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“You really went for it,” Leo mutters as he sees the description of the coat appear above it for the viewers at the same time as Wolf identifies it. “That must have been a fortune to make.”

Diane grins with a hint of pride as she watches Wolf put the coat on. “It was a major investment, but absolutely worth it.”

Meanwhile, Arianais ignores the two to watch Wolf as he reaches out and touches the red skill orb.


Skill | High Fire Immunity | Tier 8

This skill grants the skill holder a 25% immunity to all fire damage.


A small ghost of a smile flashes across Wolf’s face before vanishing again as the red orb breaks apart and dissipates into his skin.

“It looks like I wasn’t the only one going big,” Diane says, sending Arianais a surprised look.

Leo just looks between the two and lightly shakes his head while muttering, “Now I just feel bad for not getting him something as good…”

The Empress snickers at his comment as Arianais continues to watch the screen.

However, as soon as Wolf’s focus turns to the black letter, everyone within the room tenses up.

Diane lets out a sigh of relief as she sees Wolf identify the letter without touching it, only to frown as she sees its description.


Tier 7 The Ruler’s Letter:

This item is a letter handwritten by The Ruler for the Competitor Wolf Adler.

It will grant the reader a permanent 5% immunity to miasma when read.


“Damn it, that thing has to be cursed!” Diane growls in anger with a growing look of worry shadowing her face. She quickly opens her menus and attempts to send a message to Wolf, only to get a warning message from the System.

Leo – who had noticed her movements – asks, “Did you really just try that? You know the System blocks any and all communication into the Grand Hall.”

Diane turns to him with worry-filled eyes, only to pause for a second as Wolf’s actions catch her eye. At the same time, Arianais mutters softly in surprise, “Oh? That’s interesting.”

Meanwhile, Leo turns to look at what they are focused on, only for his brows to raise in surprise as he sees Wolf ignoring the letter completely to move on to the next item.

“Huh,” Leo mutters while scratching his chin in thought, “that was unexpected.”


Right as Wolf identifies the letter


Tier 7 The Ruler’s Letter:

This item is a letter handwritten by The Ruler for the Competitor Wolf Adler.

It will grant the reader a permanent 5% immunity to miasma when read.

System’s Favor: This item is cursed by the creator. Anyone who willingly reads it will be forever locked into the miasma minor element, never to be able to manipulate or create any other element.



I quirk an eyebrow at the letter before turning to the next item.

That was to be expected. Although I’m happy to see that the System’s Favor skill warns me about curses.

So, it wasn’t a complete waste of a sponsorship.

Next up, I identify the pair of boots. The boots are black in color and are made out of some sort of leather. They have what looks like black scales coating parts of the outside, with a comfortable looking material coating the inside.


Tier 7 Boots of the Fallen Drake:

These boots increase the wearer’s physical and magical resistance by 15%, while also granting a low physical and magical resistance to the wearer.

Bonus Effect: Allows the wearer to activate a powerful gravitational pull extending from the bottom of the boots, making it difficult for something to knock the wearer off of their feet.



These are pretty good, although I’m not sure why Crystal’s sponsor is also sponsoring me.

Maybe I should ask her later. After I clear this floor.

I reach down to take off my sabatons before grabbing the boots and putting them on.

The boots also just look and fit nicer. Seeing as the sabatons were bulkier than I would have liked.

Which I probably could have fixed by finding new boots on the auction, but there were more important items and skills that I needed up till now.

I give the boots one last glance before focusing on Leo’s sponsorship item.

The item looks rather beautiful if I’m being honest. It has a shiny red jewel implanted on a fiery red band, with what look like falcon or eagle talons pointing outwards from the corners of the area holding the jewel.


Tier 7 Band of the Phoenix:

This ring will automatically block one fire-based damage that would kill the wearer, no matter how powerful the damage is.

Note: The ring will shatter after use.

Note: The damage is not limited to attacks from players and includes any type of damage.



A life saving ring. Not bad.

I reach out to grab the ring before taking off one of my gauntlets and putting it on my index finger.

Not to mention that it looks cool.

After sending on last glance at the black and white letter, I turn around to look at the hall around me.

I wonder if this place is The Reaper’s throne room or something? It would make sense if that were the case.

Although that also leads to the question of where is The Reaper?

Not to mention the obvious question of, why did The Reaper create the System in the first place?

My brows furrow slightly at the questions before I shake my head and look up at the ceiling, through the sky light, and at the crescent moon glowing high up in the sky outside.

Actually, I wonder why the System is so focused on crescent moons anyways?

Anyways, I focus on the announcement again and think return. Soon after that, the black light from earlier returns and I find myself sitting on top of the same ice pillar I was on earlier as I waited for the sponsors to finish bidding.

I frown slightly at the rise in temperature from being back in the desert again before focusing on the battle currently going on in the arena down below. Surprisingly, there are actually two lesser sphynxes in the arena pit this time, which I hadn’t seen in any of the matches prior to entering the Grand Hall.

All of the fights so far have been between one stronger monster and several weaker ones, just like with the first match that I had seen on the floor.

Which makes me wonder if something has changed since I went to the Grand Hall…

I watch the two monsters fight it out for a bit – which isn’t moving forwards very quickly, considering that both of them have sand manipulation – before navigating to the System Message menu.

Now would be a good time to contact Crystal. Not only about this, but also about why her sponsor sponsored me.


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