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So, after several rounds of testing, it turns out Fang has quite a few new abilities.

For one, he has two different forms. In his white form, he has the same powers as the void beowolves, with extremely sharp blades in the place of his fur, and their faint anti-magic mist flowing across his body. Meanwhile, in his black form, he has the same abilities as a void fen, with their camouflage.

At the same time, he also has his original power no matter which form he is in. Except with a few upgrades.

The first upgrade is that he can shoot out both a breath attack, and smaller fireballs. This makes for a much more versatile set of attacks.

But what I personally think is more important, is that since his mana pool has increased so much, he can finally use his breath attack as more than just a last resort.

Although the void 'fireballs' are also pretty damn useful as well. Considering that most of the things at the start of Tier 2 won't know how they should defend against it, and will therefore be stuck relying on their mana to defend themselves instinctually.

When in reality there isn't an efficient manner to defend against it, as is the nature of the void element.

From what Dawn's told me, it's one of the most feared elements strictly because it's the only one that is one hundred percent brute force. Any other element can be forced back or redirected by magic if the magic is used skillfully enough, but the void element will just directly eat through all of the defenses until it runs out of mana.

So in the end, Fang's black fireballs should wipe out quite a few enemies.

I briefly turn my attention towards Leon's party of intruders currently inside of the fourth floor before once again focusing on the boss room of the tenth floor.

It's about time I finally put the finishing touches on this floor.

Then I can start on the eleventh floor!


                                                         Inside of an office within Fort Fox

A strange silence fills the office as two figures stand on opposite sides of a chair in front of a long window. The office itself has over a dozen blades of all kinds hanging on the walls, with each one of them being from a different originating nation. Meanwhile, in front of the chair standing in between the two figures is a large desk facing away from the window.

Neither of the two figures say anything for several minutes. One of them is a beautiful woman with both reddish-orange hair and eyes, and a fancy looking outfit consistent of orange ribbons and a robe colored both red and orange throughout it. The other figure is a tall man with black hair and red eyes wearing an untied robe over a black suit of leather armor.

It isn't until a knock sounds from the door that the silence is broken.

"What is it?" Lady Fox asks, her voice cutting through the silence like a sharp blade.

"My Lady, we have received a letter from the City Lord of Wolfdenn," a soldier asks from the other side of the door.

Lady Fox finally turns away from the window to look at the man standing next to her before looking at the door and saying, "Bring it in."

Jake Raizel continues to look out the window as the soldier opens the door and quickly walks in before placing the letter on the desk, bowing his head low to the ground, and walking back out the door whilst closing it behind himself.

A faint smile begins to emerge on Lady Fox's face as she sees the letter. Meanwhile, the Emperor next to her finally speaks, "So you do care for him."

The smile vanishes almost instantly from the woman's face after hearing his words before she grabs the letter and begins to open it.

"Also, is it just me, or do the soldiers here fear you?" Jake asks, a faint smirk appearing on his face as he turns around to look at the woman.

Ashlyn Fox glances at the man with a frown before shaking her head and focusing on the letter again as she retorts, "As if you're one to talk."

"True," the man admits, his smirk still in place on his face, "but at least my own men don't fear me."

The woman just scoffs at that before opening the letter whilst mumbling, "At least I'm not as bad as Lord Frost..."

Her words trail off after she begins reading the letter. Then, as soon as she finishes it, she turns her head to look at Jake again with a scowl.

"You told him?" Ashlyn asks with unconcealed bloodlust in her voice. "I thought we came to an agreement not to tell him about me if you were to take care of him?"

Jake just raises an eyebrow in amusement and shrugs, "I didn't tell him anything."

'So it was that demon of a daughter of his, was it?' Ashlyn thinks to herself as her brows furrow even more. Before she can think too much on it, though, Jake stretches his hand out and asks, "Mind if I take a look?"

Ashlyn begrudgingly hands him the letter, to which Jake immediately begins to read with a smile on his face.

                                                                            Dear Lady Fox,
I have recently become aware of the relationship between us, and I wanted to make sure that you were aware of this.
             Along with the fact that this relationship won't change anything between us.
    You are still a representative of another nation, and I am still the City Lord of Wolfdenn.
Because you have an embassy in my city, you may visit whenever you please - under certain conditions, of course - after notifying myself or my assistant of your upcoming arrival.
                 That said, I will also not treat your son, or any of your family as my own.
    Whether or not this matters to you is unbeknownst to me, but I felt as if it must be said.
                                                                            Leon Raizel

By the time Jake finishes reading the letter, his laughter echoes throughout the room, causing Ashlyn to clench her fists tighter and tighter as she listens.

"Just as expected," the man says, placing the letter back on the desk, "he really doesn't care."

He then turns to look at her before crossing his arms and adding, "Which is your fault, if we're being honest. You did force that rule after all."

Ashlyn just walks up to the window and returns to looking outside of her office.

"Why did you force that rule?" Jake says in a slightly softer tone this time. "You never did say."

Lady Fox continues to stare out of the window for a few seconds before eventually answering, "To keep him from the greedy hands of the Humans."

For the first time since the start of this conversation, a look of surprise covers Jake's face.


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