is hands-on in its approach to teaching and may be dangerous.

Magical Combat
: This class teaches you how to effectively fight a magician.
Prerequisites: None

“I was actually trying to decide between taking Magical Warfare or Magical Combat as my last class,” I tell him before looking at all of the class times and frowning, “but as it turns out, Magical Combat doesn’t fit in my schedule. Not with Tactics and Battle Strategy.”

Aidan nudges my shoulder – to my dismay – and says, “Then just take Magical Warfare! It looks more practical than Magical Combat anyways, since it teaches us how to fight both magicians and non-magicians.”

My frown grows as I focus on the red warning before shaking my head slightly.

I wanted to avoid any classes that would have a chance of my secret slipping, but the requirements for graduation listed having completed one combat class, and three weapons classes, all of which have a possibility of that. So, I decided that it would be best to get it over with now, while I still don’t have any special attention from anyone.

Truthfully, I do believe that Magical Warfare would be a better class to take. It’s just also a lot more likely for my secret to slip in it than the Magical Combat class, assuming that warning is anything to go by.

But I guess I don’t have much of a choice in this.

I write down the Magical Warfare class as the last of my six classes before climbing to my feet with the paper in hand.

“By the way, why did you select six classes instead of five?” Aidan asks me with a curious look on his face.

I glance at him before walking towards the door and saying, “No real reason.”

In truth, I just thought that all of those classes were things that I should know, and if something were to happen that might force me to stop attending the academy – like my secret being exposed – then it would be better to know as much as I can beforehand.

Although part of it is that I’m just curious and a workaholic.

Unfortunately, considering that this is a school for magicians, there really isn’t any place safe in the academy. Not inside nor outside of my classes.

Especially since – according to the book currently being held in my arms with the paper – duels within the academy are free game as long as the one being challenged is in the same year or older than the challenger.

It would be best to avoid those entirely, so less time outside of class means I will be less likely to have to deal with it.

“Uh huh, I’m pretty sure you’re just being a workaholic again,” Aidan says as he follows me out of my room, shutting the door behind himself, “just try not to overwork yourself too much.”

We continue walking through the common room of the suite before exiting our suite entirely into the hallway and locking the door behind us.

“After all, we don’t want you passing out from exhaustion like you did in your second year of high school,” Aidan eventually says, dredging up the past.

Back when I actually could pass out from exhaustion.

Or at least, from physical exhaustion. I haven’t tried it – seeing as it isn’t exactly a very pleasant thing to do – but I think I can still pass out from mental exhaustion.

My immortality only reverts my body back to perfect condition both in time and space, so it doesn’t do anything to my mental health.

Which also means that mental attacks might still affect me. They obviously won’t kill me, but still.

Then again, it’s not like I can go around having someone test it out. Mental magic – outside of one of the Special Magic affinities focused on a type of mental magic – are almost exclusive to Tier VI spells or higher. And unless there just happens to be a trustworthy Class B magician lying around, then I doubt I will ever be able to test it.

“What’s this about passing out?” I hear someone ask. When I turn to look, I surprisingly find the two girls walking out of their own room on the other side of the hall from us.

“Oh, nothing much.” Aidan turns to look at them as he puts his arms behind his head and says with a slight nod towards me. “Just this guy’s habit of overworking himself until he passes out.”

I frown at Aidan before crossing my arms and arguing, “That only happened-”

“Four times.” Aidan suddenly cuts me off, holding out one of his hands with four fingers stretched outwards. “It happened twice in your second year, and once in both your first and third years.”

Sophia chuckles at our interaction while Cyria just raises an eyebrow at me and asks, “Workaholic much?”

Deciding that I’ve lost the argument, I just shake my head and turn around towards the entrance hall. I then begin walking whilst calling over my shoulder, “Not sure what you’re talking about, but I’m gonna go register for my classes.”

I faintly hear snickering coming from behind me, followed shortly by the sound of footsteps as they begin to follow me.

It’s fine for me to call myself a workaholic, but when someone else calls me one?

I shake my head at the thought as I walk.


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